OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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January 18, 2017 9:17 pm  #191

Re: How do I survive this?

They insert their lover in events even before divorced... its downright sick and evil.  suddenly this person is part of the family.

I try not to think about what goes on at the other house..  NO CONTACT.   If the kids start telling me I cover my ear and sing lalalala.      Don't even think about it.  

But I would definitely keep up those phone calls to the kids.      

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

January 18, 2017 11:47 pm  #192

Re: How do I survive this?


You have the self control I seek lol. No contact except for business with me  but I get fired up at stuff I imagine he's doing all the time. I am trying so hard to be more like you!

The way I usually talk myself out of it is to remind myself how nice it is to NOT HAVE him in my life and that means no info, no contact and flushing the toilet for good.

I just admire your self control. I sense it in everything you author. So nice.



January 19, 2017 12:10 am  #193

Re: How do I survive this?

Lost dad,

I completely understand your fire about this tonight. First you feel she splits up your family and now she's trying to establish some sort of sweet relationship with your kids on the sly. You feel she stole your wife,
and now looks to be after your children. I get it.  It's so raw!  You feel like she's your enemy and I really get that. I feel the same way about the man that split my marriage up....with one exception. In reality it wasn't him that actually split us up - it was the fact that my husband is Gay. The other man just entered my life and marriage at the end of it. If it wouldn't have been him, it would have been some other man exposing my husband is Gay. The real reason is TGT. That said, I hate this man for the terrible way he and my husband treated me at the end. They ganged up on me hammering away at me in cruel ways. I was so alone. They loved it.  I told the other man he could have him and that if he didn't stop harassing me, I would list him in the divorce action for alienation of affection. I smoked him. This is a no fault divorce state That kicked him back significantly and he was then silent and avoided me. I reminded him if I did so, it would alert his long time wife he's Gay.

I do think you cannot control who is around the kids when they are with mom.  Approach it from some other angle or you'll undoubtedly get a judge telling you that you don't have anything to say about who your ex invites into her life which in turn, means the person might be present when your kids are around. She may marry this woman which will mean she will be in their lives and even reside with them at times. Since your kids like her child and it's reasonable to expect she's around mothering her child when they are all together, I don't think you can find a workable reason to present to a mediator or ultimately, a judge, in order to get what you are seeking. Listen to what the kids SAY SHE SAYS TO THEM. If she EVER maligns you or your marriage to mom, you have a legitimate reason to alter rules entered into at the time you agreed to the divorce and custody issues. It's all about strategy to achieve the end goal. While all of this is so damn hard and full of pain, try to watch for the pivotal piece of evidence that will swing this into your favor. Be patient.

If you were here, I'd take you to lunch and give you a hug.


Last edited by Judy (January 19, 2017 12:15 am)


January 19, 2017 12:19 am  #194

Re: How do I survive this?


Wow I can identify with your comment about your home at this point morphing into a wonderful place full of love now. I always thought this beautiful home was a hell hole because of the torture I was put through in the marriage. It wasn't the home at all!!!! It was him! My home is calm, full of fun and happy little dogs and me. I just love it! Amazing the difference.



January 19, 2017 1:07 am  #195

Re: How do I survive this?

Thank you so much for your advice tonight.  You are right about me being on fire.. I'm so frustrated!  How did this woman that I used to admire for her morals and character and ethics turn into such a monster in such a short time?  

Last summer a couple that we were friends with from church broke up because the husband was cheating on the wife. I remember so vividly the utter disgust my ex had for this man.  She just couldn't stop talking about what a horrible person he was and how completely awful a person had to be to cheat on their spouse.   This couple tried for a short time to piece it back together and we considered inviting them into our house for a bible study that we were all in together.. but my ex just couldn't allow it.. She didn't even want him in our home.  She said she didn't want him anywhere near our kids. 

Now look..  She's basically turned into him. 

Judy, thank you for your advice.  I really needed that.  I'm sure you are right that there isn't any way I'd be able to convince a judge to tell my ex who she is or isn't allowed to have around her home.  I do know for sure that they plan to move in together..  So I'm really trying to come up with a way that I might be able to reasonable custody case.  What you mentioned about the other woman possibly saying bad things about me might just happen.  She made some veiled insults toward me on facebook months before I found out what was going on, so I know she hates me.  If her saying bad things about me would help a custody case, then I welcome that.  I'll be sure to document if my kids ever pass anything like that on to me. 

You are right about the end goal being important.  I can bide my time and collect evidence and justification to use against my ex for custody later on.  Hmm...let's see..  Adultery, dishonesty, going against the religion that we agree to raise our children in, refusing to let me call my boys while they are at her home, oh yeah.. .she also had sex with a minor while in college..   and I'm not talking about a 18 year old with a 17 year old.. she was 4 or 5 years older.  Did I mention that adultery is technically a felony in Michigan?   If I can add on alienation of the other parent, i'm sure that would help.  

At least you've got my wheels turning and thinking strategy and how I might be able to do something down the road some day. 

Thanks for the support Judy!

I have no clue what part of the world you are in, but if I ever was in your area I would love to meet you!

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

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January 19, 2017 3:59 am  #196

Re: How do I survive this?

Lost dad,

Gather recent evidence and print what you can off of FB before she deletes it. File it for now. None of what your ex has done that far back would be relevant. Here and now with anything relating to her being neglectful or stating things to your children about you with the sole purpose of trying to damage you to them. As much as we'd all like some consequences for the other party, it's unlikely to occur. That's what makes me so angry as well. Judges are used to one spouse trying to damage the other in custody issues. They are intolerant of either obvious revenge attempts or laboriously going into old stuff. I do believe the opportunity for you to seek a revision in custody will eventually present itself. If not, then fine but I think it's likely. Do remember you've been through hell already and no shared custody is perfect. Taking on the notion you can make it perfect will exhaust you, your money and disturb your healing from all this. You can't move on ahead. Decide if it's good enough as it is or you need to take it on and pay the price. It's not quick or cheap to do. Collecting evidence can also disturb children. They know when it's a war between Mom and Dad and they are the subject. I have a question for you. Is it this particular woman you are angry at because you think she destroyed your marriage? If your ex dumped this one, would another new woman in her life result in the same anger? You have to keep in mind, if she's not with this one, it will be another woman but never you. It took me months of therapy to realize it wasn't the man he is hooked up to. It's that he's Gay and he duped me for decades. I believe mine cheats on the other man as well. He can't be faithful to anyone. I hate cheaters, liars and inconsiderate people. That's what they are.

I'm on the West Coast of the USA. If this gave you any relief, then I am delighted to help.


Last edited by Judy (January 20, 2017 4:06 am)


January 19, 2017 4:23 am  #197

Re: How do I survive this?

Judy wrote:

Lost dad,
 I have a question for you. Is it this particular woman you are angry at because you think she destroyed your marriage? If your ex dumped this one, would another new woman in her life result in the same anger? You have to keep in mind, if she's not with this one, it will be another woman but never you. 


This is a great question.  It's actually something my ex and I have discussed with each other. 

My hatred and anger of this woman is directed at her specifically.  

I would be over the moon if my ex dumped her and found someone else.  I think I could honestly forgive and move on and be a good coparent and even friends with my ex.  At this point, I know my marriage is over and it will not be put back together.  I'm ok with that.  I would never be able to trust her again, so even if she wanted it (which is impossible because she is a lesbian), I wouldn't want to restore it because I'd be worried for the rest of my life.  If she finds a new woman.. one who didn't have sex with my wife while we were still married and while I was still in love with her...  one who isn't married and thus committing the sin of adultery...  One who didn't talk my wife into leaving me.. one who dislike me just because I was married to the woman she wanted to steal away...   one who didn't make a conscious choice to do something that would likely tear apart my son's parents.   Then sure.. I'm fine with it.  I would actually want to foster a good relationship because I would want that new woman to know that I'm a good person. 

I just can't abide by this particular woman being around my kids.  

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

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January 19, 2017 6:13 am  #198

Re: How do I survive this?

lostdad, you'll hate hearing this and apologies if it hurts your heart.   It's likely your kids will never tell you that they enjoy being at their Mom's if they know the truth of how angry you are and how much hate you are holding for your ex-wife's girlfriend.  Kids are kids.  They enjoy playing with the other child because at the end of the day they are children.  They hopefully have a sense of what's going on but don't have anywhere safe to process everything they are feeling.  They won't tell you what's going on over there or that it's ok to be there, because they love you and they know you are hurting.  Also, they may be fearful that you would become more upset---even at them.  

How old are your boys? Please please please keep reinforcing with them how much you love them.  Tell them.  They need to hear it.  It is not their fault this is happening and kids during any divorce get put in the middle.  In these extra special cases we are part of (thanks, spouses), kids have to learn to keep secrets to "protect" their parents, and themselves.  

The palpable anger you have towards this woman is understandable.  But your kids are watching.   If their mother chose to be where she is, do you want the message to your boys to be that their Mom is also all of the things you speak about?  That is going to cause a lot of pain and suffering for the boys to believe that their Mom is also an adulterer, cheater, sinner, etc.   It takes two to start a relationship, and it takes two to break up a relationship.  Your wife made a choice.  Your focus on the other woman ruining your life is understandable, but it is also the woman you were married to that made those choices.  And at the end of the day, she is still the mother of your boys. 
The more anger you have toward the situation, the more your boys will feel it.  Kids see everything.  Is there a counselor or religious therapist you can talk to about this?  It seems your faith is really important to you, and perhaps you'll find comfort focusing on the healing that can occur when you fixate on your love for the boys and stop hitting a wall where you want to control things.  You can't.  You'll destroy yourself in the process, and the boys need you. 
I see you live in Michigan.  I do too.  There are tons of spiritual based divorce support groups.  Maybe you can find one that would help you get this anger out so you begin to feel better with some support of others sharing the anger at an ex, but also have kids to love and raise.   Or, go to the batting cages, or the driving range.  Or to Chuck E Cheese to play Whack A Mole.  Those always worked for me.  
You say you believe you could be friends with and co-parent with your ex.  Putting the other woman (and the belief that she alone caused your marriage to break up) aside, focus on that.  Focus on your boys, and what they need to grow up healthy and happy.  It's clear they are such a light in your life.  Create things to do that are just yours with them--outings, fun "Dad" stuff.  It will help, I promise.  When the boys are at their Mom's, call them to say hello and talk briefly with them.  Do something--anything--to keep you occupied and your mind free of what is going on over there that you can't control.  Call a friend.  See a movie, Netflix binge.  The more you focus and fixate on it, the worse it will be for you (and your boys).  
I'll challenge you, lostdad.  Since we are both Michiganders, tell me what you plan on doing the next time the boys are at their Mom's, to be good to yourself.  How will you spend your time?  Stewing in anger or moving forward?  To quote the beautiful MLK, "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase."
You can do this.  Everyone on this board is here for you.  You are a good person.  You matter.  
As Elsa would say, Let It Go.....
I promise, love feels so much better than hate. 
Sending virtual hugs

“Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely of places.”

January 19, 2017 7:31 am  #199

Re: How do I survive this?

I don't think we are supposed to like their lovers..

My exs lover is a mean bully narcissist..also a home wrecker with kids of her own ..so it may be bad of me but I feel some sick curiosity until I remember NO CONTACT.

My kids do not like her..the one tolerates the lover's kids but thankfully does gravitate to them as far as I know. They are not bad kids.

My oldest hates the lover and her kids. (Did I raise them right?) 

This could all change..my exs dream is for them all to be one family..
She/other lez may have evil plans to get  the kids in the same schools etc. 

I try not to think about it...im not dead yet..my kids will always have refuge and sanctuary at my house...I am not shoving an amoral lover down their throats. Unlike our cheating spouses we can and do  put our kids first.  I have more love and time to give them than she ever will.  I would never put anyone above them...  my ex..I think she would put the lover above the kids in a second.  I knew everthing. .that she loaned our money to the lover etc..  so glad not to be part of that anymore.

My ex can marry or live with someone if she wants to...my financial obligations then end.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

February 13, 2017 12:14 am  #200

Re: How do I survive this?

It's been a couple weeks since I've updated.  Things have changed so much!!!

That last time I posted was just after my kids went to be with Mom for the first time in her new home. I was absolutely furious because she invited her lover to be there with her.  But at the same time I was feeling the amazing relief of having her out of the house and away from that stress. 

Fast forward almost 4 weeks..
It feels like 6 months since she moved out.  I don't miss her a bit.  I still struggle with memories of our past and every once in a while if I have a bad day or something crazy happens I get the urge to reach out to her for support.. Like I always did in the past.. but that's just a habit thing now.  So I don't reach out. 

I did contact her to ask if we could talk.  I want to reconcile with her.  I want to get an apology.  I want to move toward forgiveness.  She told me not to contact her unless its about the kids.. so yeah.. it is what it is. 

Her lover's divorce went final last week.  That triggered me for a day.. but then i got over it..  The only thing I care about is keeping her away from my sons, but I 'm starting to realize that I just can't fix that.. so I will have to let it go. 

I'm going on a vacation to India.. leaving mid-week and coming back toward the end of Feb.  This will be an amazing chance to recharge, get away from my old life, and come back to a new one.  I can't wait. 

Something hit me a couple weeks ago..  I realized that I no longer was desperate for a woman's touch to heal me and soothe me.  I didn't need a stranger to fill the void so much..  I realized that as I considered the idea of having someone new it was now for a different reason.  I missed giving my love to someone else.  I miss sending random text messages to check in and see how her day is going.  I miss having someone to bring a flower home for.  I miss being able to listen to her tell me how her day went.  I just miss being able to put a smile on someone's face.  

Maybe I'm still being naive and hopefully I'm not a horrible rebound threat, but I feel like I'm ready to start meeting someone new.  

Here's the craziest thing..   I have had an account for a while on a dating site.  I never reached out to anyone.. it was just for "shopping".  that sounds horribly crude, I'm sure.  But I found incredible therapy in looking at women's profiles and seeing their pictures and thinking that someday maybe I would be lucky enough to find someone like that.  Anyway.. I had a few people send me a smile, but nobody actually tried to message me.. until Friday.  I've been trading messages with the most incredible woman.  She's just too good to be true.  I'm keeping my eyes wide open and being very careful and intentional and not rushing into things..  I know better. 

But I cannot tell you how amazing it feels to have some hope for a new relationship.  To feel like someone is interested in me.  I cannot describe how good it feels.   After what has been 5 years of stress, 14 months of fear,  7 months of utter depression.    To feel some optimism and excitement..  it's just amazing.  

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

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