OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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August 17, 2021 7:06 pm  #1

Gay porn

I'm sorry for deleting this post, but I'm scared he might find this forum and could get violent, seek retaliation or act out for exposing his lies and behavior. I've never mentioned this website, my post or anything, but I've been feeling uneasy lately. Since it has happened to other members, I now feel scared that he might run into this forum and see what I wrote as a way of venting out and to find someone that could show me the empathy I so badly need during this process. Thank you all for your words and support. I'll still be a member and try to participate in other threads. Reading everyone experiences have helped me understand that what happened is about him and his own lack of empathy and honesty rather than something that is terribly wrong with me.

Last edited by Devastatedbylies (August 22, 2021 5:16 am)


August 17, 2021 7:45 pm  #2

Re: Gay porn

Devastatedbylies wrote:



Welcome First take a deep breath....several deep breaths actually. Good on you for finding the forum, and reading and getting acquainted with the format. Have you read the First Aid Kit on the General Discussion Board? 
This is a confusing and difficult time but you're in the right place for the support and advice you'll need

None of us has this happen in exactly the same way but first and foremost I listened to my inner voice that told me 
this wasn't what I wanted in my life. My partner and I are in our 37th year together and I stay for the financial ease and our r'ship that has turned more platonic than anything else. I am celibate, not interested in him sexually and maybe one day I'll leave but not yet..
I guess I'm saying think long and hard before getting married or moving. It will get harder to extricate yourself the longer you're together. Men who have a homosexual tint to their sexuality, in my opinion, have it in them forever, and much of the time will be uppermost in their thoughts because it's something they can't openly express


KIA KAHA                       

August 17, 2021 7:48 pm  #3

Re: Gay porn

Oh and.....there have been way longer posts than yours.

Don't worry about how much you say..just that you say it all

KIA KAHA                       

August 17, 2021 11:27 pm  #4

Re: Gay porn

Some of us call this the roller coaster. We don't want to hate the person but we certainly hate some of the choices they made. It hurts to see our world shattered while they seem more like relieved at what has happened. I think it's good to let it out but safely. Vent here, write a letter but don't send it, that sort of thing. Find someone you can tell, a close friend or family member who can keep your confidence and knows how to listen. In my opinion, there's little to gain by bringing up the extra evidence you found. If you've made the decision to break, you should spend your energy detaching his life from yours. Maybe you will want to pursue some counseling, definitely look into that if you feel stuck, traumatized or a bit of PTSD like feelings.

Not everything needs to be decided right away. First steps can be small ones. The key is to begin moving.

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer

August 18, 2021 6:51 am  #5

Re: Gay porn

Devastatedbylies, what a rotten thing to happen.  The only positive part of this sorry scenario is that you have broken up with this deceitful, lying person before getting married.  Well done on cutting through the bullsh*t of his PhD level word salad of pathetic, obviously fake excuses. You ignored what he said and looked at what he did (the porn).

The sort of porn he is looking at is not something that immediately says 'devoted, caring, thoughtful, generous, faithful lover' to me, so I'm sure you have dodged a bullet there.  You don't want to end up as the 'innocent' victim in his fantasy scenario of gang rape.

Distance yourself from him, move him out of the bedroom if you haven't already, get him to start packing his stuff and getting it out of your space. Get tested for STIs and say a firm no to sex for old times sake before he goes.   

Good riddance to him.  I'm sorry he treated you so badly.


August 18, 2021 8:39 am  #6

Re: Gay porn

Devastatedbylies wrote:

I haven't told him anything about this because I found it in a "wrong way", also I don't want him to change the few passwords that I know or become even sneakier than what he has been all this time (incognito mode, clearing his history, etc.) I don't know what else to do.

I had this exact same shame, at least in the beginning.  I was terrified I was going to get caught, even though all I was doing was protecting myself.  I also felt like a criminal coming here and posting.  There was another online forum where I posted about it in a private thread, but I was terrified I would get caught.  When I finally got online access to OUR SHARED JOINT CHECKING ACCOUNT, I was actually sneaking around peeking at my own bank statements as if there was something shameful about it!

When the day finally came that I sat down to talk with him, he tried to pump me for information on how much I knew (probably trying to figure out how he could become a better, more effective liar).  I told him directly, he only ever confesses to the stuff that he knows he's already been caught at, so I'm not going to discuss "how much" I'd discovered or how I'd found out.

That stopped him for a moment.  But if anyone, ever, anywhere tries to shame me for any of this, my response will be: If you're determined to shame me, I can assure you there's plenty there for you to work with.  There's a lot that I feel deeply ashamed about, so you're going to have an easy job of it.  But you're going to have an interesting time trying to shame me for the ONE thing I ever did to stand up for myself, to protect myself.  Please continue.  I'll give you a score, on a scale of one to ten, how ashamed I am.  Because of everything I have beat myself up over, going back three decades, you have chosen to try and shame me for the ONE THING I did to stand up for myself and fight back.  As Barack Obama once said, "Please proceed, governor."

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

August 18, 2021 12:15 pm  #7

Re: Gay porn

What a stunning post, walkbymself!

I had the same feeling when I, too, finally got online access to our shared checking account, and looked at the monthly bank statements.  I actually felt guilty about it, like I was sneaking around behind his back!  Yet we had the same job, earned the same amount, and, because he did the bills, he knew every penny I spent, while he had kept me in the dark.  I was totally transparent, and would even ask him if we had enough when I needed to buy something like a new coat, while he never volunteered any information about how much he spent or what he spent it on. 

 I feel exactly the way you do: there is that in my life for which I am ashamed, but I am not at all ashamed for protecting myself or for standing up for myself.  

  I would say further that the shame we felt initially is a sign of how badly out of alignment our relationships were, how much we were at a disadvantage, and had internalized the subtle training to which we'd been subjected.   


August 19, 2021 5:13 pm  #8

Re: Gay porn


Last edited by Devastatedbylies (August 22, 2021 5:07 am)

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August 19, 2021 5:23 pm  #9

Re: Gay porn


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August 19, 2021 5:31 pm  #10

Re: Gay porn


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