OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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September 30, 2024 10:29 am  #1

What should I do?

Hey everyone! My husband (21) and myself (22) are both military, which is how we met. Im no longer in but he is and upon me exiting service we decided to get married so that I wouldnt have to move back home. Im actually starting to feel thats the only reason other than me being a coverstory.

About 4 months ago he was playing the game and I was upstairs. When I came down his headset was on so he couldnt hear me and I decided to sit on the couch and wait. I had to move his phone and I got a glance of a reddit post. I cant recall everything but it was a man complaining about his wife. I was interested because men in those groups usually tend to ruin your life later lol. I read the post and didnt see any issues but as I kept looking I started to see different reddit groups such as r/gayporn r/grindr r/quitgrindr and about 2 more scrolls worth of stuff maybe over 20 groups. I looked for about 5 seconds when he turned his head and snatched his phone. I asked what was that he brushed it off and I said okay and went back upstairs. I truly didnt know how to feel.

Later that day he asks to talk to me and told me he would delete everything and that he was sexually assaulted as a kid and since then he hasnt been the same but I call bs. The story sounds made up truly but as someone who has dealt with similar I didnt want to be quick to judge. Truthfully though it sounded like a complete lie. I just said okay sorry he went through that and he gave me a big hug and said it felt good to get that off his chest.

Not long after I caught him again. We were already in an argument and when I woke up in middle of the night I happen to see a reddit notification. I confront him after he got home from work. ( even though I feel betrayed I wouldve hate to make him go to work with all that on his brain. ) We were having two arguments in one but the gay argument lead to him having a complete breakdown. shaking and I couldnt console him. All he wanted to do was call his mom but I told him he would have to calm down before I give him the phone to talk to her. ( no mom would be okay hearing her son in such distress ). He spoke to his mom and the house was pretty silent and so we started talking again. I asked him has he ever been with any many he said no. I asked if he was gay? no. Bi? a laugh then a no and how could I think that. he then volunteers again to delete everything. I said okay.

Fast forward I decided to see if he did delete everything about 2 days later and while he deleted text messages he didnt delete recently delete messages so I was able to see that he had infact been with a guy that gave him head regularly.  This was Mar 2022 to about Nov 22 He would constantly text first and sometimes triple or double text them if he didnt gat a response in a few days. The first time they met was at a hotel then everything after that seem to be in the guys truck and my husband askin for head. The guy would sometimes respond he wasnt in the mood to give head too long tonight only 30 mins????? and some of their last messages my husband stated he wanted to " beat his guts down when he came back from leave" which the guy told him to have sex with someone in his hometown and that he was not willing to have sex. My husband laughed it off and then double texted him. 

I havent been able to find anything else but things such as his safari always being in private mode and once unlocked doesnt have even one tab open. Usually after he has just jacked off. We are pretty open about things like that but in the back of my head I know. Last week he came out the shower and his hole looked so swollen and red. I was like what happened and I was actually concerned he laughed and said thats just how his penis looks when hard. We been having sex for over two years and when I saw it he was at the end of the bed and I at the top. I went deep diving and I guess some men like to stick things in there. They make things just to go in there like buttplugs. Its entire reddit groups dedicated to how to do it best ways on how to start out etc I have no proof he did this but I have my gut.

Ive tried to bring this up once and he said he didnt want to talk about it yet. We agreed he would come to me. Its been about 2 months since I tried to bring this up and he still hasnt said anything. Im at the point now where I dont want to have sex I get turned off now. I dont know if its the lies thats making me know even if I decided to stay with him I couldnt trust him or what.

Ive spoken very low of him throughout this post and I would like to say hes a great person other wise. I just feel betrayed and honestly like a cover story. Even some family memebers said infront of me they thought he was gay. Im the first girlfriend turned wife. I truly feel like I fuckeddddd up.


September 30, 2024 1:44 pm  #2

Re: What should I do?

bearlover123 wrote:

Ive spoken very low of him throughout this post and I would like to say hes a great person other wise. I just feel betrayed and honestly like a cover story. Even some family memebers said infront of me they thought he was gay. Im the first girlfriend turned wife. I truly feel like I fuckeddddd up.

Anybody can be a great and wonderful person to everybody. It's those close to the wonderful person who sometimes find out they're not so great. 
You are young and not as experienced in life as some of us who discovered our SO was lgbtq and the feelings you have for him and the life you have made together will be uppermost in your thoughts which will make any decisions you make seem enormous to your future.

If I could go back to age 27 when I met my lgbtq partner...and could look into the future and see what my life has turned into....I wouldn't have got involved. But that's not how life works. I fell in love, we had a perfect life but I questioned him about something, hit a raw nerve so backed down so as not to make waves in our r'ship. And  after that every time the subject came up...."what are you doing/watching...texting/seeing?" he would close up and go into his silent shell. 
This Mindfuck you're going through will last longer than it has to until you get honest answers. The fact you feel you have to go through his phone tells me your intuition is already telling you that something is off...and that you know you're not going to get those honest answers. 

You're in the right place for support. Keep posting. reading. asking questions 

Do you have trusted friends/family you can talk to in confidence about this?


KIA KAHA                       

September 30, 2024 10:50 pm  #3

Re: What should I do?

Thank you for responding!

Ive honestly come to the conclusion that we will end up divorced. Ive decided to get on birth control and take proper steps. Plus is we have only one car (mine) at the moment so im 100% sure hes atleast not physically cheating on me. 

Sometimes I am a bit confused though because he seems to be very if not overly attracted to me. He wants to have sex 24/7 but Im never in the mood ( personal stuff plus this being the reason ) but we still lead a regular sex life. He adores the ground I walk on. As I type this the thought that he feels guilty maybe the reason because honestly I've always felt maybe I have trust issues or hes just being too lovely dovey to point where it feels forced.

Thank you for giving me your experience to help gage what I should consider. 

     Thread Starter

October 1, 2024 12:55 am  #4

Re: What should I do?

bearlover123 wrote:

..... He wants to have sex 24/7 but Im never in the mood.

My libido, and my trust in A...suffered in the end. We had a very robust and exciting sex life, plus a 4 year open r'ship, but the man I loved was interested in other men and thought it shouldn't matter to me... or even affect what we had together. Yes he actually said that...!
In the end I thought of myself, stopped all intimacy as I thought about/decided my future and after 3 more years we separated.


KIA KAHA                       

October 1, 2024 9:32 am  #5

Re: What should I do?

You are both young. That's why he wants sex 24/7. I hate to put it this crudely but right now he could have sex with anything that has a hole. It doesn't matter if he's gay or straight. When I got married, sex was great in my 20's. It all went to hell when we hit our 30's, and all of a sudden it wasn't just a physiological reflex for him.

If he is gay, none of this is going to last. That is part of the mind fuck of all of this. I couldn't comprehend how I could be married for 20 years and sleep with the man and then he suddenly announced he was gay. It was one hell of a cruel wake up call.

You are just beginning - marriage at the very start should be in the honeymoon phase, you should be walking on cloud 9, not worrying about your husbands sexual orientation. Take care of yourself, and make sure you live your own life.


October 1, 2024 10:58 am  #6

Re: What should I do?

When Ive tried bringing it up in the past he shot me down. Part of the reason he doesnt even know I know he has done anything physical with men. How should I ensure we talk? I feel just dropping things that will force him to talk may come off as judgmental and even demeaning and I dont want to do that but we have got to talk. I just want honesty. What questions should I ask to kind of gage where his head is?
I dont really have anyone else to talk to or guide me with this.

Im also concerned about if hell react in any negative or violent way. I know he respects and loves his mom and part of me believes that he already knows hes gay but will never act on or do anything about it while she's alive. (Myself, he, and his entire family are christians) I believe considering the breakdown he had before when I wasnt even being mean, rude, judgmental or anything yet he flipped out. Not towards me but just complete mental breakdown.

     Thread Starter

October 1, 2024 12:07 pm  #7

Re: What should I do?

In a few years....if you're still with him (and I suspect you will be because the Mindfuck is like treacle to pull yourself out of) you may realize how he's manipulated his situation to ensure you put him first, not yourself. But even then you'll probably justify your decision to stay because of your fidelity, not his.

You'll compare everything you love about him against your concern about who and what he is and it still won't be enough to see yourself as more important in a r'ship that, in my opinion, puts you in second place to his desire for male contact.

Are you keeping this to yourself or do you have somebody to talk to?


KIA KAHA                       

October 2, 2024 10:18 am  #8

Re: What should I do?


So sorry..
You didn't F up.  The only thing you did was give true fierce love.
He gave?  Whatever he gave or is giving he did not give 100%. He held back his same sez attraction..he's not straight.

He thus, didn't honor the very basic agreement of his vows of marriage.    Your supposed to be grateful if he has sex with you..but then goes on these same sex groups or has  sex with men?
If he tells the truth this day bit not the next?   

What your feeling here is the horribleness of the gay thing.   In time it can eat you up with worry and anxiety..ie.  is he meeting a buddy for a beer or having sex?  Why should you have to wonder?

You did nothing wrong ..really the only thing you can do wrong now is not plan your exit.  It will be so much harder and debilitating later if you a long term marriage, kids, and  many assets to divide.

This is not us leaving them..this is them rejecting us.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

October 2, 2024 4:12 pm  #9

Re: What should I do?

time to start digging yourself out of the hole you have fallen into isn't it.  congrats on finding this forum.  we are a good resource.

as I read our posts here one of the things that stands out for me is the recurring themes and this is one of them - you want straight answers and you're not getting them.  In fact he is threatening you with mental instability if you persist in asking him.

The way my mother put it to me is that he will neither accept you nor let you go.

Based on what I and the other people here have experienced, however much you might want an honest conversation you won't be able to get him to talk openly with you, you won't get any honesty from him.  He will play you for as long as he can get away with it.

He is not protective of you, he is not protective of his marriage, he is protective of his closet.

You might be able to barter your keeping quiet about him being gay for an easier exit to the marriage.  I did that.  I just don't think I'd have got him to accept we were divorcing if I didn't.

When we get married a straight person thinks okay now we are a team, a partnership, we will talk together and make decisions together.  You have already learnt this isn't happening.  Rather than keep begging for some honest conversation take back your autonomy.  Stop trying to think like you are in a partnership with him and go back to thinking as an individual, like you did before getting married.

wishing you the best of luck.


October 4, 2024 11:22 am  #10

Re: What should I do?

Bearlove123 - Run as fast as you can! You are young. Count this as an experience and get OUT! If his family was shocked that he got married, it speaks volumes! RUN and get OUT! 



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