I'm looking for in person or online support groups for straight spouses which meet regularly. my husband came out to me couple weeks ago and before I could process what he said he wanted a divorce. After 24 years of being a devoted wife and mother, I'm hurt that he can dismiss our relationship so easily. He doesn't want to talk about any other scenario and Im devastated thinking about what it's going to do to my kids
Hello iam, <This part removed as MJM covered it above>
This board can also be helpful, but be aware that we are not professionals. We are fellow straight spouses. That being said, there is a wealth of experience here you may be able to tap into. There's also an important post we created called the 1st Aid Kit. It contains a lot of useful information. Not all may be applicable to your unique situation, but I expect some may help you coalesce your thoughts. You can find that thread here -
Know this, it is possible to come through this and survive, even thrive. There are many examples here. You may not see the way yet, but that will come in time. Take care of yourself, remember to breath, every step is a positive one, no matter the size.
Last edited by Daryl (November 21, 2021 7:20 pm)