OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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December 18, 2023 7:50 pm  #11

Re: I still can't believe it!

My bisexual husband never wants to hold my hand either. 

Sometimes I wish that he would divorce me.   He says that he wants to stay married to me, but I don't think that I can ever really trust him.  I'm just living one day at a time.    

I think that some of these married gay / bisexual men are delusional.   What other explanation is there for their behavior?   How can they treat their wives that they've been married to for decades so callously?  



December 18, 2023 10:38 pm  #12

Re: I still can't believe it!

Supriseimgay wrote:

Well, I’m new here after 22 years of marriage my husband said one night and I quote you know I’m gay, right?
I want to say I had no clue, but there was a couple of things during our marriage that made me question, but I never sincerely thought that he was. Now that he’s in middle age he’s decided that he wants to finish his life living the life that he missed out on and asked for a divorce.
To say I’m broken is putting it mildly. This only happened a couple months ago and we are in the middle of a divorce now but I’m stuck in the same house with him until the finances can be worked out and it’s really odd because it feels normal. He comes home we talk about our day, he goes golfing talks about his score etc. But he’s lied about it but tried to hook up with two different people and hasn’t worked out yet but it will. I don’t understand why he has to tell me these things but it’s like he’s so giddy. He can’t help sharing his happiness and it’s like so in your face to me. He says things to me like I wanna hold somebody’s hand just not yours! That was something that was really important in my life that he would never do. He could not or would not show affection or simply hold my hand.
I don’t sleep I don’t eat I take medication for depression and hes trying to start dating! Meanwhile, I cried and have cried every day for 76 days. Does this ever stop? Do you ever get over it?

I am sorry to have to say welcome to the club no one wants to belong too.

My former spouse also pulled all that crap. He was incredibly cruel. Married for 20 years when he announced "I'm gay, I'm divorcing you". I was completely blind sided.

He also saw the need to tell me how unattractive he found me, how he hadn't been attracted to me in a long time, that he couldn't wait to sleep with other people, that he wanted to actually experience love and a real relationship....and then he got mad at me for breaking down. Because he "didn't mean it in a bad way, it had nothing to do with me". 

It took 6 months of breathing, blinking, and not knowing what my name was to sort of come up for air. Then I'm pretty sure I cried for 6 months. He has found the need to tell me multiple times how happy he is now, and how he got everything he ever wanted....while I'm still staring at the tiny fragments of my life scattered about in the wind. He is doing his best to bankrupt me in the divorce process and I am working 4 jobs to pay the bills.

I did have some questions about the marriage. And I tried to work together to deal with all the unraveling of the marriage....but he just chose to completely ignore me. His plan seems to be to never acknowledge my presence again, unless it is to abuse me and spew all his hate at.

I am still in the weird grey area where I am seeing just how much he destroyed me as a person, and struggling through that process, but having small glimpses of the opportunities I now have in life. It's a messed up place to be....but it's still better than dealing with him.


December 19, 2023 3:57 am  #13

Re: I still can't believe it!

Abby wrote:


Great advice Abby


KIA KAHA                       

December 19, 2023 11:57 am  #14

Re: I still can't believe it!

"...How can they treat their wives that they've been married to for decades so callously?  .."

Daryl and Abby summed it up well.   

I learned I did nothing so wrong that warranted the treatment.  I learned I did not want such a hurtful and abusive person in my life.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

February 3, 2024 12:29 am  #15

Re: I still can't believe it!

Update:  I’m still stuck in the same house with him, but divorce is almost final and I’ll be able to move out then. He just told me that he has a date Sunday.  It’ll be the first one he’s Hospital been truthful about.  I still don’t think he’s hooked up with anybody yet, but it’s his goal.  I guess the thing that upsets me most at this point is because he’s 58 years old and the kid he’s going to meet 27. And he thinks that doesn’t matter.  He thinks they’ll have a lot in common.  I think he’s gonna be the rich old guy that gets hit on for $$ but that’s his lesson to learn. my son said something the other day that kind of made sense, he said he’s outgrown us and I said what do you mean and he said well I’m an adult and live on my own and take care of myself and he doesn’t need a wife if he’s gay so he doesn’t need us anymore. Wow that kind of opened my mind and it made me think that this is just like a middle-age man who runs off with the young secretary because he wants a trophy wife. I think that fits and I’m old bitch that gets left behind for the new kid on the block.. I don’t know I’ll update again we’ll see


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