OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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September 20, 2022 8:31 am  #1

This is the hardest week yet

I am struggling so hard this week.

Gay husband moves out Saturday. He has been packing boxes and moving out all the small stuff daily. He seems so happy/content/excited. 

I look at the empty half of the closet. The empty office and the leftovers of the joint stuff and I feel....this strange sense of what the fuck is going on here?!?!

I'm half numb, half in disbelief. I don't understand how it got to this point. That a couple months ago I was all oblivious and had no idea this was coming. Stupidly, I was actually happy. Poor schmuck.

I don't know how to describe how I feel right now. Everyone is telling me I should be happy/relieved he's moving out. That, this is the start of my new life. On and on. All I sort of feel right now is empty and scared shitless. And I still want to desperately claw back to a time where I knew happiness. Now I question whether I will ever be able to live in such an oblivious state again.

I feel like the best parts of me were used, abused, and tossed away. And now I'm this shell and I have no idea what to do with myself.

This is by far the worst yet. I really hope that it goes up sometime here. Cuz this constant digging the hole deeper is really hard.

I wish I could have a breakdown. Walk away from life for awhile. Take a break.

Instead I'm left with a crap ton of bills to pay and since I lost 2/3 of the income but still have the house....I'm working 3 jobs to make ends meet and try to build up some savings. I am so tired, physically, mentally, emotionally. 

I just had to vent to a group that would get it. I'm tired of everyone telling me to embrace my new life right now, and that this is all a good thing. Like, how is any of this good??? I don't want to be here. And I don't want to be doing this. And my mind is still so screwed up from trying to process what the hell happened that I feel like my entire life was a lie. Man, when does the abuse end....

Last edited by Anon2222 (September 20, 2022 8:33 am)


September 20, 2022 4:12 pm  #2

Re: This is the hardest week yet

Hi A2, I can relate to your anguish. Reading your post, the details of the day my now ex moved out are right there for me. I left the house while he ransacked it—at least that’s how it felt to me. When I came home and there were holes in the family home from where he’d taken items, all I could feel was relief. I took a bath and put on some music and cried. Then I set up a kids’ bed from the attic because he took our bed with him. I slept knowing my life would never be the same nor maybe anything like I’d imagined. To me, there was nothing more lonely I had experienced than living with someone who didn’t truly “love, honor and cherish” me, as our wedding vows said. Nothing lonelier than living with someone who was a stranger after 26 years of marriage. So much deprivation. Have you ever heard the phrase “chop wood, carry water?” When I got really overwhelmed, and I did, I would do the next indicated thing, like eat something, pay the bills, walk the dog, change the light bulb, go to work, sleep. Day by day, hour by hour. And I felt free.  I learned to love my own company and inch by inch step by step hour by hour I felt a peace, a form of happiness because my life was so busy, yes, but also full, so abundant. For me, staying together would have been like being buried while I’m still alive. Can’t think of anything worse. You have a choice—you will find a way to survive and then a way to thrive. You deserve that. Keep faith in yourself. And keep moving forward.


September 20, 2022 9:08 pm  #3

Re: This is the hardest week yet


I sincerely feel that is the difference between us and them.
They can jettison a lifetime with a person and leave happy and ecstatic.   We cannot. It's not something we are capable of doing.

We feel and love deeply and absolutely with our whole being.
They do not.

And that is the difference between us and them..its a scary thing and in time you will realize how lucky you were to get away from such moral brokenness.

Last edited by Rob (September 20, 2022 9:09 pm)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

September 22, 2022 7:56 am  #4

Re: This is the hardest week yet

As I continue to drag myself through the longest week ever....I find myself pondering so many things of the marriage.

He was the worst gift giver. I used to think maybe he was just bad at it, but now I wonder if he ever really cared? For his last birthday (which happened to be a couple weeks before he came out)....I bought surprise tickets for Penn & Teller (as he's always wanted to see them). They were visiting the city for one night. I got them months in advance. Did a fancy dinner. And got him a $1000 collectors lego set (he collects the Star Wars lego, and if anyone is familiar they are incredibly hard to come back and expensive for the big pieces). 

My birthday....I got a kobo. Nice enough, but this is the 3rd or 4th kobo he had bought me at that point. It just seemed like he would get the new one every year or two as a gift. Nothing else. What I asked for was a litter locker (he said it was too much to pay for a litter box....they are $800 and it's ridiculous). When it came down to it, I actually didn't care what he thought about it, it was what I wanted and yes we could have afforded it. I'm not saying it's all the monetary value....just pointing out that luxury items are fine for him, but for me apparently it's too much. Found out later it's because he doesn't like the pets and thinks they're a waste of money.

He is obsessed with lego. I have searched high and low for different sets as gifts, and gone all out crazy some years with surprises at Christmas. I do not like lego. On multiple occasions he has bought me lego sets as gifts. I remember the one Christmas (I love Christmas and was just in the mood for a surprise...guess I had my hopes up) I opened my gift all excited...and it was a lego set. A gingerbread house. Cute and all....but I don't like lego. I don't find it fun to put together. It's not my thing. I just remember feeling really hurt....like he couldn't pick out something I would actually enjoy?

I have also asked many times throughout the marriage for a nice, extravagant piece of jewelry. Again, it's not the cost part (I never wanted him to go spend thousands, or be broke or whatever). But I wanted a really nice necklace that symbolized our marriage. My job doesn't let me wear rings, so I never got to wear my wedding ring. So I wanted a nice necklace that I could wear that indicated that I was married.

One Valentines Day he gave me a necklace. I'm assuming the cheapest thing you could buy. After a month it was already tarnished and looked horrible and the clasp broke. And I think to myself, that was it? I wasn't worth one bloody nice piece of jewelry that I planned to wear everyday? 

Just once, couldn't I be the one surprised? The one that got the thoughtful gift? The one that someone else goes to great lengths to make an awesome day?

I did decide that I'm buying myself a litter robot as my gift for Christmas, lol

     Thread Starter

September 22, 2022 2:27 pm  #5

Re: This is the hardest week yet

It's really difficult not to care right? Even when you've learned over the years his rather uncaring, or rather self-absorbed approach to gift-giving. 
My partner...early on in our r'ship...would buy me sexy lingerie. At first I was flattered but after the millionth frilly bit of silky fluff I would have given all those useless bits of material simply to have him look me in the eye and hand me a bunch of flowers (I would have said "rose" but Rose was the name of one of his anal-buddies....blah) 

Anon it's going to take years, if ever, to quieten the demons these men have left us with. You're further along in the journey than me and I'm watching your progress vicariously with interest. 

Sending you good vibes, across-the-ocean support. 
Remember...deep breaths


KIA KAHA                       

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