Thank you Soaplife... you are so right... I have thought quite a bit how my problems were probably a result of being gaslighted and made to feel crazy for so many years... It is quite ironic how the happiest, most peaceful years of my life, have been alone. I'm afraid Ive been so traumatized by this experience that I will never let my guard down ever again. I have not dated since separating because I don't want any drama of a relationship, but I know this is me just protecting myself from any future pain... I'm very mad at him now and want to scream "We both know your GAY!!!" We still pretend he is straight... the subject does not come up.. Even when he told be he was dating someone... I gave him why blessing... Why did I do that?? Why I am going to alllow another woman to be drug into his closet?? But if I tell her now it would be completely spiteful, I'm just jealous that she is around my children,, acting like they are going to be a happy little family...
Thank you as well Abby.... you are right.. My next steps will be to see a lawyer...
If we ignore the're separated but still married? And that makes him think it's ok to see women,men,aliens.
That tells you all you need to know.
Consider whether holding the weight of his secret is healthy for you or for your children. I'm of the view that family secrets (especially big ones like this) can do substantial damage to children and their ability to trust. Because they will always find out. Always. And he shouldn't dump the weight of this on you.
As for him threatening suicide if people find out he's gay? What disgusting manipulation to try to dump this on you. If he threatens to kill himself, call the police, which will either (a) get him help he needs or (b) call his bluff. (My guess is that it's (b), but serious threats like suicide deserve serious intervention.)
As for him dating a woman, don't look back on yourself and question whether he's not straight or you were an inadequate wife. (HINT: He's not straight, and you sound like a saint for putting up with this.). He's a coward, and cowards love the closet. Actually, he's being pretty damned impressive in keeping his Family #1 in the closet while dragging Woman #2 and her entourage into.a new closet at the same time.
You probably know what you need to do. This isn't your fault. I'm so sorry.
Winnie, I saw your post on Sean's thread. Sounds like you have come a long way in a short time - that takes courage and honesty. I remember how relieved and empowered I felt the first time I said out loud to someone that my gxh abused me and that person believed me and didn't silence me.
I'm so glad you are seeing a lawyer.