OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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December 12, 2020 10:15 pm  #1

My engagement may be over

I've known my fiance was bisexual for 2 years.  I was intrigued and actually pushed him to explore his feelings.  Then when he decided to physically explore, with my blessing, I couldn't hold it together.  It never went past messages but  I was hurt, jealous and anxious.  Originally he said it wasn't worth causing me so much pain.  He worked hard at proving he loved me and making me feel safe.  We had never gotten along better.  Then I saw the messages from his friend and fell apart. I made him cut all contact and a big fight followed.  Tonight he isn't sure if we are going to work out.  I'm destroyed and angry.  I feel like my world is falling apart.  I love him and want him to be who he is and want him to be happy and I really tried to be ok with everything and maybe I could one day.   I have no one to talk to because he is not out, I cannot tell my friends.  


December 13, 2020 12:01 pm  #2

Re: My engagement may be over

I’m sorry you’re going through this. When you pushed him to explore his feelings, what did you think that meant? He did what you wanted , and then you found you couldn’t take it. However, IMHO, as much as it hurt, since YOU “pushed “ him to do it, it’s not fair to him to get angry because he did. I can certainly understand getting upset when it actually happened. I know it’s not something I could or would be able to tolerate, but I also wouldn’t have suggested he explore his feelings (BTW, he already has for YEARS, so “exploring “ doesn’t “get it out of their system “, so to speak. In fact, if he is indeed gay or bisexual, he’s going to realize how much he really DOES want to to it. If you got that upset over messaging, the real thing will be much harder to take. 
of course, it’s completely up to BOTH of you if you want to open your marriage, but there’s a lot to consider. For some, it works out great as long as BOTH want it, boundaries are made and kept, complete and open communication is a must, and much more. I’ve seen some wives who opened their marriages so their bi/gay husbands could feel fulfilled and their urges met. I’m too monogamous for that. It’s part of my core/religious/moral/ and more beliefs, and it’s the agreement I entered into when we got married. If I were to agree to it to either make him “feel good” or to bend to the pressures of society, then my religious beliefs wouldn’t mean much. 
So, I wish you all the best with whatever you both decide to do. 



December 13, 2020 1:28 pm  #3

Re: My engagement may be over

I know this isn't very *supportive,* but you're not married....no kids yet?...Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuun for the hills.


December 13, 2020 1:29 pm  #4

Re: My engagement may be over

Dear Rene,

   I'm so sorry the first response to your post was a slap down that blamed you for the pain you're feeling.

   It's a positive, praiseworthy thing that you wanted your partner to be happy.   Many of us here have from that same desire agreed to or considered arrangements or actions we later realized violated our own values or needs.   Perhaps in urging your partner to explore, and then agreeing when he wanted to do so, you hoped that in "exploring" your fiance would return to you knowing he wanted to be exclusive with you.  What you have discovered is that you want to be exclusive in a relationship.  You may wish you could be otherwise, for his sake, but you clearly are not comfortable with an open relationship. 


Last edited by OutofHisCloset (December 13, 2020 2:18 pm)


December 13, 2020 2:01 pm  #5

Re: My engagement may be over

Rene wrote:

I've known my fiance was bisexual for 2 years.... 

Hi Rene, welcome to the Forum this is the place for you at the moment, we know you're in the beginning phase of a storm, we know the feelings you're feeling. It's a good place to share and learn when you don't feel you can confide in friends or family, but in the end you'll learn to NOT talk about this will do you more harm than good. 
Don't let the fact that you were originally okay with him exploring make you think you're unable to now say you're not.This is your life, these are your feelings, this is your future. I'm in no doubt your fiance would have had stirrings of interest long before he said anything to you. 
Take those emotions you're experiencing now......the jealousy, anxiety and hurt....and transport them to 5 years in the future. Do you think you'll be feeling them still? If you now take it 10 years into the future and you're still having the same raw emotions it'll probably be too late. He'll be out there 'exploring' while you sit at home, and by then you would have put too much into your r'ship/marriage that it's hard to break away. 

You don't mention your age or how long you've been together but honestly....your bisexual partner may be hoping you'll be a front for his bisexual exploration, and that you'll keep on loving him and "wanting him to be who he is" because your love for him lets him be who he is.

Well now....that's him. He was easy to sort out and  put in a box. He wants his cake and to eat it with icing and & you just get the bowl to lick.

Now you Rene....you have to decide if that's what you want your life to be. When you get angry, stay angry, and do something productive with the anger. See a counselor (not as a couple.....YOU see one) This Mindfuck is big and you'll need somebody to lean on and confide in. Who told you that just because he's not 'out' you can't speak to anybody? That's total bullshit..!!!  He's messaging men who know exactly what he is and what he wants to do. Don't be frightened of speaking your mind. Decide what you DON"T want in your future. 


KIA KAHA                       

December 13, 2020 2:38 pm  #6

Re: My engagement may be over

My apologies for the way I worded my response. It was based on my first gut reaction to your post and I didn’t even proof read it, or I probably wouldn’t have even posted it, as I don’t intend to hurt anyone’s feelings. 

I do hope it all works out for you, whichever way it goes.



December 13, 2020 2:43 pm  #7

Re: My engagement may be over

Thanks everyone, in the middle of all of this it is good feel heard and understood.

 My fiance and I are in are early 50's with no kids, been together 4 years and were supposed to be married next May.  Neither one of us want to waste time and I definitely don't want to be feeling this 5 months let alone 5 years from now.   I know I am allowed to change my mind about an open relationship but I still feel like I am the one screwing it all up.  When I was being supportive we were getting along better than ever.  I guess that's why I was hiding my anxieties.  And I was realizing how clingy I was being.  Every time he was on his phone I thought he was messaging someone.  He was completely forthcoming with any messages or thoughts he had so none of it was a surprise.  I just thought I wouldn't be jealous or insecure over a man.  I was so wrong.  He says he wishes he had never told me he was bisexual but I'm sure the truth would have surfaced eventually.

Ellexoh_nz   He never told me I couldn't speak to anyone that was me.  He is VERY private and would lose his shit if he found out I told my friends.   But I will find someone, I just can't afford therapy right now.  I'm so thankful I found this forum.  


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December 13, 2020 5:26 pm  #8

Re: My engagement may be over

I spoke with a friend.  Then I made an appt with my doctor for a general check up and I told him too.  Amazing how helpful that was - just telling people made me feel more grounded.

Look, you might not be ready yet to hear this, and sorry if this is the case but you are asking and to me your posts are flying red flags, this jumped out at me - "when I was being supportive we were getting along better than ever."  Uh oh, that sounds a bit one sided, like you're dancing round him.  Then you go on to say  "I guess that's why I was hiding my anxieties."  and now it's sounding like limbo dancing, you are holding back your anxieties to keep him happy instead of being able to lean on him.  and then "And I was realising how clingy I was being"  so now it's your fault?  Those are natural responses to have, you are straight and monogamous by nature aren't you.

And all he can say is he wishes he'd never told you.  that it is like saying it is your response that is the problem while deflecting attention away from what you are responding to - his desire to sleep with a man.  Where can you go with that?   He is cutting the ground from beneath your feet - your response is reasonable.

so you know, I just think you need to find a friend to talk to more than you need to talk to him.

wishing you all the best, Lily



December 13, 2020 5:59 pm  #9

Re: My engagement may be over

"you are straight and monogamous by nature aren't you."

Yes, Lily, I am straight and monogamous.  Years ago, in my previous marriage we played around with "swinging" and at first it was fun but then ended up ruining our relationship.  So the thought of opening my current relationship triggers me.  

Oh wow, you are so right about me "dancing around" him.  Trying to make him happy at my expense.  Wow.  Thank you for the insight.  I have to take care of myself first.  

I decided I will talk to my sister.  Thanks again.

     Thread Starter

December 13, 2020 8:25 pm  #10

Re: My engagement may be over

okay so let me guess - you're generous, kind and friendly and it wasn't you who wanted to do the swinging in your previous marriage - you went along with what your partner wanted?  

my experience is that when something is triggering me it is for a good reason, it's the current situation that is reminding me of the past one - it is the current situation that is bothering me.

thanks for the thanks, much appreciated.  I am glad to hear you have a sister you can talk about it all with, that is the best to have family support. 



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