Hello OurPath people from germany. I was directed to this site, after I wrote my story on reddit (can not link right now, need two more posts).
I (35m) got the news from my spouse (30f) of 13 years, 4 months ago, that she is in fact lesbian and I am pretty much devasted.
We had some troubles in our relationship, but always worked it out.
Till a year ago, even our sex was great. She rarely initiated it, but I always had the feeling she also liked it.
Back then, we talked about her being asexuel, and I was fine with that.
7 months ago, we planed a vacation together in a different country, but before that, we had a huge fight. She quickly got a new place to live, she assured we could get it to work with some time being apart ect, but at the day of the flight (we were a group of 6), she called me and said she is about 98% sure she is lesbian. As you can imagine, that trip was horrible for me. Denial, anger, disappointment.
Some time ago, I talked to her female best friend from some time ago. She also stated that they talked after watching orange is the new black, that she may be lesbian, but never really talked really deep about it, nor with me. Actually, I haven't seen or talked in person to her, since the call.Yesterday she told me, she is in a relationship with her Co worker. Another blow to my heart. The worst part is, she stated that if I had went to therapy earlier (I went shortly after the breakup, when she not yet confessed her sexuality to me), we could have managed it. I know this could not have worked, how could it? Maybe we would have dragged it a year longer or anything. I wished her all the best, I really do hope she is happy.My self-esteem is completely destroyed, I feel like a widower. The love of my life is gone, the women I wanted to marry.After the breakup, I hit the gym, trying to numb my feelings from time to time. The therapy seasons are most likely to help, but everything feels so difficult right now.I am not mad at her for being with another women, it was way more difficult when my partner before her, cheated on me, but I am disappointed how she handled the situation. She still has contact to mother (we lived above my mother for 7 years). It is a surreal feeling thinking about that. I told her, it is OK if they keep contact, but I dont want so see her. Yet I told her, if she finds out she is not leabian, she should come back to me. I am weak, and I know this is not the right thing to do.At the moment, I feel like I can never trust, or give my heart to a women. Only had two real relationships, and both ended unwell.
Last edited by Dashu (December 21, 2023 2:25 pm)
Give it some time and focus on yourself, not on the next relationship. If you are doing therapy, keep at it. If the gym helps, that's great. I think you are correct in that this would eventually have happened. Take a small step each day. Wishing you well.
I'm so sorry that you're going through this Dashu. This experience does affect our self-esteem, but it shouldn't because it really has little to do with us.
Hey Dashu, I'm so sorry to hear your pain. I think I may have been one of the Redditors that replied to you.
It is normal for straight men to feel emasculated and feminized when we find out our partners are more attracted to woman than to us. Many of us feel like we were used, just a prop in their quest to be "normal" in the eyes of their community. Why would they choose to be with us if they really wanted a woman? Were we a "close enough" option for them? Was it something about us that made them choose to turn away from men, and run into the arms of women? Were all those fights really just a series of attacks on my manliness?
These thoughts are normal, but they are also false and unhealthy. I urge you to not let them eat you up. The simple fact that you did not choose to leave the relationship at the first sign of trouble tells me that you are a strong, quality man.
You are not weak. You are in a moment of internal pain and self-doubt, and probably trying to hide your pain from those around you. Find some close friends or family to confide in, and let them build you up. Even superheroes need somebody to believe in them, and remind them who they are, from time to time. We are only human.
For your own self-care, continue to do what you are doing. You are a good person, and I encourage you to nurture those qualities through counseling and physical activity. If you have not already started building a new skill or putting time into a hobby, I would encourage you to do that as well.
You don't have to continue to invest emotion into a person that will never return them in the way that you need. Save those emotions for yourself, until you find somebody worthy of them.
Hang strong, friend. We are all on your side.
Thank you all for your kind words. I try my best, but it is, to be honest, pretty difficult right now.
Dashu, of course it is difficult, these are hard feelings and you can't just walk over them, they're real.
I found my anger to be the thing that really helped me get through everything that needed to happen to achieve a divorce. I'm not quite sure why your mother is still seeing this woman, it seems an added hurt to me - have you told her the truth? I would have thought she would be angry on your behalf and for herself - romantic betrayals hurt all the family.
I am not really angry at her, I guess I am more disappointed how she handled it.
For my mom, I am ok with having contact with her, as long I don't have to deal with anything. My ex still means a lot to me, but I guess we could never be friends.
You do mention feeling angry in your post. It is only natural to feel angry at being deceived - why didn't she tell you she was a lesbian at the start, why wait til now - it's shocking and painful.
Dashu, in terms of self esteem you have been taken to the cleaners, we know what it feels like here, we are a sympathetic group.
! was grateful for my family support. I didn't want to talk about it with them but it felt good knowing they had my back.
There's running stitch and there's back stitch. Running stitch will hold the fabric together temporarily but it takes back stitch to make a solid seam. And that's what happens - our heart needs to mend so we spend time thinking through the past as well as moving into the future. It just happens, with time, time will come when you are over her. Physical exercise - I was in my late 50's, I walked and swam - it helps a lot. I think maybe that's all you need to do, if at all possible walking in the forest is just amazing.