OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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December 8, 2016 12:48 pm  #1


Reading all these posts, nice to see I'm not alone.

Just recently, the mother of my 2 young children, wife of 10 years and companion of 17 years revealed to me that she wishes to separate in order to explore a possible future life in which she wants to have a relationship with another woman. I had no idea and was completely devastated when she revealed this to me. Things seemed good. We are a very loving family. There had been no cracks that are usually valid reasons for separation.(abuse, infidelity, etc) Everyone always complimented me on how good of a husband and father I am.

A few years back, my wife was diagnosed with cancer while she was expecting our 2nd child.  I had just begun working at a place that had great potential for me.  However, I had to take time off to be home and take care of her (while she underwent her treatments), our newborn baby and a 1 year old.  It was a rough period but I was there for her, supporting her and making sure she would make it through it so we could continue our lives and enjoy being a family.  During that time, I was forced to leave the promising job as I was still needed at home.  Finances were tight but we were ok and she was getting better.  We got involved in cancer fighting events and raised over $10000 toward breast cancer research.  When she was healthy, since she had a job to return to, we decided I would stay home and take on the role of stay-at-home dad.  I accepted it and did the best I good, with people often saying how great I was with the kids.  I learned a new found appreciation for the work stay-at-home moms do.
I did that for about 4-6 years, until our kids were in full day school.  I felt a bit down during this period as I dwelled on the fact I wasn't bringing in any income for our family, to which she reassured me constantly that the time and work I do with our kids was value enough.  Then came the time for me to return to work.  I took a crappy overnight shift during the holiday season..when that ended, I lucked out and landed another job.  It wasn't the most enjoyable job but it paid decent and it helped me feel better because I was finally able to contribute to our family.

Fast forward a few years and the usual things I seen in people's posts about this on here started to happen.  Lack of interest in sex...which I thought was due to her having her ovaries removed as a precautionary measure in her battle with cancer.(It was/is genetic for her)  We were warned it would affect her libido but I didn't care, I wanted my wie and to not have to worry about cancer attacking her ever again.  We began to go to therapy to talk about this and try to come up with a solution.  We visited our therapist as a couple and both had individual sessions with her as well.  I guess in one of her solo sessions, she came to this conclusion and with the assistance of the therapist, began to get the courage to reveal this to me.

The day she dropped the bomb on me(last month), I was devastated.....I still am.  Its still damn fresh.

Having been a loving, dedicated and loyal husband/father for all these years, her revelation has caused me a tremendous amount of pain and stress as I struggle to understand the changes that I will be faced with.....especially during the upcoming holiday season which is usually a very happy time in our household.

Initially, I refused to accept this news and tried everything to get her to reconsider her decision. Even after her telling me this, I still very much love this woman and had been trying to "win her heart back" because it is completely destroying the dreams and plans I had for my own life. When I married her, I was genuinely expecting it to be a forever thing. I wanted so badly for my children to not have to deal with the broken home childhood that I had when I was a child. My life goal of getting married, staying married, having kids and living "happily ever after" have been shattered. All because I picked the wrong person. I picked the wrong person.

I'm also worried about our children, with whom we haven't yet told about the pending separation. This change could potentially break their little hearts. I am being asked to leave from my home and will need to go get my own place, where I keep getting reassured I will see them every 2nd weekend......I worry in their eyes they will think their Daddy is leaving them or that I don't love them and Mommy anymore. With them being young, I'm told we can't be completely honest with them, to protect them and I get it, I really do. But I'm torn......I did not and do not want this.. I was even trying to work out a solution in which she could explore her urges with me turning a blind eye without busting up our little family but she won't budge, she wants what she wants...Even though this was entirely her decision......I'm told I have to suck it up and make this seem like it was a decision both of us as parents have come to. Even though Daddy still loves Mommy very much, we have to make they believe we both made this decision.

Kinda bullshit from my side of this.......especially given that if this was a case where it was reversed and I said I wanted to separate to be with someone else(female or male), I would be labelled as a complete asshole and bad guy. 

Immediately following her bombdrop, I suffered from 2 very serious panic attacks that eventually sent me to the hospital.  They gave me meds to help and they sure did.  I felt like a zombie and it was relief from what I had been feeling.  I was hoping to keep getting help via meds but on a follow up appointment, then instead opted to give me links to websites geared to control my anxiety....  I use them but I am still very messed up about this whole situation.  I wish they could have given me something because this is really bogging me down.  I cant remember the last time I smiled.  Another sad thing was that due to my severe panic attacks, I was basically out of commission for a weekend and was forced to miss my a sports event my kids are in, the first time I ever missed one.  I also missed my youngest's birthday party.....  I felt horrible but recognized I was in no shape to be there.

My mind doesn't stop.  Ever.  I cant sleep, can't eat.  I've lost about 30 lbs since the news and people are noticing...  I find myself talking to people and revealing everything......and then instantly regretting it...I'm a mess.  everyone keeps saying I will be ok, it just takes time but man, its hard to see that.  I'm completely broken. 

After everything I did for this woman.  All the love and sacrifices.....and shes just throwing it all away.  I don't even know who this person is anymore.......and yet I still love this woman. While I applaud her for being true to herself.....I just wish she was more compassionate with me as I deal with this.....because I am hurting so much and the person who usually comforts me when I am hurt.......well, caused the hurt.


December 8, 2016 1:52 pm  #2

Re: crushed

Crushed: I am so sorry that you are dealing with this. I am in a similar situation where this is all very new and painful (My husband told me about 2.5 weeks ago) and I also have 2 young kids.

Have you started talking to another therapist...one that would not have a conflict of interest? I think maybe talking to someone might help and just know that things are really just moment by moment right now...I feel like that is all that can be expected.

Also, since your wife had already mentioned you moving out and seeing your kids every 2nd weekend...you might want to start talking to a lawyer and learning your rights. You could fight for 50/50 custody. And why should you be the one to move out? She is the one choosing to leave the marriage?


December 8, 2016 2:28 pm  #3

Re: crushed

Crushed..  You are writing so many of the identical words that I have written.   I know exactly how you feel. 

I too lost 30 lbs, had to take weeks off of work on disability and went on meds to help get through the panic attacks. 

Two pieces of advice for you right now. 
1.)  get back on the meds.  If your Dr. won't write the script then get a new Dr.   You need to be a zombie for a while. 
2.)  Don't move out of your house no matter what.  She made this decision, let her move.  If you move out you will have "abandoned" your family and kids in the eyes of the courts and you will definitely wind up with every other weekend custody.  This is your life, take control of it.  Why can't you have 50/50 or better with your kids?  Especially since you spent time at home with them.   Go see an attorney and learn more about what not to do.. what mistakes to avoid just in case. 

Don't just take what scraps she decides to give you.  Step back and re-evaluate the situation.  You are not the cause of this, don't let her take control of your life. 

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 


December 8, 2016 3:13 pm  #4

Re: crushed

Thanks for replying.

I am in a tough spot regarding the stuff you mentioned. My job has me working the evening shift mon-fri so im not available to be with the kids after school. Im stuck with this job for the moment especially since i will be on my own shortly. I also dont make much money so childcare is not really an option.  She makes a considerable amount more than me so she has that advantage.  My role in our family hasnt been as active as it was when she had cancer......i was working towards bettering myself for our family. She has also been the "primary" parent..even when i was stayathome dad.  Shes more organized amd more social than me so she has always been on top of all things related to our children.  I was ok with that role and was mostly there to get her and thevkids tobwhere they needed to go (im the only one with drivers license).   While the idea of really going after her for custody is on my mind.....there is just too much against me at the moment to see an outcome where i would win.   Plus it would add tension and easily ruin the pipe dream i have that we may reunite sometime in the future after she goes off and explores...and then maybe realizes she made a mistake.....i actually just had a conversation with her earlier today about that, telling her patheticly that if there ever comes a time when she regrets this decision....to not be stubborn, ashamed or embarrassed to come to me and let me know

I did seek out legal advice and the lawyers words just sounded so mean and i fear that if i go that route, it will add pressure and tension to what is already a difficult situation.   They mentioned i shouldnt move out until i/we have a seperation agreement in place.  Im so torn to try to battle her.....because i still love her....and she can hurt me further.......im hurting.

So my plan as of now is to try to keep things friendly.....work on myself and build myself up to a position where i am stronger and confident enough.......and then go after custody.  Im too wounded to battle right now.

     Thread Starter

December 9, 2016 4:24 am  #5

Re: crushed

Hi Crushed,

I am weighing in to say please don't contemplate leaving the house.  Please listen to your lawyer.  

You need, you really really really need to take a step backwards from that woman.  You are hurting because she is hurting you, when you step back, stop turning to her as your friend, it is a relief from the hurt, and slowly you gain ground.

You are much stronger than you think, we all find that.  You will feel pretty good again at some point in the future, we can promise you that.  You are not a mean person. You never will be - please listen to your lawyer.  wishing you all the best.  look after yourself.  you will be okay.  this is outrageously painful but it eases in time.


December 9, 2016 2:35 pm  #6

Re: crushed

You are in shock..   Take a step back and breath..

"Immediately following her bombdrop, I suffered from 2 very serious panic attacks that eventually sent me to the hospital."

It's great isn't it... we''re falling apart and all they want is gay sex and to be rid of us so they can be with their lovers.    While the lawyers sound mean really you may see how mean she and her lawyer can become..  don't discount their words yet.   Find an experienced divorce lawyer.

I concur and repeat what lostdad said.       Do not leave your home.    It will be tense but this is tension she created..

Write back for support.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

December 10, 2016 11:50 am  #7

Re: crushed

crushed.....I'm so so sorry you are going through this.  There are alternatives.  You do not need to be the "bad" guy here.  You are not wanting your life as you know it to end.  That was and is her choice.  

If you don't mind sharing with us, what state do you live in?  There are resources that are very familiar with this type of situation we all found ourselves in.  

As for your wife, you are right; you've done so much for her.  You've loved her with all you have.  It's easy for us to get down on ourselves for not being good enough, not making enough money, not being organized.  All BULLSHIT.  You are who you are.  If you think about it, those are all ways for her to control the situation, making you feel powerless.  

I too ended up in the hospital many many times with adrenal depletion and panic attacks.  Who wouldn't be having those symptoms?    I found a therapist that specialized in Trauma, and was anti drug so I could function, and make money.  I used melatonin to sleep at night and went through EMDR therapy (what they use for soldiers post-battle stress) .  It was awesome, helpful, and allowed me to rebuild without being a zombie.

He made twice what I did, paid for most everything, and tried to control the situation when we split.  I was so tired of dealing with him, I hired a lawyer to do everything for me.  I told him what I needed, and he took care of it all for a flat fee.  Half the time I didn't even go to court.  It was the best money I'd ever spent (borrowed from a friend by the way).  
 You said: 
I am in a tough spot regarding the stuff you mentioned. My job has me working the evening shift mon-fri so im not available to be with the kids after school. Im stuck with this job for the moment especially since i will be on my own shortly. I also dont make much money so childcare is not really an option.  She makes a considerable amount more than me so she has that advantage.  My role in our family hasnt been as active as it was when she had cancer......i was working towards bettering myself for our family. She has also been the "primary" parent..even when i was stayathome dad.  Shes more organized amd more social than me so she has always been on top of all things related to our children.  I was ok with that role and was mostly there to get her and thevkids tobwhere they needed to go (im the only one with drivers license).   While the idea of really going after her for custody is on my mind.....there is just too much against me at the moment to see an outcome where i would win. 
You can.  There is help available.  For child care, etc.  You don't need $ to have your kids taken care of.  You need some good advocates who can help you formulate a plan. 

 Plus it would add tension  THIS IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM and easily ruin the pipe dream i have that we may reunite sometime in the future after she goes off and explores...and then maybe realizes she made a mistake.....i actually just had a conversation with her earlier today about that, telling her patheticly NOT PATHETIC, you love her. that if there ever comes a time when she regrets this decision....to not be stubborn, ashamed or embarrassed to come to me and let me know

I did seek out legal advice Did they know the whole story?  It depends what state you live in here, also. and the lawyers words just sounded so mean and i fear that if i go that route, it will add pressure and tension to what is already a difficult situation. You sound super overwhelmed and wounded.  Who is supporting YOU right now?  They mentioned i shouldnt move out until i/we have a seperation agreement in place.  Im so torn to try to battle her.....because i still love her....and she can hurt me further.......im hurting. Fight for your life.  The one you deserve.  You are your own person away from her, and your kids are your kids too.  

We are all here to support you....

“Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely of places.”

December 17, 2016 5:22 am  #8

Re: crushed

crushed, how's it going? 

“Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely of places.”

December 17, 2016 6:18 am  #9

Re: crushed

Don't leave home. It can affect your rights as a father and your chances at any kind of custody if only to decide matters on how the children are raised. Don't be a pushover. Her attorney isn't going to place nice. Make SURE you are represented. Further, see a physician to address the panic attacks ASAP. Links on the Internet are not something strong enough to be a solution. Perhaps a new doctor is in order. Unfortunately, she's declared her Gay preference and draped a veil on it saying it's only to explore it when in reality, she's done with the marriage for good. TGT isn't an illness or temporary. It's permanent. She only used the word explore to soften the blow. I'm very sorry to hear of the pain we all understand too well. I wish you much better days. All of what you say, we can feel as well. You are not alone. 


December 17, 2016 11:37 am  #10

Re: crushed

Dear Crushed,
I'm sorry you are going through this.  I've been on here about 1 month and have found a wealth of information. 
I think down the road you will come to the conclusion that you are one of the few where the spouse came out and told you, and that is fortunate.  You are in the healing process now although it doesn't feel like it.
So many of us are snooping, asking for truth, listening to their gaslighting, their BS.
I would not move out!  Fight for your home & children. 
I would like to send a word of caution:  Please find a Dr who can regulate & prescribe the right medication.  Having a medication where you are zombied out to the point of missing events will only be used against you.  I do understand wanting to be zombied out as to not live the nightmare every minute of the day.

Crushed it is time for you to be in battle mode!  Gather all your strength, friends, family, therapists, dr, attorney....and fight!

For her to change her mind, will she, probably not.
I think these gay in denial spouses are more cruel than a spouse that is cheating with someone of the opposite sex.
The opinion of many is if our spouses were cheating with someone of the opposite sex we would have a fighting chance, when it is cheating with their same sex, no chance of a fight.  We don't have the right anatomy.
Keep reading posts and posting, look for a local support group in your area.  Contact SSN to see if one is in your area.
Take Care of yourself & little ones.
May God Bless you with peace


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