OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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June 22, 2021 2:38 pm  #1

The Redwine case

I'm not sure if anyone is familiar with the Dylan Redwine case but I feel like it might be of some interest. I only recently came across it because after 10 years, the father is finally seeing his day in court for the alleged murder of his own son. It is believed the motive was that the young man found photos on his fathers laptop and confronted him. The case is very dark and could be triggering for some readers/listeners but the pattern of narcist, denial, and blame shifting are ever so present. The photos in question are of Mark Redwine (Dylan Redwine's father) in women's clothing, wearing a child's bonnet with a diaper in his mouth and the other detail is too disgusting to repeat. The mother, who exercised her right to a divorce years prior was made aware of these photos and when her two friends confronted Mark, he lifted a log over his head in an attempt to attack them. The two women quickly drove away. All of this started in 2012 and now in 2021, Mark is finally going to see his day. I for one wish Dylan's mother Justice. This motive was hidden time and time again. There was a Dr. Phil special involving the case that I didn't watch but it seemed as if the fetish, the cross-dressing and possible motive were not given much attention. 
Has anyone else been following this case and have any input as to why that seemed to be such a shrouded part of this case despite being the biggest possible motive? I'm just watching this trial and floored that I haven't seen a single expert on this issue show up. Would love to hear some theories. 

Sorry if this post doesn't belong here, it just seemed very relevant. 


June 24, 2021 8:43 am  #2

Re: The Redwine case

Hi I haven’t posted in quite a while.  Logged in this morning for some reason (new hubby is sleeping, today is our 3rd wedding anniversary).  My username still holds true from my gid ex husband who I was married to for 22 years.  After our divorce he tried to kill me.  I still live with the physical pain and chunk of my arm that’s missing.   My ex was never arrested.  Cops said you both have different stories, go live your lives.  For awhile I was quite obsessed with “the staircase “.  The judge in that case said he would never allow tgt ever again into a trial.  Too explosive. Omg like wow, are you kidding me.  Not a motive?  My ex is over 60 and has spent his life hiding from the truth (still in the closet).  Not sure why I logged on today.  The pain will never leave me.  When people ask me what happened to my arm, I’ve been able to shorten it to.  “That was a gift from my ex Husband”.

Depending on the person, place, time, my mood, how much my arm/hand is hurting that day.  The answers and follow up can range.  When seriously pushed, I sometimes disclose the gay in denial, he hated me because I knew the truth. It’s usually not worth it though, I can’t stand the how did you not knows .  This topic infuriates me though.  I feel as it’s just more collateral damage.  Not politically correct, you know.  Can’t be a motive etc. 


June 25, 2021 6:53 pm  #3

Re: The Redwine case


I didn't know about this case until you posted it.  I watched his oldest son's testimony yesterday and it was heart wrenching. Those photos are the motive in this trial. I wonder if the FBI profiler who was instrumental in getting this guy arrested will be called to the stand.  This cross dressing narcissist is not "trans"  but in today's PC world he could claim to be and come out to praise and support.  

JK Rowling gets it:       


June 25, 2021 8:45 pm  #4

Re: The Redwine case

Thanks for the kind replies.  Was not my intention to hijack thread.  Yes I’m doing my best to live as happy a life as possible.  Long way home, I wish you all the best of luck.  I did not plan an exit strategy.  I just reached my breaking point one day and ran with what I could put in my car with a step brother and friend there for back up.

Best wishes to all!  Please keep the good fight going.


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