So my nearly ex, allegedly gay wife decided on her own, to tell my oldest that we are getting divorced because she is gay. The problem with that? She is too stupid to realize that her profile on a popular dating site is public and it clearly states that she is looking for men. She also took some condoms out of my drawer thinking I would not notice. Pretty sure lesbians dont need condoms. So as I suspected, she developed feelings for a woman, but it turns out they may not have been all she though they were, or maybe she is just bi? I dont freaking know. Do you think I should tell my daughter she has been lied to by her mother? I would confront the ex-wife, but that is pointless, will just be a fight and get me absolutely no where. At this point, she has told so many lies, I don't even know the start or ending. Just lots of lying.
This is absolutely exhausting.
I honestly don't know what to think about any of this anymore. I have my opinions but not all of them are politically correct I'm sure. I was reading an article about a 16 year old who went to a gender identity clinic. They put her on puberty blockers, she had a radical mastectomy, on and on......and at age 21 she regrets everything. Said she wished the doctors had questioned her more, went over options. Offered counselling. Because she just assumed she was trans and turns out she was just confused. Now the clinic is being investigated as it turns out they have been doing a ton of shady stuff.....such as heavy medications for children as young as 9. I just see this generation of really messed up individuals....
I'm at the point where I just don't know what to think. When it came to my gay husband....first he was straight. Then he was bi. Then he was gay. But at every single step he told me he was sure of it. When he went through his "bi" stage he was adamant he was at peace, had figured everything out, all was good. I bought the lies.
I would like to ask him....are you really sure this time? Like did you finally figure it out? Cuz I'm not actually convinced. All I am convinced of is that he is one messed up individual.
As far as your daughter, I wish I could offer helpful advice. I am thankful that I don't have kids in the mix of my messed up life. I can't even imagine how difficult that would be.
I hope someone with kids will pitch in with some help. But I just wanted to let you know I'm here for support.
You reassure your daughter that she can come to you and ask any questions she may have. And
be prepared to answer the hard ones because she deserves honesty
Anon2222 wrote:
My grandson is on hormones. Has changed his name twice. Is developing breasts. 17 next Feb. I see articles about the regret some have about decisions and adamant choices made when they were younger and it breaks my heart to think my grandchild will go down that same path.
Ellexoh_nz wrote:
Anon2222 wrote:
My grandson is on hormones. Has changed his name twice. Is developing breasts. 17 next Feb. I see articles about the regret some have about decisions and adamant choices made when they were younger and it breaks my heart to think my grandchild will go down that same path.
Elle at 17 was a hell of a lot different than me in my 30's. I really question children making these life/body altering decisions. I know many argue that children just know their identity. But I don't buy it. Life changes, you mature, opinions and thoughts change. Nothing is set in stone.
And how much of this is true vs influenced by parents, teachers, peers? What about mental health?
Apparently a new thing is parents who want their children to be "straight" rather than "gay" so they label them as trans and push them to transition so they will appear "straight". Ie: instead of their son liking men, their son becomes their daughter that likes men. So, it somehow looks better? It bends my mind.
It just seems like there is so much zest and rabid angst about gender/identity/LGBTQ etc that you can't have any rational discussion anymore. If you raise any concerns you're suddenly trans or homophobic or whatever. I just feel like we're walking a fine line here....
Blackie - I have 3 children and it is pretty messed up that your near EX is being careless with your kids. I agree to tell your daughter that you are always ready to listen. You may not have all of the answers but you will do your best. Unfortunately, we are all trying to figure this crap out!
It's really sad. She could tell your kid many things..she's gay, your gay.. as your seeing now it doesn't really matter..if her lips are moving shes lying...or it could be the truth or half truth.
It can be belitating and traumatizing trying figure out if any word or sentence is true. It's not how one is supposed to live.
I do have friends who said their daughter was gay but now she's going out with a guy. I hope she picks one or the other and figures it out. My biased point of view is one of anxiety as a hurt spouse .. I would not wish what we went/are going through on anyone.
Thank you all - I just don't know. Rob you're exactly right, I question 100% of everything she says now. I can not trust her and I told her as much. She didn't care....always treats me with disdain as I move us closer to finalizing the divorce...that SHE WANTED. She said "I think I might be gay, to I have some clarity, to telling my daughter she is me finding her online profile stating she is straight". Its a total shitshow. I'm actually a good person! Thats one thing she does say, I was a great husband, but when it comes to treating me with an ounce of dignity and respect, I get none from her.
I know grief has many ebbs and flows. I was feeling so good about my life going forward, now I am low again. Thank you all for chiming in, although I am sorry you are/have faced the same. This is just cruel
Blackie563 wrote:
Pretty sure lesbians dont need condoms. So as I suspected, she developed feelings for a woman, but it turns out they may not have been all she though they were, or maybe she is just bi? I dont freaking know.
Yes lesbians need condoms. Not a lot of them, just enough to hook another man.
I know this lesbian. She is late 70's, she has had her children, she has plenty of money and friends and she buried her poor husband some months back. She has gotten herself a boyfriend. He seems a decent sort and sits there with an unhealthy looking red face not a clue I reckon, just failing to understand why she is so miserable with him when she seemed so nice. Meanwhile I am wondering why she is doing it to herself!
lily wrote:
Yes lesbians need condoms. Not a lot of them, just enough to hook another man.
I know this lesbian. She is late 70's, she has had her children, she has plenty of money and friends and she buried her poor husband some months back. She has gotten herself a boyfriend. He seems a decent sort and sits there with an unhealthy looking red face not a clue I reckon, just failing to understand why she is so miserable with him when she seemed so nice. Meanwhile I am wondering why she is doing it to herself!
Interesting take. I can't say you are wrong at all. I just dont know. It's sad really, in less than 6 months (from my prospective) she has gone from wife and mother, to showing all of her narcissism, self absorbed, poor decision making, child like behavior nearly everyday. How does this happen to a grown ass 42 year old women with a Ph.D? Mind fuck is right....
I feel better by the way, my new friend (lovely woman) is emotionally available and seems to be everything I could want, but I know I need to move slowly because I am severely damaged goods. Dont want to use someone to forget another, you know?