Been working on my relationship.from day 1 on my own accord. Seems to work but painfully slow. Hoping to get into couples counselling in two weeks but I had to drag her there. Things are much better but communication is still difficult. I still feel like I am leading all the time and she feels like there is nothing to say. Things are improving and she is working hard, but it is difficult. On days like today I just feel so damned lonely. Going on 8 months now without getting laid. It just hurts my soul. On nights like this I just want to curl up into a ball and wake up on the other side. I don't think she has any idea how much this is hurting me. Im desperate for this to work and we did agree to wait u til she works her s*** out but I just did not expect it to take this long.
Qwerty, sorry you are feeling lonely, that is how I felt in my marriage.
when you talk about having to drag her to couples counselling, you having to take the lead all the time and no sex for 8 months I wonder what the 'working hard' means - what is she doing to merit that assessment?
what shit is she working out - her relationship with her girlfriend?
you could try setting a time frame rather than leaving it open ended. That is what worked for me. I wasn't getting answers, as usual, and so I said you have three months to give me answers. It didn't get me any answers but it put the ground under my feet. No answers was my answer.