How about....
What would you like to see me do to another man?
JJ1966 wrote:
How about....
What would you like to see me do to another man?
"Waste his life dealing with a loser like you" would have been a good response.
There is no reality in anything any of our ex's say. They spin up ridiculous lies to help them cover up who they are.
We live reality and enjoy truth. They live in dark places.
Love this one. (The condoms) "I thought they would be fun for us to try."
(The young men) "I was a father figure." (Later) "I felt excited by them."
(The burner phone) "that was for secret conversations." Duh, this after he denied having it at all.
(My favorite) "It could have been worse. I was never abusive to you."
Lies and more lies and lies about lies. In the end, this is why I left his sorry ass. Disrespect!
Lorax, LOL thank you I needed that.
I admit I seem strange to people with my sense of humor (make bad jokes during bad times just to laugh, but I've cried far too much) laughter at a situation that is so ridiculous seems fitting to me.
OK how about:
when I asked him about having an app called grindr on his phone he said,
"What it's just for flirting?" with big innocent eyes.
JJ I totally get it. Soon after the separation, I remember a friend at work was teasing me about how I did something wrong and I retorted "no wonder she left me". I laughed, they stood in shock and didn't know what to say.
You either have the sick sense of humor or you don't.
Grindr just for flirting, yeah if you are gay. Total gay app.
They are unbelievable!
It blows my mind, we'll what's left 😊
It all makes me laugh, it's so ridiculous.
Jess, my x is doing the very same thing at this every moment. He's telling the entire town that I went crazy and that I turned psycho. There's no way to stop him. If I try, it'll make it look like he's right. But I know the truth and so does God and I have to remind myself that...that's all that matters and move forward with my life.
I totally get it.
Try to nevermind them anymore.
The more upset you get about it the more people point and say it must be true, so you can't win.