OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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December 10, 2016 11:34 am  #21

Re: New Here

Rene82, lostdad, and Rob:  If I could stretch out my arms for the biggest group hug, I would.  But my arms aren't that long.  
This is year 15 for me being without the life I thought I would have.  Christmas was a really special time for us, so it's equally painful and exhilarating some days.   I never would have imagined smiling, laughing, and not having him in my life doing those things.  Yet, here I am, many years later, with the ability to know that I can smile about the good, and have moved past what was my life.   Now my life is what I choose it to be.  Something new, and something better. 
I recall the pre divorce discussions, how angry he was, and how nothing made sense. I remember him wanting to stay together (we didn't have kids) and wanting to have kids together.  I remember him wanting his life, with our life as a sidebar.  I mean, really?  Was he kidding?  I also remember the self doubt and blame I tried to take.  The only thing I knew through all of it is that I wanted the ability to look myself in the eye and know I was a good person, that I was loving.  Some people called that crazy, and stupid, but it's what allowed me to be me through all of the horrific things he did/said/told.  One thing never changed.  Who I was.  And that, I can be proud of.  Eventually the me came through, and when things began to really come out (over the first 8 years of our split--you read that right)..I didn't have to worry because I was always me.  I didn't have anything to explain. He did.  It's so hard to remember to be our loving selves, especially to our own hearts, because there is so much shit thrown at us to test that.  
For all of you feeling alone, feeling pain, feeling rejected, feeling not good enough, feeling devastated, feeling afraid....we have all been there.  In this special "club", we understand.  I can only speak for myself--I'm here for all of you to listen and support you.  I wish I had this when I was going through my own hell.  Glad I'm here now. 

“Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely of places.”

December 10, 2016 12:10 pm  #22

Re: New Here

jkpeace....thank you.  Which 8 years?  The first 8 years after I left were a growth time for me.  Plenty of focus in building my new life.  We had been together for 9 years before we got married and had all of the same college friends, so it was like leaving an old life in many ways and was incredibly sad.  I had to leave, though.  I had to physically and emotionally remove myself from all the lies and hatred he was spewing.  His story to everyone as to why I left our marriage was laughable.  I was willing to take the hits (and they kept on coming), because I knew eventually his lies would catch up with him.   As for me, walking away, but still being who I was, was probably the toughest thing.  
By that I mean, when friends asked what happened, I came up with a great line, "I was too much woman for him.".  I never expanded that comment, I never clarified.  Years later, it would make sense to them.  I never told people he was gay.  I never told people about my pain.  So it was a lonely time.  I carried it around inside for 3 years, stayed in therapy, and during that time only told 1 person, my best friend.  She was a tremendous support.   Eventually, as I became stronger, I told friends if it was appropriate to tell them.  Attending large events like weddings and funerals was interesting.....some people knew, some people didn't.  I never had to say a thing, and he and his partner moved out of state so he never really interacted with our college friends much after that.  
The 8 years (I left in 2001, he began telling people in 2009) where his secret was his, were some of the hardest times in my life.  I had to leave his telling to him.  Not because he asked me to, but because it was HIS to tell.  I didn't do anything.  I didn't lie.  I didn't cheat.  I was just his wife, and then I wasn't.  And I did choose to leave, for my own survival.  Eventually that spoke for his weakness and my strength.    I think the hardest day of those 8 years was his mother leaving me a gift on my front porch with a note asking if she could see me sometime (after I left he told his family I didn't want to see them (another lie)).    I called her to say hello and she asked, "Is my son a fairy?"  So painful and horrible mostly because that isn't my belief system, and also because I could hear the pain in her voice.  Most painful is that this woman, who thought I didn't want to see her and whom I loved like a second mother, was begging for the truth, and I had to send her to her son.  All I could say was that I loved and missed her, and she had to ask him if she wanted to know about his life. 
I used my energy in lots of other ways, other than hating him.  I volunteered at an LGBT teen shelter, knowing that if my ex-hubby was allowed some space to be who he was, that I likely wouldn't be in the situation I found myself in.  I found it incredibly rewarding.  I took extra jobs, to buy things for my home, and go on trips that I'd always wanted to go on.  I started my quest to visit all 50 states before I turned 50 (happy to say I only have 6 left, and 4 years to go!), and I began to love my life for what it was and who I was in it.  

There's hope, everyone.  Take time for you.  You're so very worth it.  

“Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely of places.”

December 10, 2016 10:13 pm  #23

Re: New Here

Thanks mares. It gives us hope

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

December 11, 2016 7:39 pm  #24

Re: New Here

Thanks for the message...it does give me hope.

My husband moved out yesterday morning (of course with the kids I did still see him today) but it's for the best...I just couldn't start to move forward with him in the house and constantly having anxiety about what he was doing and who he was talking to. he really thinks that we will be best friends and wants that so bad because we have been each other's best friend for over 14 years. When I am away from him I think that one day we will be able to be friends again but when I see him all the pain and anger comes rushing at me! I know it's only been 3 weeks since the big reveal but it's just so hard to wrap my head around all of this.

     Thread Starter

December 12, 2016 7:37 am  #25

Re: New Here


He moved out...so you should be feeling some relief...

When my ex moved out I was emitionally sad but my body felt physical relief..but we had been at odds for so long.  I look back now(still only this year) and realize it really happened.and it was for the best.  No one should live with a lying cheating spouse that hates you.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

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