I've reported the spamming on the Forum that's been filling the board for the last couple of days
Who checks it? Who deletes it? Who's getting the messages I send about this?
I reported a few also. I assume our board admins get notified - hopefully via email. Unfortunately, once someone like this comes along, they will flood the board, knowing that their time is limited before they get whacked. Some spammers purposely target weekends when admins might be less available.
It annoying, but fortunately so obvious, I doubt anyone here would visit their links.
Sorry. Touring Italy and missed checking up for a couple days. I typically remove around 5 potential spammers a day before they have a chance to post. I'll be back home in a couple days (assuming I test negative for Covid) and will have the chance to check more regularly. Well, I guess if I test positive and am quarantined, I'll have plenty of time as well.
Sam (Admin) wrote:
Sorry. Touring Italy .......
Oh you lucky thing!
Safe travels. It was annoying spam but easily spotted and avoided.
P.S. - In this case, I'm all for negative tests!
I have a piece of paper that says "Risulto del test Covid-19 - Negativo" so yes, one instance where negative is good.
Sam (Admin) wrote:
I have a piece of paper that says "Risulto del test Covid-19 - Negativo" so yes, one instance where negative is good.
Wonderful Sam So they'll let you back into the country then!
One of our islands (the one I live in) is Covid-free while the other has many cases and NZ is still closed to everybody except returning Kiwis so our tourism business hasn't geared up for visitors/Covid passports yet.
Elle, your country is on my bucket list, so I hope it opens someday.