OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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January 1, 2022 7:11 pm  #1

My husband will never come out

I've just been having a really hard time lately and needed to vent.

My husband and I have been married 5 years and have 4 kids. I'm stuck in the marriage for the kids, because I don't want him to be alone with my kids. He's also a narcissist and always puts our kids in danger because he doesn't watch or care about them. He also mentally abuses them, and I try my best to keep them away from him and protect them.

Anyway, I've known he was gay for awhile. There's been multiple incidents. He never wants to have sex. He tells me I'm weird for wanting to be intimate. He doesn't hug, kiss, compliment, or even look at me. I feel invisible to him. We had an argument recently and I told him maybe we just needed more alone time, to hangout together without the kids, and he literally gave me excuse after excuse about why he should have to go on dates with me and that wouldn't help our marriage. He doesn't even want to be alone with me. He was in love with his boss, who I think is in the closet too, but they both had a thing for eachother. He almost got my husband to leave me, but our pastor convinced my husband to leave the company to help our marriage, because his boss was a "bad influence" on him. I prayed our issues would be over, but now he's found a young guy at church (who seems like he could be gay) to have a crush on. Every week as soon as he sees him, he gives him the biggest hug and smiles like I've never seen him smile before. When he talks to him he blocks away the whole world, including myself and our kids. It disgusts me that he can do that right in front of my face, and think that I can't see what is going on. He honestly flirts with him, and compliments him...even though he tells me he isn't affectionate and doesn't know how to compliment...when I need that. I have to take my kids to the car and we have to sit out there and wait until he's done talking to this man.

Lately he's been drinking when he has to be intimate with me. If I see him making drinks, I already know he'll initiate sex. He never does normally, but he has to get drunk to do what has to be done. Enough so ill leave him alone. Even when he's drunk it's pitch black in the room, his eyes are closed, and he doesn't kiss me. He never kisses, hugs, touches, or even looks at me in general. He tells me he doesn't know how and it's something he has to work on. I've asked him if he was gay or bi multiple times during fights, and he always denies it. We're Christian, and he's all about portraying the perfect Christian family, so I know he will never come out. I wish that he would just tell me, or I could catch him doing something so at least I could get confirmation. I did catch him buying womens shavers, women underwear, and lube one time, and I thought maybe he was wearing them, but he always lies and comes up with excuses for everything.

He's also a narcissist, so he doesn't care about my feelings at all. Even if I try to tell him how I feel, he always starts a huge fight and flips everything around onto me that I don't keep the house clean enough, cook good enough, or that somehow everything's my fault. He has seen me heartbroken crying on the floor and he just walks away and never cares.

I just feel so lonely, and invisible. I miss getting a man's attention/affection. It's just really hard to figure out how to keep doing this and keep a smile on my face for people and our kids. I just wish my husband could love me, and if he can't I wish he could just be honest with me.

Last edited by momofboys04 (January 1, 2022 7:13 pm)


January 1, 2022 9:31 pm  #2

Re: My husband will never come out

My comments in red 

momofboys04 wrote:

......Lately he's been drinking when he has to be intimate with me. If I see him making drinks, I already know he'll initiate sex. He never does normally, but he has to get drunk to do what has to be done. Enough so ill leave him alone. Even when he's drunk it's pitch black in the room, his eyes are closed, and he doesn't kiss me. He never kisses, hugs, touches, or even looks at me in general. 
Stop having sex with this horrible man! He doesn't deserve you. 
I just feel so lonely, and invisible. I miss getting a man's attention/affection. It's just really hard to figure out how to keep doing this and keep a smile on my face for people and our kids. I just wish my husband could love me, and if he can't I wish he could just be honest with me
It's obvious, even to us, that he'll never be honest with you so you're going to have to start being honest with yourself Momofboys04. And really! you have to get a bit angry too at what you're having to carry on your shoulders and deal with. .


KIA KAHA                       

January 1, 2022 11:07 pm  #3

Re: My husband will never come out

Momofboys, that is an awful story. You really have nothing to work with here. I'm so sorry but it isn't going to get better. 

You are currently a victim of domestic abuse and for you and your kids you need to start thinking about how to get out safely especially as he is abusing the kids too.

The abuse can escalate alarmingly quickly to physical violence (if it hasnt already), especially if he is drinking.  Get out of the house with the kids if you feel scared - even just to the front yard. Anywhere public.

If you are in the US https://www.womenslaw.org/  has state-specific info on domestic abuse support resources and cheap legal advice.  There are internet sites that give detailed practical plans of how to escape safely. They usually have a quick exit button. Here is one link 

Try to find a counsellor or therapist to listen and support you. Or tell your doctor, and/or a trusted friend or family member.

Some churches are supportive of DV victims but yours sounds like it possibly isn't so be a bit careful with who you tell there.

The main thing is to direct all your thinking and planning towards getting away from this abusive man.  Please look after yourself and your children.

Last edited by Soaplife (January 1, 2022 11:08 pm)


January 2, 2022 10:07 am  #4

Re: My husband will never come out

He is also blame-shifting. It's a very common tactic, designed to keep you off balance, doubting yourself and working harder to fix the un-fixable. I would echo the advice others have already suggested. Spend your time and energy working on a way to protect yourself and your kids. The chances he will change are basically nil. Wishing you inner strength this year.

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer

January 2, 2022 10:50 am  #5

Re: My husband will never come out


It is abuse..hard to see when you're in in it.   
I see no reason to have sex with him..he does want it and doesn't deserve it.  Only reason would be to keep up a facade as you work on yourself and exit plan. 
Once you see and realize the narcissm and cruelty it hard to unsee..all while they act like it is normal and you somehow deserve it.   It is not normal and you don't deserve it.

Several things kept me going through the abuse (that my GX could not comphrehend or do anything about).  I created a support system of friends, family, doctor, therapist, priest, lawyer etc.   At the same time (and I think you possess this) I had a stoic absolute love of my kids .  I also had a God.   These narc spouses have no idea what we will endure for our kids..it is beyond their comprehension. 

This is a year or season to plan your strategy.  Those boys need a strong sane mother..not an abused hurt one.   It may take months or years but try to take tiny steps each day in creating a plan.  Know that you did nothing wrong and you deserve som much more. 

Wishes of strength faith and fortitude.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

January 2, 2022 2:41 pm  #6

Re: My husband will never come out

Oh, Momofboys04 I am so sorry. I agree with everyone. You have to use this time to create a strategy to get out. My husband and I are also devoted Christians and I believe this is the only reason he wants to stay married. He doesn't want to come out but I am becoming collateral damage. Praying you find the courage and strength to plan your exit. Be smart. Take all of your energy to come up with a plan. That blame-shifting is REAL! I am going through it now as I gave my GID husband one more chance to choose US. I have accepted that it's now time to prioritize my feelings. How do I want to live between now and dead? I am staying focused and patient! I have 3 kids and it's scary. Take day by day!

Last edited by gwendolyn_C (January 2, 2022 5:02 pm)


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