OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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January 27, 2021 12:06 pm  #11

Re: Taking a concrete decision is so hard for me

Abby wrote:

,,..........figure out not what you are willing to live with but, instead, what you cannot live without. 

I've woken early..,. It's 6am and the above quote
hit me like walking out of a warm room into the cold light of day


KIA KAHA                       

January 27, 2021 4:53 pm  #12

Re: Taking a concrete decision is so hard for me

okay.  It might help give you some clarity to write down the reasons your immediate family give for you staying married and then the reasons your aunt etc give for you divorcing.  

Sean has said it amazes him the way the wives will still go and ask their husband if he is gay when he is the one that has been lying to them all along.  But it is natural, we all do it, we turn to our spouse.

You want to share the decision making process, the responsibility for your family with your husband it is only natural to feel like that, it is only natural to seek that deeply felt assurance from him.  But will you ever get it?

Obviously I don't know anything about you him or your particular circumstances - this is just my thoughts, but to me it sounds like he is making promises he has no intention of keeping.

Sorry, hope this helps.  Lily

Last edited by lily (January 27, 2021 4:55 pm)


January 27, 2021 7:32 pm  #13

Re: Taking a concrete decision is so hard for me

I haven’t read through all the responses, but take what your husband says with a grain of salt. Rather pay attention to his actions first and foremost. Like the saying goes, actions speak louder than words. I pay very close attention to my husband’s actions and his words come in a close second. I also want to ensure his actions match his words. Wishing you the best. 

Last edited by TangledOil (January 27, 2021 8:41 pm)


January 30, 2021 6:07 pm  #14

Re: Taking a concrete decision is so hard for me

I'm also in a situation where I need to make an important decision.  My therapist is strongly encouraging me to move to Florida to be near my sister.  I'm 65 and have no family support here in the small town where I live.  My TXH lives in the same town.  It's been hard for me since seeing him dressed as a woman and wondering all the time whether I will run into him which I do sometimes. 

I'm flying to Florida tomorrow and need to convince my sister that I should move there.  She has been opposed to my moving there because she says I won't like it.  (She doesn't like Florida, is there for her husband's job.)  I am very lonely where I am now.  I've spent most of my life in this small town, so it would really be a big change.  It's a big city and a totally different climate and culture. But  I've visited there many times in the last 30 years and I have a few friends there.

I would need to find a place to live that I can afford and where I would feel safe.  There is a senior apartment complex that I will visit and will talk to a friend who lives there.  

I am also dealing with 2 other major losses in the last year.  I'll have my second COVID shot on Feb.12.


January 30, 2021 8:27 pm  #15

Re: Taking a concrete decision is so hard for me

    Congratulations on getting a covid shot.  I had my first one on Thursday.  We are among the lucky first few.  It makes it possible to believe life can start up again.
    Like you, I am also in the position of wanting to move away from the town where I was married to my trans-identifying ex.  I have a very difficult time whenever I see him (or his car).  I even have difficulty interacting with people who knew him.  I understand why you would want to get away.  My ex is still in the closet, so I don't have to see him all dressed up as a woman when I do run into him (after a first rush in which he wanted to transition he decided he would dress/act out only at home), but all encounters or sightings bring up unwelcome visual reminders of him, as do clueless remarks by those who don't know, or who may know, but have never seen him acting out his fantasy of woman.  It's my belief putting distance between me and all reminders will help me heal and move forward with the rest of my own life (I'm 67).  
   As someone else who is looking to move, I think moving to a place where you know people makes moving easier. Knowing the place and having friends there will ease the transition, and you won't be relying solely on your sister for company (in case that is her worry).  I would like to move nearer to my own sister, too, where I have spent about a dozen summers, so I, like you, know the area already, although I may not be able to afford that part of the country, as I live in a place where housing prices are quite reasonable.  Contemplating moving to a totally new place where I know no one and have never lived is both exciting and frightening, and the whole trans nightmare has robbed me of a lot of my self-confidence. 
    The forced immobility of the pandemic relieved me of the necessity of making a decision and acting, and now that the vaccination program is underway and life can begin to open up again, I'm hoping that having had the last year to heal and think, I will be able to meet the challenge.  I hope that's the way you feel, too.  One thing I remind myself of, and that might help you, too, is that if I find I don't like it where I go, I can always move again.  

Last edited by OutofHisCloset (January 30, 2021 8:32 pm)


February 1, 2021 9:39 am  #16

Re: Taking a concrete decision is so hard for me

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and suggestions so far. I think it is winding down gradually for me. We had a long discussion this weekend and he is stuck that he is not interested in his family (me and kids moving out). I even offered to move to another city and ask my organization to retained at my country's HQ and he refused. He wants to have the kids in the house while they grow. Plus he is not keen on leaving his business to travel. My career and ambitions scare him. I cowed for my family and love. But that alone was a wrong decision. 

We talked about sex. And he says when I come back and we start having sex, then we will continue. Morelike sex isn't an issue. 


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February 1, 2021 11:49 am  #17

Re: Taking a concrete decision is so hard for me

After revealing to my spouse that I know his gay encounters,  I had some relief now that he is aware. However, we haven’t come up with a concrete what’s next for us ...  I told him about the support group and counseling I have scheduled . He is agreeable about it but didn’t think he needs one.   Over the weekend , he said he can probably just try working from home to finish some  of his notes  , instead of working “weekend at work “as he previously stated   . So he did stay at home . There’s definitely some change in actions , but I don’t want to be blindsided... I know , what’s next needs to be addressed ..


February 1, 2021 12:59 pm  #18

Re: Taking a concrete decision is so hard for me


I just wanted to say I’m so impressed by your seemingly calm and collected demeanor. You seem to know the reality and to think clearly and rationally. I’m so glad you’ve sought out support for yourself. You seem to be handling everything well without blinders on. Wishing you the very best. 



August 10, 2023 4:24 am  #19

Re: Taking a concrete decision is so hard for me

I just came back to read some of my old posts and I wanted to thank you and others for supporting that I take this job. It has been amazing for my career. It has been a light in my light. Getting my kids in school etc. Thank you again.

OutofHisCloset wrote:

If you give up the chance to move away for the job to go back to him, you hamstring yourself for the foreseeable future, because you will be less able to leave in the future if that becomes what you decide you need to do. When you decline an offer from your employer, they are less likely to offer one again in future.

If it's too difficult to end it now, take the position but don't divorce, and tell yourself, him, and others that the separation is work-related.  People all over the world from all walks of life--maids, drivers, engineers, health care workers--move overseas for jobs and leave their spouses and families behind.  At least you will be able to take your children with you, and you know from the past year that you have been able to manage care for your autistic son.  And increased physcial distance (as well as another year of independence) will give you a new perspective.  


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August 11, 2023 6:18 am  #20

Re: Taking a concrete decision is so hard for me

Congratulations OJECPOMCO!


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