OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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September 30, 2016 8:06 am  #91

Re: How do I survive this?

Yesterday was an interesting day for me.  

I took a necessary step in the divorce process by preparing and filing my divorce response.  I also filed a counter-claim for divorce so that if she dismisses the case for some reason, I still have a say in the matter.  I also filed our mediation settlement agreement with the judge.  In addition, I filed a motion and order for waiver of the statutory waiting period.  This is a request to shorten the divorce from a minimum of 180 days to something less.  I requested a hearing for 11/23, which would make the divorce slightly more than 60 days.  This is probably too optimistic, but worth a try.  

So, this required a trip to the courthouse to file papers and a visit to the judge's courtroom.  

I've found that being in control of the divorce process is very helpful to me.  I feel like i'm in control of my life and pushing forward and this is helpful and healing for me.  The sooner I can get through the divorce, the sooner I can heal and rebuild my life as a single person.  Then someday I can be healthy and prepared to find a new relationship. 

So, filing the paperwork felt very empowering.  Especially doing it all "In Pro Se" or on my own behalf with no attorney.  

But, the visit to the courtroom was also heartbreaking. 
I've been having visions and dreams about that day in the future when the judge actually rules our divorce final.  I've been running over how that would feel.  What would I say to her on the way out of the courtroom..   How would this feel..   So being able to add an image of exactly what the courtroom looks like really made that vision much more real, and much more painful.  It's the end of the marriage that I thought I had.  The end of the life that I thought I was living.  That is still very sad for me.  I do want to be done with this new reality.  I don't want to be married to the new her.  But I still grieve for the old her.  

I loved the woman I married.  I miss her.  I wish I could have her back. 

But I don't love the person I am divorcing.  She hurts me and I need to move on.  

Last edited by lostdad (September 30, 2016 8:09 am)

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 


October 1, 2016 7:15 am  #92

Re: How do I survive this?

Yeah lostdad..they are no longer the person we married.  My ex was all hurt..torch and burn.
I was such a kind husband..and when I stood up for myself in the end I was greeted with wrath like I never knew.  I was accused of horrible things...my past actions and steadfast love was rewritten.
I found myself in a courthouse shaking and trembling..like I had done something wrong. 

I commend your courage and clear head to handle this yourself.  I could not.  My lawyer was worth every penny..I needed so much defense from the gay wrath.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

October 3, 2016 11:04 am  #93

Re: How do I survive this?

Lostdad I hadn't seen this thread before - I just wanted to say quickly that I think you're doing brilliantly. As other said your early posts took me right back to my first postings on the old forum - I remember the feelings well. I am really, really pleased to see your more recent posts which have a practical, forward looking outlook. 

I don't mean to be patronising, but I am really proud of you! Day by day things will get better. I can already see you taking hold of your life with both hands - you will continue to get through this, you are going to be stronger than you can possibly realise. You have made me feel really good today, as you have reminded me firstly of the pain of the start, but then more importantly the grim determination to get on. It reminded me that we all have that determination, to knuckle down and do things we couldn't believe we could do. I was having a bit of a crappy day, small day-to-day things getting to me, but now I can remember that feeling, and I can push through this trivial stuff I'm facing today. 

I'm now going to go out and make the most of today - I hope you all do too :D

(a newly determined) Bob 


October 3, 2016 2:13 pm  #94

Re: How do I survive this?

Thank you Bob.  I appreciate the kind words. 

I'm trying my best to deal with this situation in a mature, kind, respectful and healthy way.  It's not easy, but I'm making progress.  I can't tell you how valuable this forum and these wonderful people have been to me. 

This is a roller-coaster.  I admit that lately I've been more active here on my good days than I am on my bad days, so my attitude probably comes across a little better than it really is.  But overall, I am slowly getting better. 

I think we all need to figure out what makes us feel better.  For me, it's being in control of my situation, being proactive to jump as many hurdles as I can as soon as I can.  I also try to focus on finding hope for the future.  For me this is the idea that I will find another woman someday and that I'll get to have an amazing relationship with someone who will fulfill me emotionally and physically.  To get to that point I know that I first have to make it through the divorce as well as possible.  Then I have to figure out how to heal from the scars left behind from this situation.  

I haven't exactly sat down and written out a specific 12 step plan, but I have a pretty good idea of what I need and want to accomplish and how to get there.  That's how I will heal and move forward.  

I would encourage everyone to imagine what a happy life will look like for them and then figure out what steps you need to take to make it to that point.  Bob, you sound like you are well on your way.   Congrats.. I hope to be in your shoes within a year's time. 

In addition to getting myself to a healthy and happy place, I feel led to help others get there as well.  I have a great deal of compassion for the others who have been here before and for those who will be here in the future.  If I can just find the wisdom to help even a few people have an easier time with their own painful journey then I will be fulfilled and know that I've made something good out of my own terrible journey. 

Last edited by lostdad (October 3, 2016 2:26 pm)

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

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October 6, 2016 12:21 pm  #95

Re: How do I survive this?

This roller-coaster continues. 

It's amazing how emotions can change and shift so quickly from day to day. 

I'm really angry today.  As I move further from the initial shock of the situation I have been able to process more of my feelings and understand them better. 

I don't feel so angry at her for being a lesbian.  My first anger was that I was lied to for so long.  But I realized that she had to lie to me to keep trying to make things work.  She didn't want to hurt me, so she had to lie to me.  I think she hoped she could overcome the lesbian feelings and come to peace with her life.  But that didn't work out, so she had to eventually make this decision.   Sure, that hurts.. but I'm not really angry with her about this. 

What I'm really angry about is that she fell in love with someone else while being married to me.  It's the betrayal of our love that really hurts.  This hurts much more than the idea of her needing to change our relationship so that she can part ways.  The idea that she made a vow to me and then she fell completely in love with someone else and then had sex with that other person is a red hot burning stake in my heart. It hurts so much!  I'm so angry at her and even moreso at the other woman.  What a horrible human being.. both of them.  I think adultery is basically second only to murder if a person were to rank sins and bad deeds.  It's a really awful thing to do to another person.  It's like trying to murder the person's soul rather than their body.  She finally made the decision to come out because she fell in love with someone else.  What an awful human being.  How completely disrespectful to a husband who has been faithful and loving through an obviously imperfect marriage.. and this is the payback I get.  I'm ashamed of myself for marrying her in the first place.  How stupid of me.  I should have seen that she was a horrible person at the core.  

Ugh.. I realize I'm venting right now..  I guess that's good for me to do. 

I would have had so much more respect for her moving forward if she had been an adult and allowed our love for each other to slowly separate before she fell in love with someone else.  I am supposed to be able to forgive another person, turn the other cheek, not remain in hatred.  But I am having such a hard time with these concepts.  I'm not after retribution or revenge, but how can I come to a point where I can forgive and let go of the hurt and the pain she has caused me?

I have to figure out how to be at peace with her for my kids sake.  My hatred for her will eventually poison relationships and I don't want to harm my kids.  They need the security of a good relationship with two good and loving parents.  If i hate her, my kids will see it and it will damage them.  I don't know how to hide it.   The only way I could see coming to peaceful terms with her right now is if she got rid of this other woman from her life.  But she won't do it.  The other woman filed for divorce from her husband this week.  So their plan to divorce their husbands and marry each other seems to be moving forward.  I'm disgusted by such a horrible person and such horrible actions.  

I'm so angry..  Maybe this is a good thing.  I suppose I need to deal with it at some point so that I can keep healing.   But I also made a vow to her and to myself and my God not to show her my anger.  I don't want to yell  at her or say terrible things.  I want to control myself and be able to look back at this saga and know that I handled myself like a mature and compassionate person and that I didn't do anything that I regret later in life. This is going to be really hard. 

I think the 6 month waiting period is torture.  I know it's the state's goal to try to get a few couples to reconcile and stay together for the sake of the kids.  But it's torture for the adults.  This has been going on for almost 3 months now and I'm still 5 and a half months from the waiting period expiration.  I'm hoping to get a month or two shaved off this, but it's still going to be a very long time.  I'm going to have to endure the holidays in this purgatory as well. 

I've been so helpful to her lately too.. and I never get any appreciation.  I've been offering her extremely valuable advice on financial topics because I want her to be in a good position to support the kids and be stable and sound.  Not a single token of apprecaition..   I even renewed her cell phone plan with an employee discount yesterday because I could.. because it was a way to help her that wouldn't cost me anything.  Not a single bit of appreciation from her.. 

Ok.. done venting and rambling..    back to work

Last edited by lostdad (October 6, 2016 12:24 pm)

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

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October 6, 2016 6:45 pm  #96

Re: How do I survive this?

Where I am it's 12 months of separation before you can file. Plus another month while checks are made to ensure there isn't another action already in process, then you wait for it to get in front of a judge followed by an order that doesn't take effect for another 30 days. This is when it's uncontested by either party. I shudder to think of how long a contested filing would take.

If you go to the main SSN page and into the blog there's a recent item on forgiveness but don't put yourself on a timeline for it. When, or if, it happens you'll know. For the moment - venting is good if you aim it correctly, like in this direction. Also remember that you can only control your behaviour and actions. Never compromise your principles for any sort of taste of revenge. If you feel unappreciated, you don't have to do anyone any favours, just try and do what's best for the kids.

Hang in there.

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer

October 6, 2016 10:24 pm  #97

Re: How do I survive this?

Lostdsd, daryl,

A six month or one year waiting period...good god..omg.
My ex filed and the divorce itself took over a year. ..I stayed in the home and if you read my posts here it was hell on earth.
A divorce itself can take a long time...the waiting period is pointless...and seperating it's very risky for one to just move out with no legal parental agreement in place...one may never see their kids again.

Lostdad...we should have anger...these spouses in addition to breaking a commandment broke a taboo. I try not to beat myself up  for not seeing how selfish and shallow she was. What subplanted my anger was fear and hurt..  I will never understand how she could be so cruel..deep down she knows what she did was wrong yet she can't stop hurting me.. she's rewriting reality even now to justify what she did..
I try to forget her now as much as I can..I thank God now for getting me away from such an evil person.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

October 12, 2016 2:30 pm  #98

Re: How do I survive this?

I'm still struggling with anger today.. I have been for a week and based on how things are going, I think it's going to be a while longer.  I don't want to be angry with her, but I can't help it.  The sting of her betrayal burns me and festers and I can't do anything with it.  I've told her a couple of times that her actions have caused me more pain than any transgression from any other person on this earth, but I get no response.  No remorse, no apology, no apathy... just nothing. 

Yesterday was 3 months since D-Day..  How fitting that it was "national coming out day".  I wish she would just do that and get me out of her closet.  I know that I would gain valuable support and kind words from people in my life if they knew what I was going through, but I can't betray her wishes because I said I wouldn't. 

One month until the first legal meeting.  This will be a pre-trial conference with a friend of the court to discuss child custody and take a course in co-parenting as required by the court.  Since we have already mediated a 50-50 agreement and established a calendar and talked about most of the potential issues I don't expect it to be nervous or potentially surprising.  I think it's just going through the motions.  

I wish life had a fast-forward button.  I'd like to hit >>x4 and skip ahead to March or so.  The next 5 months are going to be brutal. 

I hope I make it to March at my job.  That hasn't been going well for me.  I'm in a high stress job with a lot of competition and the lack of stability at home has really put me behind the 8-ball.  My performance reviews have been poor and I'm worried about keeping my job.  Hopefully I can get things at home down to a routine and keep them less stressful so that I have the capacity to deal with stress at work.  I think I lack the fortitude to be successful in dealing with extreme stress in both areas at once. 

Someday...   Someday I will be happy again.  I am dreaming of a honeymoon in Jamaica with a wonderful and normal heterosexual woman..  That's my goal.  That will signal my the end of this awful journey and the beginning of a new and blessed life.  I want this so badly.  I hope it's only a couple of years from now and not 5 or 10 or never at all. 

Last edited by lostdad (October 12, 2016 2:33 pm)

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

     Thread Starter

October 12, 2016 2:50 pm  #99

Re: How do I survive this?

lostdad and rob,

i'm a newby with a situation very close to yours. i feel like i could have written many of your posts. i have been lurking and reading posts trying to get up the courage to share. i began to write up my story to introduce myself, but the act of trying to put it all down for the first time ever sent me into a whole new spiral and i had to take a break. i feel like no one has ever been hurt like this and that my story is so extreme, and then i read everyone else's stories and feel like mine is petty and self-indulgent.

i will do my best to share, but in the meantime i wanted to thank you both for the help you've already provided me.


October 12, 2016 2:58 pm  #100

Re: How do I survive this?

Michael wrote:

lostdad and rob,

i'm a newby with a situation very close to yours. i feel like i could have written many of your posts. i have been lurking and reading posts trying to get up the courage to share. i began to write up my story to introduce myself, but the act of trying to put it all down for the first time ever sent me into a whole new spiral and i had to take a break. i feel like no one has ever been hurt like this and that my story is so extreme, and then i read everyone else's stories and feel like mine is petty and self-indulgent.

i will do my best to share, but in the meantime i wanted to thank you both for the help you've already provided me.

Michael, I'm so glad you posted.  

While I'm certainly here for the support that others are giving me and for the therapy and benefits of writing and releasing my feelings and thoughts, I am also here in the hopes that my story and struggle will help someone else. 

We are part of a very small club with a very unique life experience.  It would be highly unlikely to find someone in our day to day lives who has gone through what we are living through now.  But, through the miracle of the internet those few unique str8 spouses can unite in one place and help one another.  I'm so thankful for this forum.  I'm glad you are finding benefit by reading other people's stories. 

If you are comfortable sharing your own story, I would encourage you to do it.  It's great therapy just writing a journal or blog.  Putting it "out there" is another level of therapy.  Getting responses, advice, encouragement and sympathy from others is incredibly good for us.  You need to know that you are not alone.  You need to have people re-enforce that this is not your fault, that you are a great person, and that you will get through this and come out the other side and live a great life.   Even if you think you know these things, hearing it from other people in their own words feels so good and is so helpful.

Thanks for your words Michael.  Please don't be a stranger. 

Last edited by lostdad (October 12, 2016 3:00 pm)

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

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