OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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January 14, 2021 5:56 am  #11

Re: I feel like an idiot today, about my choice 29 years ago...

Thank you Rob and Longwayhome. What makes it so hard, it that my dad is on his last... I am dealing with missing him tremendously, (he is overseas) and I am this side. AND having to deal with not just losing him, but also my husband at the same time.
I have already had my first session of counselling this week and will have another one again Saturday. I have also ordered an eBook to read, https://www.booktopia.com.au/search.ep?pn=1&productType=917504&keywords=my+husband+is+gay&list=8
and I am sure I am going to get more insight with this book too. Thought I'll post the link, as others might see something there they want to read too...
When my parents got divorced about 23 odd years ago, I was devastated, - family life meant everything to me. Now it's happening to me, and even so, when the 4 of us are together (2 boys and us) we always have really good times together. I know my children wouldn't want us to separate. My husband and I are still very good friends. We went out for a quick dinner last night and we talked NON-stop.... I am angry at times, extremely sad at times, especially in the evenings when I go to my room and he goes to his, - the loneliness really gets to me. I want to hold his hand, kiss him... but I can't. Yes, I still love him, but I need help to move away from that. "Those life time of behaviours!"
How did you get through these huge issues, while still living in the same house?
Did your love turn to anger and hatred?
Which brings me to the point I want to make: I am soooo confused at times, even though I did say we should separate, - is this the right thing to do? Mostly I do think so, as this would give me the freedom to get out and explore and just think about myself for a change. (I am not the slightest interested in meeting other men, heaven knows, - having to deal with their issues, new family, new everything...NOT NOW!! I will run!!) But separation would also give him the freedom to do the same. However, he keeps telling me, that he can't enter a sexual relationship with anyone anymore, as he's had an operation 6 years ago, due to prostate cancer and nobody would be interested in half-a-person. His online friends overseas which he has never met but wants to, know about his life/past/present. They support him, they offer positive advice, I wonder if he tells me that because I should feel sorry for him? I don't know what to think at times. I had a dream a short while ago: I am in a boat, - alone. The boat was moving, but when I looked outside, - moving curtains aside, - I saw chaos....destruction, and a woman and her child consoling each other about the chaos around them. There were other boats in the water too. Then the dream stopped. I know, that's me in my boat, surrounded by chaos at the moment, but I will get out of it, sometime. We still continue with our chores, he does the washing, I clean the house... we both cook, he does in the week, and I do over weekends, because I live far from work. For how, this continues to work well as usual. We still buy groceries together. Regarding money, he has agreed to have his salary paid into our joined account. We are going to see the bank together on Saturday to make a few good changes. And we both have an account for our OWN use, and no one asks questions about that. The fact that he financially wants to support his overseas friends, helped him realise that he should rather find a 2nd income to support them, if he wants us to continue to have one roof over our heads (a house that we are both paying for). Looking (listening) objectively to this, what do you see/hear that I don't see/hear? What am I missing? LOL! Am I an emotional sucker? Am I being eaten alive?

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).

January 14, 2021 11:39 am  #12

Re: I feel like an idiot today, about my choice 29 years ago...

Hi Beijoux - the way I see it is people are different, it's a different set of rules for a different type of person and what you see here is often the straight spouse is a kind and caring nature.

sorry to hear about your father, that's a big thing happening and it must be hard not being with him.

I went through the loss of both my parents in the same time frame and then the gay thing struck.  I think in a way it is the nature of things - like a river dislodging rocks when there's a lot of water running.  

yeah so my advice, being one kind-natured person to another, is snarl as much as you want to.


January 17, 2021 6:06 am  #13

Re: I feel like an idiot today, about my choice 29 years ago...

Thank you both for your input/advice. Some days are better than others. I am craving those 'honest discussions' and both have nothing to loose by being open and honest. It helps me to move on, little by little...
I am also watching the series of GRACE AND FRANKIE on netflix and it's interesting, gives me insight, makes me think about things, and I am also reading the book I mentioned before... I have been for my 2nd session of counselling, and yeah, she was shocked to hear I KNEW that he was gay...before we got married... I still need to forgive myself.
We always looked like the perfect couple to others, we often heard that... a dear friend of mine who has gone through an ugly divorce about 20 years ago, looked at us, as a huge sign of hope, encouragement, to think that there is hope at the end of the tunnel. Today she is happily married (about 13 yrs)...

I think I understand gay people better today as I have begun to accept my two boys for who they are. Hence I find conversations with my husband easier, however, I think there's more empathy for gay people than straight people in these broken relationships from society...

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).
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January 17, 2021 2:33 pm  #14

Re: I feel like an idiot today, about my choice 29 years ago...

Beijoux wrote:

......I am also watching the series of GRACE AND FRANKIE on netflix .......

I watched Grace and Frankie too. All through it I thought "This is so removed from the normal everyday 'my husband is gay' experience that I could only treat it as the fictional programme it was.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if all the straightspouses had a beach house. I  didn't see many heartbreaking emotions that many of us go through. Days crying would obviously mean extra time in the makeup trailer.
It's a series that shows maybe if you're rich and have connections... finding out your spouse is gay is not such a bad thing

KIA KAHA                       

January 17, 2021 6:01 pm  #15

Re: I feel like an idiot today, about my choice 29 years ago...

Look I cannot help it, I shudder when I read the line in your previous post - "..what am I missing..am I being eaten alive?" 

I had a vivid dream too - I was a big beautiful white goose sitting on my nest, my white feathers glistening and these beautiful golden eggs nestling underneath and there was this grey hand creeping up under the feathers to steal the eggs.  Translation - well yes, that is what it felt like, it also turned out my ex was siphoning off money out of our account and stashing it in a secret one of his own.

correct me if I'm wrong but didn't your husband tell you he was bisexual rather than gay?  Didn't he make it seem like he could love you 100%, as if it were a matter of who he chose, man or woman he could love them like that whichever sex he chose.

Last edited by lily (January 17, 2021 6:10 pm)


January 18, 2021 6:46 am  #16

Re: I feel like an idiot today, about my choice 29 years ago...

Thank you for your post, Lily... Now that is the question, isn't it?? He assured me today, again, that he had not relationship with any other person... just a quick fling with someone 19 years ago, in a matter of 30 minutes, when he went to a customer's house, selling an alarm... (SA, the country of crimes!!). But I intend to ask him this question every two weeks, just to make sure the story stays the same...! LOL! He told me about short relationships with 2-3 other men, and once he was about to get engaged to someone before he met me... He struggles to give affection to a woman... he is gay, as far as he knows and I know... but I get what you are asking...

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).
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January 18, 2021 7:01 am  #17

Re: I feel like an idiot today, about my choice 29 years ago...

If SA stands for South Africa you already know the AIDS rate.  You already know about 3-4 "relationships" or "flings" he's had with men; you don't know how many he isn't admitting to. Please protect yourself and do not have unprotected sex with him.   
I knew several  (white) men in South Africa who were 

Last edited by OutofHisCloset (January 18, 2021 7:04 am)


January 19, 2021 6:54 pm  #18

Re: I feel like an idiot today, about my choice 29 years ago...

Hi OutofHisCloset, yes I get that... since his operation in 2015 there wasn't any sex... But yeah, I do get that!

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).
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January 19, 2021 7:14 pm  #19

Re: I feel like an idiot today, about my choice 29 years ago...

There’s someone else here who knowingly and very willingly married a gay man. I can’t recall her name at the moment though. Last I heard they are still together and doing well. 


January 19, 2021 7:23 pm  #20

Re: I feel like an idiot today, about my choice 29 years ago...

Hi TangledOil, as I have read up on some research, yes the minority stay together. We are still friends, we don't hate each other, but we want to separate, eventhough living in the same house. I am sometimes so stuck, don't know what the right thing to do, is, but he is a friend now, and not my lover anymore. We have been living separately in our rooms for over a year now, but still go out together, dine together, do grocery shopping, etc etc. But at night, I am lonely, have been for past 5 years. Hopefully with counselling, I will be able to think straight. My dad passed away 2 days ago, - which makes things soooo messed up right now... I can not afford to hurry any decisions. Hope this person can come forward, or I might have to search here on this website to find out... want to read her side of the story. Every bit helps. It does.

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).
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