The latest episode of "Hidden Brain" on NPR was on forgiveness. It's called (for some reason) "The Power of Mercy" and you can find it on their website
And don't worry; it's not one of those attempts to guilt you into (faux) forgiveness. It's set up from the perspective of the person wronged, and looks at how the brain and body process betrayal and forgiveness, and how to help oneself mitigate the effects of the betrayal and anger as one heals.
"forgiveness is a process" and I'm working on it
Partway through it became a bit too churchy for me but then I was reminded of New Zealand's day of violence and the 51 Muslim men, women and children who were gunned down here in their place of worship...and the forgiveness the families of the fallen gave to the killer of their loved ones.
"not forgiving can be a choice, and empowering" I'm still working on that too
Edited to say....I've bookmarked this so I can listen again
Last edited by Ellexoh_nz (June 20, 2021 4:31 pm)