Removed this post-body and reposted under a more anonymous username
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It is greatly appreciated.
Last edited by (May 30, 2023 7:52 am)
I understand your pain and confusion. I found out my ex boyfriend was gay two years ago. He would never, ever, admit it. I was so shocked that I could not sleep and would wake up at 4.00am. It was one of the worst things that I have ever experienced. I am glad that you have a therapist. Post here as much as you need to. I am holding a good thought for you.
Offline wrote:
Ladyviolet.... I think it unwise to have your email address as your Forum name. It should be private.
As for your situation...a dating app is how this all started for me too. My then partner made it all sound so exciting. And it was..
until it wasn't and my world crumbled. It's taken 6 years from deciding I had to leave to actually leaving. Some can do it sooner, some stay longer. This is your journey, nobody else' don't measure and compare it with anybody else's.
This won't be over tomorrow, next week or next month and this is a wonderfully supportive forum but you will have to be strong to get through it and need to have support from people you trust.
"..I'm still hurting so bad. I'm trying to process but I feel like everyone is rushing me to move on. .."
You move at the pace you want. It is shocking to see our spouses move on so quickly...they've had lots of private time, unbeknownst to us, to process their discard of us. While this is true...I feel deep in my bones that it also shows the type of person that they are; thay they discard years of friendship and intimacy like we are trash to be taken to the curb. As you process this remember your are worth more than he can ever comprehend. As you make plans please plan to get far away from shallow people like him..