OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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April 1, 2024 3:01 pm  #11

Re: How does cross dressing relate?

Jupiter,  The ever changing labels as to how they identify and trying to figure it out is insanity.  Sort of a mind fuck.  I never believed in labels.  So when his labels changed like the wind, I thought he’s just plain nuts. Sometimes I wondered if the labels were to see what he thought would be acceptable to me.
when I found a self made video on his iPad, dressed in femme lingerie with a male dildo in one hand and self masturbating, and muttering he’s exploring his feminine side, I thought he was nuts.  When he started to wear women’s lingerie to bed and used it as a prop for sexual roles ALL the time, and acted as if he was a submissive woman, I thought this was not normal.  It was if he lived in a fantasy world.  Then came the self gender dysphoria diagnosis, depression diagnosis and suicidal ideations which came about suddenly.  One thing morphed into another towards this rollercoaster of drama that he created.  Thus I had a lot of stress and adrenaline running through my veins and had physical ailments and exhaustion.  It was like living in a circus atmosphere.  It’s hard to get out when they are creating drama, saying they are a woman trapped in a man’s body and if you attempt to leave that you are not supportive.
Another thing to consider is porn usage.  I did not think he watched porn but asked him anyway, “do you watch gay porn”.  His response was, “no to gay, but I watch TG porn.”  
I was fortunate that we were not married, did not have children.  
I wish you strength during these tough times.  



April 1, 2024 9:26 pm  #12

Re: How does cross dressing relate?

Blue bear thank you for your reassurance that dressing like a woman is not a straight man’s go- to or ever activity. I’m so traumatized I find myself eyeing random guys everywhere out and about, wondering if they too would prefer to be out wearing dresses.

Thanks Norah for sharing your roller coaster ride from H***. I’m sorry for all the totally shocking experiences you had. Those images and photos of your ex must be seared into your memory. 

Liz, have you checked out the Minwalla white paper on sexual secrets cited elsewhere here. I think for me that unifies a lot of the experiences folks describe here with their LGBTQ partners, & it seems cross dressers typically fall squarely into the sexually secretive camp.

I’m newly posting here, but am grateful to you all for the collective wisdom here, generously shared.


April 2, 2024 6:44 am  #13

Re: How does cross dressing relate?

Yeah ..straight guy here for what its worth and to repeat it..would never think of or imagine wearing woman's cloths.   Just in case they tell you its normal..no..no it's not.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

April 2, 2024 7:07 am  #14

Re: How does cross dressing relate?

Thanks Rob I did need to hear it again!! I don’t know about the other ladies here but for me that’s super helpful. One of my exes go to strategies has been to.  1. Cross dress in secret 2. I am totally turned off by the dressing and the lying and state stay away buddy 3. He justifies cross dressing kink bc of the sexless marriage. Boom my fault.   But even if it was a physically unsatisfying marriage why would an actually straight guy turn to secretive cross dressing right? And somehow, the gaslighting kinda works on me. I’m trying to grey rock through early separation with mixed success.  I see how people get to no-contact.

Last edited by Jupiter1 (April 2, 2024 7:08 am)


April 2, 2024 12:24 pm  #15

Re: How does cross dressing relate?

Hey, Jupiter1 -- sounds like your ex is pulling from the in-denial playbook.  My ex-wife tried to blame her same-sex affair on a variety of my alleged faults.  It makes no sense.  And over four years after her divorce, she denies that she's anything but straight even though she's married to the woman affair partner.

One of the best pieces of advice I received from a fellow straight partner is that we should waste exactly zero time analyzing their self-applied labels.  The only label that matters is "not straight", and their behaviors back that one up almost 100% of the time.  There's no more analysis required because most of us did not sign up for "not straight".


April 5, 2024 8:18 am  #16

Re: How does cross dressing relate?

While I hate that any of you have experienced something like what I’m going through finding out about my husband’s secret cross dressing, I do find solace in knowing I’m not alone. Your comments are truly helpful. As disgusting as I find the cross dressing, and as horrified as I am by the fact that he would risk everything to do it (like dressing up in public places where our daughters could have easily seen him), I think I’m most wounded by the withholding of information, deceit and lies. He says he no longer wants to do it and I should give him time to earn back my trust. But that just feels too scary and risky to me. I can’t unknow what I now know. Anyone else?

     Thread Starter

April 5, 2024 10:17 am  #17

Re: How does cross dressing relate?

I’m sure you’ve gathered that the cross dressing also known as AGP (autogynephilia) is a persistent behavior that may wax and wane but remains present.  There’s a podcast by Blanchard on Our Path discussing his research— that is not currently en vogue and resisted by some in the trans community. Others like Anne Lawrence and Phil Illy (also on the our path podcast) embrace AGP and describe it as an orientation. Whatever the nomenclature, the interest/behavior/orientation tends to stick around.

My husband, whom  I’m now newly  separated from is a classic AGP person largely in denial. As discussed above the minimizing and denial and general confusion generated and experienced by my partner is tough to live with. But so is separation and divorce.  I feel for you. These are such difficult issues to deal with, sort through with huge life/family/financial impact. But the emotional impact of living with an in-denial and obfuscating partner is terrible for your partnership and for your mental health.


April 5, 2024 11:10 pm  #18

Re: How does cross dressing relate?

LizD wrote:

........ But that just feels too scary and risky to me. I can’t unknow what I now know. Anyone else?

Too right LizD! 
I think about all the times I had over the years that were happy. And all the security and privilege and sometimes I want the good stuff back. I even said to A (because we have an amicable r'ship still) "I miss you....this..." (at the time we were having coffee and catch up in the city one weekend) Life was so easy, even knowing what I know and having some stressful horrible memories, my life had no pressure. 
Then...the next second...I remember why I can't trust him. Because he proved to me he was willing to keep secrets and even though life now is tough, I have no car (public transport yay) and my feet hurt constantly and the budgeting, don't get me started!....I know there's been a weight lifted off my shoulders and the dread that used to sit in my stomach is not there. 


KIA KAHA                       

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