Just here to try and get my feelings out. My husband and I are seeking couples counseling. We had a consultation the other day and today he had a one on one. Next week Wednesday we will have a joint session. I’m finding, after the month of January being full on emotions/shock...that we are doing this up and down thing now. Or at least I am. Some days I feel hopeful that things will work out and others not so much. After hearing about his session today I’m feeling the not so much.
Maybe it’s a little thing but here’s what I can’t stop thinking about. When the counselor asked him what his ideal situation would be, he responded that he would be married to me but have an “intimate side relationship”. When she asked if he would be ok with us both being open, he responded “well I realize if I had side relationships then she should be able to as well”. When I asked if he would be ok with that he said no. So he is saying we need to talk to the counselor more because he wants to be able to say monogamy is what he wants but something is stopping him and he needs to explore that, discuss it in counseling.
So I’m actually just kind of pissed right now. While I appreciate him being honest, I am very much aware of a few things. First of all, I am not ok with an open relationship in marriage. Second of all, I’m pissed that he made these vows to me and now all of a sudden thinks we can discuss this, knowing very well I’m not ok with it. Obviously we need to discuss it seeing as we aren’t ready to just give up but I just want to leave right now. I want to leave this house and go somewhere else for awhile away from him. I can’t because we have kids that rely on me but what am I suppose to do here? Attach or detach? I mean isn’t marriage SUPPOSED to include attachment to eachother? Not only that, but he seemed relieved, happier and validated after the session. I know I know, that’s how he should feel but why don’t I get to be mad and say fuck off to all that?! Is it wrong for me to think that In marriage you should be eachothe’s everything? I mean that’s what he led me to believe that our marriage was for so many years and what he wanted our marriage to be. Now he gets to just change his mind? No thank you and fuck off. That’s my current emotion. Maybe I’ll be in a better frame of mind or this will be clarified further later but in the meantime I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening.
- Epiphany
Epiphany wrote:
...... but why don’t I get to be mad and say fuck off to all that?.....,
Well..... Why don't you get mad? Why don't you assert yourself and say fuck off? ... Because you have every right to, he won't be expecting you NOT to back down.... And this is Your Life not his. Your decision not his.
I gave my partner 3 years to convince me we could get thru this. He didn't know he was ' on trial ' and at the end of 3 years he'd proven that the only way he was capable of fixing us was sexual, and he would never change. When I said I no longer wanted him sexually he accepted it.
He has a subservient sexual side and *I* think he likes the fact I'm telling him what do. Perhaps. Maybe. I dunno,
Be strong. Take deep breaths. This. Is. Your. Life.
Stand up for what you want.
Thanks Elle. I guess I’m treading lightly but I do plan to share these feelings in counseling. He gets this attitude when he shares things and then I want to discuss them further and says “see this is why I can’t share stuff with you”. I asked him why me wanting to discuss things further is an issue? Like why does he feel he needs the counselor to come to his truth? I think he’s afraid of saying something that will make me upset but what he needs to understand is I’m going to get upset! And that’s normal. Just cause it’s hard or uncomfortable doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be talked about. It’s not like I’m yelling, I’m just asking very blunt and pointed questions, trying to get to the truth. He’s definitely one of those people who likes to try and turn the tables so he feels less guilty. I just wish he could figure this out, be honest with I knew what direction to take mentally. Today I’ll be back to detaching...picturing my life without him, how that would work and what it would look like. Then he’ll come gone all happy go lucky expecting me to play along and I’m sure I’ll do my best...for now, and for the kids.
It's interesting or rather sick. My GX throughout the marriage told me what she would do to me if I ever cheated.
And then in the end I find her cheating.
I just found her affair arrogant..she could cheat but I could not. Like she was a God or supreme being and could do whatever she wanted..
So your husband wants an affair but does not want you to have one. Is he a king or supreme dictator? Clearly we get the same choice..and in that we should see that we have the same powers, importance, and rights. It's a basic human right..and that they cannot take away from us...they do not have that power. My GX forfeited all rights and powers when she chose to have an affair.
Sincere best wishes on the counseling..the fact that your husband stated clearly what he wanted, to me, says all there is know.
Rob, this was the conversation I was trying to have with him last night. He was asked his ideal situation and that was his initial response but he asked me not to over analyze it because we hadn’t discussed it further in counseling. I was trying to pull out of him if he really wanted an open marriage and he said he didn’t think so. He said he hadn’t taken the time to really look at what he wants (I think it’s obvious too, he’s just taking a very slow path to admitting it to himself and me fully). He cried when she asked what he would do if it was determined that he couldn’t fully satisfy me in our marriage and we went our separate ways and told her “I don’t want that”. Yet he enjoys this idea of having a side relationship which is the biggest smack in the face to me. It’s as though my heart and soul can see these huge red flags but his doesn’t. Or it doesn’t hurt him as much. I think he assumes that we will get through this no matter what because in the end he’ll do whatever it takes...he believes we are soul mates, meant to be etc... so then I find myself falling back into attachment and trust again till something like this happens. Every time these truths come out I’m just wanting him to tear the bandaid off but it’s like he can’t or won’t mentally/emotionally for himself. It’s some sort of torture. At times I believe we might come to a solution but then I see the strength of his desires to be with a man and think “how is this ever going to work again?”. Never in a million years did I see us here...I figured we could weather any storm together. This one is more like an asteroid hitting the earth though.
Epiphany wrote:
He gets this attitude when he shares things and then I want to discuss them further and says “see this is why I can’t share stuff with you”. I asked him why me wanting to discuss things further is an issue? Like why does he feel he needs the counselor to come to his truth? I think he’s afraid of saying something that will make me upset but what he needs to understand is I’m going to get upset! And that’s normal. Just cause it’s hard or uncomfortable doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be talked about..
This!! My husband says all the time if I ask a question or ask to discuss something further, "Why, so you can you just use it against me later?" This angers me for two reasons.
1.) This is blame shifting, making uncomfortable conversations MY fault? NO.
2.) You don't get to say whatever you want, and expect me to accept it at face value. You've already proven you aren't trustworthy
My husband would rather give the silent treatment (which is a form of emotional abuse) than talk about anything that makes him uncomfortable. It's like if he says one thing he knows he's lying, if he says something else it'll either hurt me or make him look like the bad guy. He doesn't want me to have "ammunition" so to speak, especially if I talk to my one confidant, because it'll "make him look bad." (Not his words - but definitely how he thinks.) Well guess what, he IS the bad guy right now. We're not in this shit show because of anything I did. Well...I've stayed when I now wish I'd already left, so I'll take the blame for that.
We have had those emotional ups and downs too. When he senses me pulling away, I feel like he drops a "token effort" to try to make me think he cares. The last time I made it clear I have started to emotionally detach and want to separate, he texted me the next day that we should try marriage counseling. Now? NOW he wants to try? I think it's because he feels himself losing his grip on me. I don't feel like it is about the marriage or me, but rather to keep me in line, so to speak.
I have been letting myself detach for awhile. It's not easy, especially when there are kids involved. I understand. Even though my husband has not cheated, "the strength of his desires to be with a man" as you said, are glaringly obvious, and I don't have the energy or desire to fight something of that magnitude.
Epiphany you wrote ."".,....... He gets this attitude when he shares things and then I want to discuss them further and says “see this is why I can’t share stuff with you”
. My partner said " I'll never tell you anything ever again ” after my bad reaction to his email 4 years ago. So I've taken him out of the equation when thinking of our r'ship,... Believing that he WON'T tell me the important things has made me not expect the truth. I've built a definite divide between us. It's helped me process everything in my mind, to concentrate on my children more. Neither of us know how this is going to go. He may have a plan but if he does I don't expect him to tell me.
Try to focus more on yourself Ep. It sounds to me that you have already thought about life without your husband. Make him, in your mind... secondary
to your choices
Last edited by Ellexoh_nz (February 5, 2021 11:58 am)
Epiphany wrote:
He said he hadn’t taken the time to really look at what he wants (I think it’s obvious too, he’s just taking a very slow path to admitting it to himself and me fully). He cried when she asked what he would do if it was determined that he couldn’t fully satisfy me in our marriage and we went our separate ways and told her “I don’t want that”.
This is EXACTLY what happened to me. He was not being forthcoming and in front of a therapist he said I was trying not to hurt her anymore. I literally pieced his "desires" for a new life, wanting and NEEDING to be a new gender and changing his sexuality all in 1-2 weeks of him being "CONFUSED". He apparently WAS NOT.
When my stbx told me about his trans new and being bi, I BEG to stay etc (YES, I was insane! I too thought he was my LIFE and SOULMATE. We could weather the storm!) This was BEFORE I found out why he kept telling me about this thought. It was because he had ALREADY experienced this with sexting and chatting with men and sending nude pics. This "desire" doesn't go away.
Some relationships weather this storm of a partner being desired by an opposite sex and open marriages, but if your heart tells you that this won't work then listen to it. I caused myself so much emotional roller coaster of anger, sadness and grief for 2 months just to find out my "SOULMATE" was just a deceiver and betrayer. He said he didn't want our marriage to end and would try anything to hold onto it. I even tried to "hold" onto what I thought was my "partner in life", but how do you hold onto your vows and marriage when you desire other people?
I thought we knew each other, but apparently I was the only one who was truthful with my heart and my desires to be with my partner for life....WHILE he had other desires for 16 years! This was the main reason the sexual relationship declined, as his "desires" were always with someone else (men)!
I was mad as hell as you were, then sad, then questioning and pondering about the "future" we could have, BUT I now know the "future" was all in my imagination. Grieiving the loss of a relationship and a spouse, but when you are not "true" to your partner, then who are you? I asked him to LOOK in the mirror the last time I saw him and asked him who he has become??? He said he "didn't know", but I assure you he does. He is trans and now bi and now desires men. He just couldn't come out to say "I don't want you as my partner, you aren't the love of my life anymore." He wouldn't say those words apparently it was "too painful" for him; however his non actions and not being forthcoming to me says is all.
Please look within yourself and know that holding on to your "imagination" of your marriage is not his "imagination".
Listen to your head and not your heart is what I have learned.
Hugs to you! Stay strong and know you should NOT accept anything less than what YOU DESERVE!
This is all way too familiar. *difference* my husband has had PLENTY of experience having sex with men...he cheated our entire relationship until May 2019....after I caught him. He never would have stopped otherwise, so we started at the ‘bottom’ to begin with, as he didn’t want to stop. He’d rather have an open marriage. I can NOT (as it was, I did without knowledge or approval for 15+ yrs! No one asked me if it was all right.) I had a long conversation with him BEFORE we got married about what I expected in marriage with monogamy. I told him if he couldn’t agree to that, now was the time to say so (he was already having sex with men)...he had his chance then. When I mentioned this after disclosure & asked him, he said “I had different ideas.”. Ughhh. So, mine didn’t count or mean anything.
When we were trying to go through reconciliation workbooks, one of the questions asked of my husband was: What was it like having two (there were many more) sexual relationships at one time?- his answer: “The best of both worlds” It’s something I’ll never forget. During that time (and, yes, I know I opened this door, However a counselor would have anyway), I asked him if I said ‘go ahead. Go out and have sex with a man. would you?” ....heck, he was almost out the door before I finished. It’s like he said: “you asked!”.... SO, yes, IT HURTS knowing he wants to have sex with men.
And, be pissed! As much as you want! And, the part about him saying that he doesn’t want to tell you the truth because it gets you upset........ I get that, too. I tell him, yes, I may get upset, but TELL ME! I’ll get over being upset, but I won’t get over not being told and finding out later. the cheating, etc. I’m having almost as much trouble getting over him lying to me for 16 months.
And, the vows.....when it first happened, I didn’t find this forum, but found ‘surviving infidelity’, the statement was made that he crushed, ruined, voided..etc his vows, ....mostly saying we weren’t married any more. I was SO upset since I just found out that this crushed me even more. If we ‘make it’, and I don’t know how long this would be, I’d like to renew our vows, since the first ones aren’t valid any more. ..But, I asked him to marry me (very unlike me..but, he was 53 & never married-didn’t like the idea....I didn’t like the idea of just living together- I’d been married 32 years, since right out of high school until my husband passed away, so marriage was the only way I was going to live together).; I’ve found out since discovery that he never wanted to get married (yes, another blow), I know he’ll never ask for the renewal and I WON’T ask him.
And, he wouldn’t mind at all if I had sex with another man. It’s the opposite of your situation, but it’s unsettling that he doesn’t care about it at all. It’s not that I want him jealous, but it would be nice if he cared. Of course, it would mean he could do it, too...but, that’s not the only reason. It hurts that he doesn’t care enough about me to not want me in another man’s arms. He just doesn’t think that way.
TTSP, I get the silent treatment, too. When we have those lonnnnng discussions, it ends up being a monologue on my side because he shuts down. I tell him it needs to be a two-way conversation, but get nowhere.
So, we’re still is couple’s counseling. We’ve both seen individual therapists, but gotten nowhere, so hopefully this will help. I see where I’ve gotten less supportive of him recently. this was asked on another group I’m in. And, I realized I’ve been asking him to do all the ‘giving’, affection (which I already did, but I don’t so much anymore)....and, I’ve lessened my giving of myself to him....It DOES go both ways to make it work. With all the hurt, I sometimes forget, and we can’t do that if we want to make it... He’s been ‘good’ as far as not acting out, it’s just his attitude and anger that he’s having trouble with now......whew.
Good luck to you. Maybe my experiences will help in some ways.
"He gets this attitude when he shares things and then I want to discuss them further and says “see this is why I can’t share stuff with you”. I asked him why me wanting to discuss things further is an issue? Like why does he feel he needs the counselor to come to his truth? I think he’s afraid of saying something that will make me upset but what he needs to understand is I’m going to get upset! And that’s normal. Just cause it’s hard or uncomfortable doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be talked about.."
- Epiphany
"This!! My husband says all the time if I ask a question or ask to discuss something further, "Why, so you can you just use it against me later?" This angers me for two reasons.
1.) This is blame shifting, making uncomfortable conversations MY fault? "
-This Too Shall Pass
Holy smokes! So, when we argue he says, "This is why I don't bring up things. You just get upset." I never saw that as blame shifting before. There's a whooooooole bunch of stuff that I never saw...