I honestly don't know how to process everything going on in this process.
I actually don't know what is the proper way to treat him, or how I should expect him to treat me. Everything is just so fucked up.
He wants to remain friends and have an amicable divorce. I am incredibly hurt and everything that has happened has been so painful. I process by going around and around in circles for awhile until I process. He told me that I was being abusive to continually bring up everything he has done wrong and he knows he's a shit person and says he's sorry. So, if I ever "lose it" and send him walls of texts or try to ask him about why he treated me the way he did, he stops the conversation and says we will return to it when I am able to have a productive conversation. He states that he has tried to set boundaries with me....and that all I do is break them, and keep pushing him. And when I push him to talk, and he does, that all I do is get mad (I did point out once that it would be possible to fill me in on what happened without being cruel (such as telling me about how unattractive I am, how he hasn't loved me in forever, asking for me to pay off his debts, he only used me)).
He also still can't talk about it. He finally went to a session of therapy, and I asked how it went and if it was helpful. I also asked if he had decided what he wanted to talk about (as his claim has always been he doesn't know what to talk about). He couldn't even tell me the topic he discussed. He said that it "wasn't me", that he couldn't talk to anyone.
I feel like my brain may explode. So...I've been married to this person for 2 decades. He sits down beside me and says "I'm gay, I'm divorcing you". No heads up, no explanation, no discussion. And I'm supposed to do what exactly? Just peacefully accept no discussion, respect all his needs/wants, only talk about it when he feels it's appropriate, not call him out?
This prevailing theory of making everything open and accepting and then there will be no more straight spouses in this situation. My gay husband is still adamant he figured out he was gay 2 weeks prior to telling me. He still won't talk about it.
His brother has decided to transition to a woman and is getting divorced. The marriage didn't last a year. I found out by accident, no one told me anything about it. I'm 3 months behind on that one. Just another example of how fully kicked out of the "family" I am.
I am so very tired of this entire situation. I feel like everything is some weird half-truth, or that no one is telling me the full story. I don't know what, or who, to even believe anymore.
I feel like a puppet. Everyone is pulling the strings and directing my life, and I have no say in the matter. I never wanted to be in this situation. To find out my marriage can be summed up as a meaningless piece of paper. Let alone to find out someone has just been using me for years.
I feel like I am going to need decades of therapy to even begin to unravel the mind fuck. I told him this morning "all the best" and now I'm just removing myself from the conversation. I had started talking to him again because I wanted to work out the terms of the divorce settlement....but I got way too dragged into a toxic situation.
During the divorce process....has anyone not done the disclosure, legal separation and all that other crap? I have talked to a lawyer and of course he's pushing for a million things. But I don't care. I don't want to know his financial history. I don't want to know anything about his life. And I don't want him to know anything about mine. I just want to base it on what our situation was during the marriage, sign the papers, and move on.
Is this possible? The lawyer makes it sound like you can't do this. That you can't just put out your terms, both sign it, and move on?
What we did, that worked well was get the terms of separation agreement done by email. There is zero point in talking about it - he could agree to anything and change his mind. So I would email him a list of terms and he would send it back with his alterations and we did this back and forth until we had agreement of terms. But if your lawyer is talking in terms of financial discovery then you need to take that into account.
Forgive me, this could be a cynical view, and I could be wrong. Depending on your jurisdiction, in most places it is possible to get a cheap and quick divorce if you can agree to terms without lawyers. I hate to say, but lawyers love bitter contested divorces because they make a ton of money. I suspect your lawyer is hoping for that, but I may be wrong. Look into mediation if that is offered where you live. I went that route and it cost less than $2000 total.
Anon2222 wrote:
.... I just want to base it on what our situation was during the marriage, sign the papers, and move on...Is this possible? The lawyer makes it sound like you can't do this. That you can't just put out your terms, both sign it, and move on?
He, the secretive, gaslighting man who turned your world upside down....still has a hold on your emotions, still knows how to push your buttons and trigger you. As long as you feel the need to communicate with him this will continue. He's still connected to you too. So it'll probably go round in circles until one of you (please let it be you lol) decides "enough is enough....I don't have to talk to you anymore, you are not going to rule my life"
I was lucky in that I fell out of love with A. long before I finally decided to separate so there was a clear and definitive line between what he said and how I interpreted it. I simply had to cut him off emotionally, and realise he doesn't see the world like I see it. It is weird....same house ( less than a week and I'll be out of here ) but neither of us talk about it. Not engaging with A. about this Mindfuck made me stronger.
I also decided to leave the legal stuff to the person whose job it is, but with clear instructions about what I wanted. I guess it'll be different in the US than here in little ol' New Zealand as far as cost goes....
I read the other replies about an amicable, cheap divorce but have to dissent.
If he can't talk to you how are you supposed to agree on a simple divorce and financial arrangement.
In an ideal world with a normal spouse one would think one could just make up an arrangement and file it with the courts and be done.
Are any of our spouses normal or reasonable though?
For me someone told my GX that she could divorce me, sit home not working, have full custody of the kids with me given an occasional weekend, and collect 90% of my salary. So I needed a lawyer.
So if your husband is not normal or dellusioned in what he thinks he owes you the only way through this is with a lawyer. Any lawyer worth his salary would expect full Financials from both parties.. can you divorce without that..suppose you can.. if you and your GH can agree on an arrangement things can be kept short and cheap with the lawyers.
But, again , if he won't talk you wind up going through lawyers to propose and agree on things. This is often for the best regardless of the expense..less you gain your freedom but find out years later he had things you were legally entitled to that could have helped you. You can always tell your lawyer you want nothing from him and propose any settlement. But I surmise he doesn't sound like he will agree to anything..and hence the expense.
Rob is spot on.
Your husband figured out he was gay 2 weeks before telling you? What a crock of crap. Like most of our in-denial spouses, they knew their sexual orientation long before discovery or disclosure. My lesbian ex-wife admitted that knew she was same-sex attracted before we had even met. My wife (also a straight spouse) learned that her ex-husband knew he was gay when he was seven years old.
Which gets to my next point. In-denial, pathologically dishonest people who knowingly drag us into their closets and choose to live fake lives for years (or decades) have massive personality disorders. Normally functioning people would not and could not do this. You have to be a narcissist or sociopath (and probably both) in order to make these choices in someone else's life. And your husband is showing this -- you've already given examples of manipulation, gaslighting, and blame shifting. These are the tools of the trade for people with personality disorders like this.
So pulling off a "no lawyers" collaborative divorce is a nice-sounding goal. But even in a "normal" divorce, it's almost impossible. And when you are divorcing someone with profound personality defects who doesn't even want to talk, you might want to just forget about it. Your husband doesn't sound any more ready for collaborative divorce than he was to be your husband.
My suggestion? You can try the collaborative divorce route, but hire yourself an attorney in the background who can advise you about your rights and what a fair divorce would look like given the facts, assets, length of the marriage, and applicable law. For example, in my state, once you are married 15 years, the lesser earning spouse is entitled to lifelong spousal support. Don't give up stuff like that, and no need for your husband to know you're consulting with an attorney. And if things go poorly, you've already got an attorney ready to go. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Good luck.
Blue Bear - I actually do have a lawyer and have been getting "independent legal advice", ie: what I am generally entitled to etc., but not super specific as he doesn't have all the income statements and what not. So, I do have a good idea of what I can get out of all this and that is what I have proposed to my ex. If he doesn't agree, then I am just going to retain the lawyer and hand it all over to him.
Man, I wish that were the case. Here it is 25 years to qualify for lifelong spousal support, so I'm a couple years shy. And the legal system here is really against spousal support period. Divorce is not friendly to women here.
On a different note, I really went outside my comfort zone today. I went on a coffee date.
I had a lot of anxiety and it made me really uncomfortable. Why? Because he was nice. He listened to what I had to say, had insightful replies, appeared interested in me and said he wanted to get together again. He walked me back to my car.
And....I struggled with being on edge. Like...I was waiting for the catch. I had a good time. He didn't make fun of me and there weren't any veiled insults. And...he actually looked at me like he found me attractive. No one has looked at me like that in years (and I question now if ever....).
The whole thing was just...weird. And difficult. I just kept marveling at things. Like, my gay-ex would get so mad and tell me he's not a "mind reader" and he wouldn't talk to me because every time he did I would just get mad. And that I just expected him to always say the "perfect thing".
I have known this man for a matter of weeks, and until this point just chatted casually via text. And....he pretty much said the "perfect things". Like, he was intuitive. I felt listened to. We had an actual conversation where he contributed to it. I wasn't just talking to myself. It was kind of unsettling. Like, all this time I thought I had this amazing marriage. And now I am literally terrified of a man being nice to me.....
Don't panic - you're going to feel like "What's the catch?" for a bit. If you've been in a dysfunctional relationship for a while, normalcy will seem weird. I'd suggest you keep it casual until you can relax. Don't get swept up in anything that moves too fast. If he's understanding, he'll get that after 20 something years you're not going to leap without looking. If he's honourable, he'll stick around and give you the space you need. In the meantime, try to figure out who he is, and where he's been in his life.
If anything the guy gave you a glimpse of what a normal relationship looks like. I know as my GX got meaner toward the end anyone and everyone seemed normal compared to her. Years out and in a normal relationship now I can't believe the treatment I had put up with in my marriage.
On dating or seeing anyone again.. I practiced self preservation..any sign of narcissism and I was out.
Just enjoy the company and conversation. No need to rush anything or accept any abnormal treatment.
Rob wrote:
Anon.......Just enjoy the company and conversation. No need to rush anything or accept any abnormal treatment.