RedEarth wrote:
It sounds like you are being incredibly emotionally mature in the most unbalancing of circumstances. Know that you are doing really well, however difficult this all feels. I wish you well with your counselling. I saw in your original post that you said you wouldn't be able to afford counselling privately, so I'm glad you have been able to access some. It's worth knowing that a great many counsellors in private practice will offer reduced fees and there are also low cost services out there.
You've already admitted you're a counselor Redearth. This is a forum for straightspouses, not the place to advertise your work
Edited to say.... Once we let one of you in then we just open the floodgates!
Last edited by Ellexoh_nz (November 6, 2021 1:35 pm)
oilslick - you are doing really well, you have your priorities straight and holding on all fronts.
glad to hear your parents are available, that's great. This is so intense to face up to and still early days for you.
wishing you all the best getting through the upcoming anniversary, Lily.
i am a bit late to this but to be honest, i've only had the energy to focus on my thread, our stories are very similar, my stbx came out as Bi in August but now she is lesbian, nearly every aspect of your story has a similar twist in mine, i think the only difference after i accepted that our marriage could not be saved was that i am driving the separation/divorce as i can see how damaging to myself and children this will be if it doesn't happen, the other difference is i have refused to move out to help her facilitate her new lifestyle whilst retaining all the benefits of our marriage,
My points is however painful it was to accept this i felt better having a direction to face rather than being stuck in the waiting room at my stbx's whim and mercy. I am not looking forward to the cost or stress of going through divorce but its all i want now even though its going to split our family down the middle, (son staying with me, daughter going with stbx), but i caused none of this and its not my fault. stbx is the one that has destroyed our retirement plans and our financial security,
Its easy for me to say this (but it doesn't make it any less painful) as its what i am doing but if you can wrestle the narrative without starting a war and make a positive lurch in a direction it does help.
Thanks all - appreciate your replies and insight.
* just as a curious aside (and I’m sure we’ve all gone through this at some point) at times I find it quite jarring and hard to read/heard others comments and advice. It often feels like no one other than me knows the situation, me, my family, my wife, well enough to give opinions. And while we are obviously all strangers, when I get past that feeling, reading others perspectives is helpful. Hard to let your guard down I guess.
The weekend was hard. We told our eldest kids on Friday and yesterday our 12th wedding anniversary.
I think what I found tough about yesterday was I couldn’t give her a cuddle, say “I love you” (and I do) or plant a kiss on her head. I know she doesn’t feel the same and I’m trying not to push or put her in a position (in the house with the kids at least) that she doesn’t want to be in. But yeah, there was no acknowledgement at all from her yesterday of what the day was. That’s hard. Even in the current situation, to think there’s nothing worth marking in any way from 12 years of marriage (18 years together) cuts.
We are clearly in different places. Is it possible (or plausible) for two people to have shared almost identical events (ie a relationship together) and have such different perspectives of them? As I’ve posted before I know our relationship wasn’t perfect (I’m not sure a perfect marriage actually exists - humans are tricky creatures) but it was a lot of things for me. It was happy, it was loving, it was secure, it was safe, it was built on friendship, it was built on commitment, and a lot of the time it was fun. And it hurts to hear her (even though it’s me asking…) say she doesn’t recognise that. I guess I’m hoping that in time she’ll come to see and remember the good. I know she wants me to see what she sees and I am trying to be a self reflective as I can. I guess the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.
But then… she never told me (or admitted to herself) she was gay so that is all on her regardless of anything else.
Telling the kids was hard. Cried a lot despite wanting to keep it together. I guess I don’t want my problems to become something they feel they need to help with. But daughter was amazing - she’s such an understanding, kind and thoughtful young woman and I’m very proud of her. Son also took things in, understood, asked some questions and then has been doing fine. In his own way he also was very strong about it and I’m proud of him too. Both know we will always be there for them, it’s just hard knowing I’ll be around less.
Overall things are moving, looking for new job (temporary until next August), looking for new flat, sorting out benefits to tide things over. Some other longer term separation stuff is being pushed back post Christmas, which is fine. I still feel really sad. Discarded is the best word. And worthless. Maybe I don’t need her validation, but 18 years with someone is a long time and it’ll take me a while to pick that apart.
Everything you have just said echoes with me almost identically, it was me telling the children about the divorce and her sexuality as she bottled it (and yes i cried a lot as well) , the feedback on these forums has prewarned me of some of the behaviours and yes i agree each case is different but those opinions are formed from personal experience, so very valid, if you read my thread (its a bit long so best not too) but time and again i say to the forum "but you dont know her" but i still value the opinions and some of the advice i have been given has bolted some armour onto me and made me more perceptive of little manipulations that otherwise i may have overlooked as she is my "best friend"
Yes you have been discarded just like me, but no you are not worthless , you sound like a good dad and that in itself make you a real man.
As much as i am dreading the divorce i can see my day of liberation on the horizon but its going to be a slow burn as we may wait until April for the no fault divorce to come in but days like this when i am angry/resentful i want to go ahead now, but i need to do this in a calm manner or Elle may slap me round the ears again for doing stuff in anger
Last edited by jamieblunt (November 15, 2021 4:22 am)
Your wife is a lesbian..
oilslick wrote:
* just as a curious aside (and I’m sure we’ve all gone through this at some point) at times I find it quite jarring and hard to read/heard others comments and advice. It often feels like no one other than me knows the situation, me, my family, my wife, well enough to give opinions. And while we are obviously all strangers, when I get past that feeling, reading others perspectives is helpful. Hard to let your guard down I guess.
yes I think we get groomed to keep the secret. and we pick up on the 'special' thing - that we feel our situation is unique is another of our commonalities!
along with the best friend thing.
I'm sorry you are going through the feeling of being discarded - there's no words, it hurts, it's a serious indication you need to limit your exposure to your wife as much as possible and oh this might sound a bit daft but once I was able to take on board that he didn't have a hug for me, I'd give myself a hug.
Eventually it wore him down, he had to drop his standards, I really was going to divorce him so he gave me a hug and said he loved me. It almost worked!!!
thinking about it now I want to remember how he used to give me those hugs in the early days, it felt so good and I missed them as they got fewer and fewer to nothing. But now I can see there is a world of difference between getting a hug as a reward for what you bring and a hug because he loves you.
wishing you all the best, Lily
Hey all - I haven't posted in a while (jeezo, time flies) but I've found myself this evening unable to turn my mind off and need somewhere to just write. Christmas being just around the corner certainly isn't helping (I empathise completely with anyone else struggling right now).
Situation update (for context): I've been living in my mum and dad's spare room for five weeks now. As agreed we've split our time with the kids at the house and I've had every Wednesday night plus two full weekends solely with them, as well as weekly family dinners (to try show the kids that despite everything that's what we still are). I now have a flat secured for mid/late January, and a Civil Service job starting in early February. In theory at least certain things are coming together. Money is very tight, but bills are getting paid and Christmas presents have been bought. We have tentatively agreed to sit down and talk "longer term" post New Year. I have a rough idea in my head of what I want, and I'm going to try and organise a free advice session with a lawyer just to set my own thoughts right.
I think the fact that things on the surface look to be coming together is what's unsettled me (as well as Christmas, which I'll touch on in a bit). This past week I've been back to feeling really anxious, really low and sad. I'm drawn to the Steve Smith poem "Not Waving, But Drowning" and the short song of the same name by London hip-hip artist Loyle Carner. It's exactly how I feel. (Disclaimer I should say I'm not feeling suicidal or having thoughts of harm - I know people reading this might have that concern).
I think after the initial trauma (and it is a trauma) of opening up and talking to friends, family, therapist about what is happening and how it has affected me, I've shut down again. Maybe it's this toxic West-of-Scotland masculine notion that folk just struggle on, that when people ask how are you you smile and answer "fine" and quickly deflect the conversation to football or music or whatever. That you need a pint in front of you to be able to open up. That you don't want to burden others with your sadness (especially at Christmas). I feel very much like the man in the poem - outwardly cheery, getting on fine with life, yet drowning in the vastness of emotion.
As I write this it's clear what I need to do. I need to talk to someone. I'll do my very best to do that. I miss the kids terribly. I feel very alone. I miss intimacy. And everything my mind turns to the future, I get extremely anxious. And, I miss my wife. I'm still angry at her. I've thought a lot recently about how her inability to face up to her own feelings (for a long time) resulted in a warped expression of affection, of intimacy, and of sex. I think back to one of the things she said when she first told me. She was waiting for me to fuck up. For me to cheat, or whatever, so that she had a reason to end things. I find that so hurtful.
For Christmas Day we have decided to spend it as a family - me, wife, 4 kids - just in our house. Both grandparents will pop along to visit (we all stay in the same village) but primarily the day will just be us. Kids opening presents, usual traditional fry up breakfast, music, movies, games, and I'm cooking dinner. It's going to be hard but I'm prepared for it. The kids deserve as normal a day as possible. Maybe this recent lull is me reserving energy for that day. I've not felt Christmassy at all this year. For me (since as young as I can remember), Christmas has been about family. One of my favourite Christmas song's is Tim Minchin's "White Wine In The Sun" and I've sat in tears listening to it recently. Over the years that family has grown, changed, as all families do, and this year despite knowning I HAVE my family, I'm just really feeling the loss. Everything is tinged by it - I missed decorating the tree, I'll probably miss them going to bed tomorrow night, I'll miss seeing my neices and nephews on my wife's side, I'll miss just having someone to be with. I bought a gift for her, which I realise is probably a forlorn action. I'm unsure of whether to give it or not. I doubt she has anything for me.
11 weeks since finding all this out. Sinking in that this is for the long haul.
Oilslick the early days are the worst ... its so good you can articulate how you are feeling. My heart goes out to you, it is so devastating and everything is different and sad.
The first Christmas is always weird. The good news is that when you have your own place, have settled in and got a routine of work, kids time, social life going, it will be better.
You and the kids can decorate your tree in your place, and start new Christmas traditions.
Definitely talk to a lawyer to see what is usual, fair and realistic in a split. Forewarned is forearmed. If you can get things settled fairly quickly it will help you to start establishing your new life.
Best of luck and I hope you find some joy being with your kids this Christmas. ((Hugs))
oil slick thanks for the update, it is a very good piece of writing in itself. I wrote a post yesterday and then lost it so just sending hugs and look after yourself.