OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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February 28, 2021 3:07 pm  #1

He said it's too late for him

My husband and I keep going through this cycle where I get emotional and all my doubts and insecurities bubble up to the surface. He gets defensive and asks why I keep bringing it up. I get upset and give all the reasons our marriage can't work. He tells me he loves me and he won't cross dress or ask me to do things I'm uncomfortable doing in the bedroom. He tells me he hasn't had the urge or desire to do any of that since I told him its a deal breaker for me. Then he gets upset that I'm upset and I end up apologizing for bringing it up.
This time he said something I hadn't heard him say before. He said he "made his choice to be with me and its too late for him to have a different life. He missed his chance". I was like, no its not! If you want to go be gay or whatever, you should do that. Don't you see the connection between this and your anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts? I can understand why he is scared to lose me and his relationship with his ultra religious parents. He has no friends or support system other than me. Which is why I found him support groups and therapists. He has his first appointment with a gender and sexuality therapy specialist tomorrow. I already know he won't tell me anything about it. But when he tells them what he said to me, that its too late for him, they might be able to convince him that's not true. Then its just a matter of time before he gets the courage to live his truth and we are over anyway. I just can't see the point of dragging this out and prolonging my suffering. Its so agonizing.


February 28, 2021 4:50 pm  #2

Re: He said it's too late for him


It does sound agonizing, and I wish I had something magical to say. It seems like you want him to live his ‘authentic’ gay life (as in having sex/relationship with a man). And, if he does then your marriage is over. Do I have that right? Is that what you want, too? It also doesn’t sound like he wants the end result, which would be to lose you.
We straight spouses spend so much time trying to help our non-straight spouses (as in, he doesn’t have friends; you found the support groups, you’re the one trying to convince him to ‘go out’ so he can be happy, etc. We tend to forget ourselves and how all this will make us feel.
Maybe the sex therapist will have some healthy answers tomorrow. 



February 28, 2021 5:52 pm  #3

Re: He said it's too late for him

It makes me feel horrible, like I could die from the pain. I feel anxious, insecure, full of dread, sick to my stomach. Like I'm living a nightmare. What I want is to go back in time before he disclosed and stay married to the man I thought my husband was. That's not possible, so now what? Find a new husband? I work full time, take care of our son, keep a home, work out, try to spend time with family and friends (during a pandemic?), and that's about all I have time for. Subtract my partner from that and I have even less time. Ok, then be single and fine with that.

      I want my husband, who I love tremendously to not be GBTQ (he doesn't know/won't tell me). I want the straight, loving companion I thought I had, to go through life with me. I dont want to worry that one day the other shoe will drop and he will finally have the courage to come out. I'm only 37. I don't want to be 60 and then he realizes, "Hey it's not too late for me!" It's that statement, "Its too late for me." I know in my heart that means he is too scared to come out. That's not a reason to stay together. "Its too late for me so I guess I'll stay married to you."

      Yes, I want him to be his "authentic" self. Whatever that is. GBTQ? No idea. He's not straight, that's the only thing I know for sure. I want him to be authentic and happy, but I have firm, clear boundaries about what I can tolerate in terms of his dressing and sexual desires. If he can't be himself within those boundaries then we shouldn't be married. I married him with the understanding that we were both straight and our sexual preferences were agreed upon. People change, I get that, but change gender and/or sexuality? I'm not comfortable with that. I dont want to be in a MOM.

      Im here at this support group coming to terms with the fact that my marriage is changing or ending. I can't cope. The truth is, I'm really scared. I'm scared to stay and I'm scared to leave.

    I feel strongly that the sex therapist will give him the advice and support he needs to come out. So in a way, yes, I think the sex therapist will have some healthy answers. Unfortunately it will probably spell the end of our marriage.

     Thank you for listening. Its wonderful to have your support through the worst time of my life so far.

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February 28, 2021 6:13 pm  #4

Re: He said it's too late for him

AuroraMoon wrote:

My husband and I keep going through this cycle where I get emotional and all my doubts and insecurities bubble up to the surface. He gets defensive and asks why I keep bringing it up. I get upset and give all the reasons our marriage can't work. He tells me he loves me and he won't cross dress or ask me to do things I'm uncomfortable doing in the bedroom. He tells me he hasn't had the urge or desire to do any of that since I told him its a deal breaker for me. Then he gets upset that I'm upset and I end up apologizing for bringing it up.
This time he said something I hadn't heard him say before. He said he "made his choice to be with me and its too late for him to have a different life. He missed his chance". I was like, no its not! If you want to go be gay or whatever, you should do that. Don't you see the connection between this and your anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts? I can understand why he is scared to lose me and his relationship with his ultra religious parents. He has no friends or support system other than me. Which is why I found him support groups and therapists. He has his first appointment with a gender and sexuality therapy specialist tomorrow. I already know he won't tell me anything about it. But when he tells them what he said to me, that its too late for him, they might be able to convince him that's not true. Then its just a matter of time before he gets the courage to live his truth and we are over anyway. I just can't see the point of dragging this out and prolonging my suffering. Its so agonizing.


What would happen if you stop helping him (appointments and such)....?


KIA KAHA                       

February 28, 2021 6:48 pm  #5

Re: He said it's too late for him

The cycle would continue. He would pretend everything is how it used to be before disclosure. I would keep trying to get answers and he would be defensive. Eventually one of us would leave, he would come out or kill himself.

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February 28, 2021 7:56 pm  #6

Re: He said it's too late for him

Hi Aurora, I have got a suggestion that might help.

Maybe you could try for something like organising some time away individually - a week or two if you can - you both get some time away from the home but your son has a parent there all the time.  



March 1, 2021 11:03 am  #7

Re: He said it's too late for him

Aurora - 
I feel like we could be writing the same story - except for the fact that at least your husband is honest with himself- at least to a point!

My husband will say he wants me, and only me - but he is most definitely gay. He is trying to pretend like everything is completely as it was before I found out. 
He is trying to stay in the marriage. He is TERRIFIED of losing everything we have, and says he is terrified of losing me. But I can't help but wonder if he is just scared of losing his cover and the image of him being a "great husband and Christian guy." 

I also can't seem to move past the feelings of sadness, depression, anger, insecurity, and deep deep despair. He gets mad that I can't just "make up my mind and choose to forgive and move on."

I am also terrified of leaving, but don't know how to stay, either.

What a fucking hell-trap we are in. I am so sorry you are here... but we are not alone. As stupid as it is that any of us are here, at least we're not alone, right? 


March 1, 2021 12:17 pm  #8

Re: He said it's too late for him

You are not alone. I found out last June and I have good and bad days. Yesterday was a good day but I feel anger and sadness today.


March 1, 2021 2:44 pm  #9

Re: He said it's too late for him

You could be me, writing the same story 10 years ago and nothing has changed. I'm still living in his closet and about every 6 months or so the elephant in the room shows up. My advice is to end it now while you are young enough to pick up the pieces and move forward. We are now in our 60's and I'm done. I told him last week he needs to get on with his life, I will live here until I decide it's time for me to leave. I consider myself single now and that is what I want and just telling him that has helped me and him. I quit doing everything for him and guess what..... He is doing for himself because I'm not. I am starting to look to MY future without him and I feel so better about me, I am over it being all about him and his issues.  Good luck sweetie, I wish you the very best.


March 2, 2021 7:48 pm  #10

Re: He said it's too late for him

lily wrote:

Hi Aurora, I have got a suggestion that might help.

Maybe you could try for something like organising some time away individually - a week or two if you can - you both get some time away from the home but your son has a parent there all the time.  


I think that's a really good idea, thank you. I've been considering a separation for a while now. This might be a very good next step!

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