I was wandering down a supermarket aisle the other day... stopping, looking, putting stuff in the trolley... and there was a couple doing the same. They were discussing a product and when he spoke I thought "he's gay... I wonder if she knows"
It was a fleeting thing but I keep thinking about it. And the Forum is the only place I'd
discuss it
That's pretty good of you to pick up on that. I still don't think I can tell a woman is gay despite being extra sensitive about it. I can certainly pick up on narcissism though with absolute accuracy.
Hope the couple you heard are monogamous and happy anyway.
Rob wrote:
......Hope the couple you heard are monogamous and happy anyway.
Me too Rob.
As for picking up on the 'gayness' of people....I think, because I'm a straightspouse, I'm more attuned. Also it seems that more people I deal with in my day...the barista who makes my coffee, the shop assistant I asked advice from, the supermarket checkout person, the news reporter on tv.....they all sound/come across as gay.
But much of it (in New Zealand anyway) is still hush-hush....