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This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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June 29, 2023 5:45 am  #1

Crossdressing, bisexual husband, hooking up with men, past trauma

I am looking for help if anyone has been in a similar situation. I am a 49 year old heterosexual women, with my husband 20 years and have 2 children. Shortly after the marriage, I found women's clothes and an anal sex toy and confronted my husband. He admitted to crossdressing. He was watching all sorts of porn - gay, tranny, shemale, S&M etc.. I stupidly put things behind me. In 2016, I began snooping again & found he was on hook up sites - confronted him again and he swore it was only fantasy based and he would never take it to the next level. Says he is 100% sure he is not gay but feels he is bisexual as he is attracted to women. We have always had an active sex life.
Skip forward to now - the past year my husband was stressed in work, more irritatble than usual and I definitely felt he was emotionally withdrawn from me, we were not doing things as a couple. So I began snooping again - this time I found naked pitctures of him (which were never sent to me), sex messages between himself and men. I confronted him and he is admitting to hooking up with 3 men- they make him 'dress up' and he gives them a blowjob. Saying there is no anal sex (which I suspect is bullsh**). My husband is now telling me that he was sexually abused when he was 17/18 by older men - they 'forced' him to wear women's clothes and made him go to certain places to have sex etc.. My husband is currently having a total breakdown - saying his mind is fu*ked up, he is addicted to pain, watches too much porn, masturbates too much. He feels he is doing all these things because of the past 'abuse'. I don't know what to believe anymore. My own reality is turned upside down. He is saying he is very attracted to me, and wants to be me because I am attractive!!!

What in hells bells is going on? Is he gay/bisexual or transgender? He is very messed up and I don't think I can live in his shadow.   


June 29, 2023 7:45 am  #2

Re: Crossdressing, bisexual husband, hooking up with men, past trauma

Autogynephilia is defined as a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female. It is the paraphilia that is theorized to underlie transvestism and some forms of male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism.
He may need counselling to realise if this is his truth. The thing is, that many times these cases end up with transition. They tend to follow a curve of development fed by a reward structure. The more female behaviour they feel they experience then this feels gratifying to them. It can culminate in attaining a physical form of womanhood. I won’t lie to you. This process will likely damage you if it does happen. You will watch your former man be consumed by a female that you will probably find you simply don’t want to be with. Society tends to view Transgender individual as the same. They do not understand that the Autogynephiles and Phenotype transgender individuals are very different. The Phenotypes are in fact in the wrong body to begin with, and will have been at odds with their own bodies for some time. They tend to make the transition with a sense of relief as the overwhelming feeling that this makes them comfortable with their true selves. Autogynephiles seem to make unstable transgender individuals who are chasing chemical highs they receive by rewarding the underlying paraphilia. In a way, they will fall in love with their female selves and find it hard to understand why others cannot love them the same way they do themselves. Questions about orientation can wait for the moment. They are not the issue for you at the moment and can quickly cause more confusion for you both. This is something beyond gay or straight.


And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see clearly that which is essential is invisible to the eye.

July 1, 2023 3:42 pm  #3

Re: Crossdressing, bisexual husband, hooking up with men, past trauma

Thank you for your reply. I am indeed wondering if my husband is transgender. He is telling me that he finds me so attractive that he sometimes wants to be me. When we had sex over the past year he used to say 'you are mine' 'look at you' - I am now realising it is like he was pretending to be me! Ugh. With his hook up's he likes to be the 'female' role, submissive to the male. So maybe he really wants to be a woman. Either way I am 100% heterosexual and not attracted to women in any way. I am so betrayed by all the lies and his betrayal I just need to find my way out of it all. 

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July 1, 2023 4:31 pm  #4

Re: Crossdressing, bisexual husband, hooking up with men, past trauma

Hi Butterfly, As far as his mental health goes, he may not even understand what is happening to him. This sort of thing tends to build and build first. He would benefit from counselling to help him come to terms with what he is. You of course, do not have to support him in any decisions he makes later on. It doesn’t automatically mean that he will actually transition in the end. But if he is open to the idea, then I should think this will cause sexual excitement in him. 

And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see clearly that which is essential is invisible to the eye.

July 1, 2023 6:17 pm  #5

Re: Crossdressing, bisexual husband, hooking up with men, past trauma

Thank you again. In 2016 - I (stupidly) arranged for him to go for his own individual therapy - when he thought he was bisexual. I recall now (stupidly) that he (a) started shaving his body hair & (b) once the therapy hit on any emotion, he ran for the hills. I have recently found photos on a hidden folder on his phone of pictures of 'beautiful women', my underwear and photos of me zoomed in to show my legs/breasts etc...I am now looking back on the marriage - I was just a 'perfect' front really. Pretty/giving him the 'outside' life he wanted to look like the wonderful man everyone knows he is - but now I am sitting here thinking does he really want to be a woman! He is certainly having a complete breakdown emotionally at the moment - like a wounded animal looking to be saved - telling me he loves me etc... - yet I am the one trying to keep my head above water for the kids sake. I am not sure of your own story Ordinary Guy - but is this a familiar script? 

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July 1, 2023 7:05 pm  #6

Re: Crossdressing, bisexual husband, hooking up with men, past trauma

Please don't beat yourself up for the past. Yes, it's important to understand what went on, and (eventually, with great compassion) look at what kept you in the marriage that was so troubled, but these are really difficult, complicated situations. What you're going through - and with kids to consider - is really hard stuff.

I hope you can focus on self-care, good friends and moving forward.


July 2, 2023 4:52 am  #7

Re: Crossdressing, bisexual husband, hooking up with men, past trauma

Butterfly49 wrote:

Thank you again. In 2016 - I (stupidly) arranged for him to go for his own individual therapy - when he thought he was bisexual. I recall now (stupidly) that he (a) started shaving his body hair & (b) once the therapy hit on any emotion, he ran for the hills. I have recently found photos on a hidden folder on his phone of pictures of 'beautiful women', my underwear and photos of me zoomed in to show my legs/breasts etc...I am now looking back on the marriage - I was just a 'perfect' front really. Pretty/giving him the 'outside' life he wanted to look like the wonderful man everyone knows he is - but now I am sitting here thinking does he really want to be a woman! He is certainly having a complete breakdown emotionally at the moment - like a wounded animal looking to be saved - telling me he loves me etc... - yet I am the one trying to keep my head above water for the kids sake. I am not sure of your own story Ordinary Guy - but is this a familiar script? 

Hi Butterfly, Is it a familiar script? No, these things a not really scripted. It is more like a familiar tune that I have heard a few times. This need he has in him will not go away. If he can accept it and limit it to dressing and behaving in certain ways, then full and often partial transition is not necessarily a given. Trans widows are very much the overlooked collateral damage in this process. Experiencing nothing but turmoil without much, or any direct support. Most of what you have divulged indicates that there is a strong level of female ideation in your husband. The rejection of homosexual labelling is also indicative. The sexual need being one revolving around themselves as a woman in relation to a man. Sexual gratification coming from the notion rather than just the act. Having children further complicates the situation, as these become your primary concern going forwards. The first thing to know is the truth about what is going on. He needs to see someone who can get him to understand who and what he is. From that point you can make informed decisions. There was nothing stupid about arranging therapy for your husband. It sounds as though the therapist may have not understood what was going on, possibly due to the inner shame your husband has about it. It is a terrible and very much misunderstood trauma for the wife to go through. You will need your own separate support structure to help you through this. Be well Butterfly.


And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see clearly that which is essential is invisible to the eye.

October 6, 2023 2:03 pm  #8

Re: Crossdressing, bisexual husband, hooking up with men, past trauma

Hi everyone

I have not posted in a while. Life is busy and I am focusing on myself & my kids - husband still in the house - in his poor me/wounded animal stage - but I have detached emotionally and find him repulsive - sad too when you have been with him for 20 years. I am  looking to seperate from him - he is resisting of course - trying to get him out of the house and into mediation. Not easy for me - but I am done 100% with him & the crap. Feeling angry and used. A question to anyone with a crossdressing, possibly gay/bisexual in denial 'I'm bisexual' husband/partner. I have been thinking a lot lately about the following - 
I consider myself attractive/fit/keep in shape/very feminine/like my fashion etc.. 
I am now realising that my husband really loved when I wore figure hugging clothes/heels/lingerie etc...always complimentary & was quick to point out if I put on a few pounds etc. I have 3 kids & a UK 8 - I am athletic so keep fit for my head space. 
Looking back on the past 2 years particularly in the marriage when things were not good (and he was hooking up with men for horrible crazy sex stuff - sub/sissy/crossdressing)  - & he used to say at times he would like to be me! Yuck.
Not sure why I am posting this but having a bad day & realising maybe he is transgender/wants to be a female and was he just using me all along because he at some level wanted to be like me! 


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