OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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October 6, 2020 9:20 pm  #1


What are non-obvious signs your husband might be gay?
So far, mine has said "I think I am bi".  He hasn't cheated (apparently).  He doesn't have any obvious signs of being gay but I can't help but keep questioning what he is saying.
I don't know what to believe and this is all still so fresh. 


October 6, 2020 9:38 pm  #2

Re: Signs

Ferngrove wrote:

What are non-obvious signs your husband might be gay?
So far, mine has said "I think I am bi".  He hasn't cheated (apparently).  He doesn't have any obvious signs of being gay but I can't help but keep questioning what he is saying.
I don't know what to believe and this is all still so fresh. 

Ferngrove.....you'll end up tying yourself in emotional knots if you're forever looking for non-obvious signs. Of course I know my advice is smaller than your need to learn & know, because it is so fresh and we all have to go through it before we get to a place we can start to collect and collate all we've learned, and arrange in our minds all the bits of info into sections....the important...the not so important...if that makes sense. 
My mind was a whirl of confusion, tears and hopelessness for months. In fact today I discovered a book on infidelity, "something something Dogbox" because I thought he was just your everyday guy having an affair with a woman. I ordered another couple of books....before I learned it wasn't women....lol


Last edited by Ellexoh_nz (October 6, 2020 9:39 pm)

KIA KAHA                       

October 6, 2020 10:00 pm  #3

Re: Signs

Welcome ferngrove,

I did not see any signs ..more like I got hit by a bus.

But, my now GX was lying and hiding her affair..that I could feel in my bones.  Call it your gut/bones/intuition..one can feel it.   Is he locking and hiding his phone from you? Emotionally distant and confiding rather in a friend..

As a straight guy i can assure you no straight guy would tell his spouse he was bi.  You should believe him when he tells you he has same sex attraction.
It's a sad thing... there are no take backs from his saying that and you're now feeling the enormous weight and anxiety that comes with that... ie.  If he goes out with his friend for a beer is it two friends having a beer or a date?   Why should you have to wonder?

Know that you did nothing wrong. It is a shock so be kind to yourself.  Start building your support network for help.

Last edited by Rob (October 6, 2020 10:04 pm)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

October 6, 2020 10:12 pm  #4

Re: Signs

Hmmm... there were signs that my husband wasn’t quite straight... I knew from the get go he’d watch any and all porn... it didn’t matter who it featured... gay, straight, lesbian. I think I initially thought it was more an academic interest, like my interest in this sort of thing from a clinical perspective for my counseling career. Over time I realized his interest was not academic. There were no outward expressions whatsoever of interest in men. He doesn’t ogle people... not women or men. He doesn’t flirt. He doesn’t have any male friends he hangs out with. He never has though in all our years together. We have a few married couple friends we do things with as groups, but that’s it. He dresses well. His socks match. 😂 He’s more particular than I am. Less likely to want to do dirty work, but that’s actually changed over the past few years. Honestly there weren’t clues other than I’d guess no straight man would want to watch gay porn on occasion and we watched it together for probably close to two decades. 

Last edited by TangledOil (October 6, 2020 10:13 pm)


October 7, 2020 10:46 am  #5

Re: Signs

Ok, so for me.  There were no 'signs'.  I consider myself to be an empath and very able to read people in person.  For my husband I always felt he was not 100% emotionally open with me, or 100% able to be open, but that is it.  He has never been great at talking about his feelings in general.  I never suspected he had sexual encounters (receiving oral twice) in his past.  I never suspected he found that scenario erotic.  

If I were to think of ways my husband is different than many I would say:
-He does his fair share of cooking and cleaning (often does more than me if I am honest)
-He lives a vegan lifestyle and his reason is he doesn't think it is his right to kill animals for food if there are other non-violent options, as well as environmental/sustainability reasons
-He is an amazing father, very nurturing, always very good with our babies

He does have a few male friends, close friends he has had since high school.  They all live hours away now and are married with children, but they do meet up sometimes.  He doesn't really have any close friends around where we live now though.  

He has never been one to ogle other woman at all, I have never noticed him even slightly checking out a man (or a woman really if I am honest).  He has always been sensitive to the fact that I don't like 'pigish' men.

He has admitted to me in the past few days that he has looked up gay porn a few times before, but not for many many year and that he has looked up hetero porn or lesbian porn much more often.  (I didn't know he looked up any porn at all).

I am just trying to make sense of things.  Can it be that he is a straight man with some bi curiosities that have caused him a tremendous amount of shame?  He has never physically cheated on me (apparently).

(please see my other posts for more details of what happened and my current situation)

Last edited by Ferngrove (October 7, 2020 10:47 am)

     Thread Starter

October 7, 2020 11:10 am  #6

Re: Signs


I guess my husband and I are similar in this regard.. neither of us get together individually with friends at all. If my husband gets together with one of his male married friends kids are always with them... football games, baseball games, hockey games, etc... I never go out one on one with any friend either. We have many friends, but they are couples we get together with, either with the other couple alone or with kids. My husband is exceptionally busy. He’s works a fair amount (from home) and has a very well established career. He’s achieved in his early 40s what most don’t achieve in a lifetime career wise. I don’t suspect he has cheated. Anyway, he says although he has an attraction to men that he’s only thought of one person, an old friend that he’d even consider exploring with if I was on board, which I’m not. Luckily that person lives several thousand miles away. 

I’m so sorry your going through so much. It makes me sick to my stomach to hear about all the turmoil in people lives. I wish you the very best. 


Last edited by TangledOil (October 7, 2020 11:17 am)


October 7, 2020 12:22 pm  #7

Re: Signs

Nope, I didn’t have any signs. In fact, my husband was always known as the guy who was ‘all hands’ in high school, and when I met up with him after my husband passed away & he was 53, he was still after the women. When we would go out, I’d ask: “did you go out with her, and her, and her...?” ( ie: did you have sex?....if he went out with someone, they had sex....), and the answer was always ‘yes’. 
He doesn’t have any male friends, except the ones we’d see together. He’s not feminine at all & does dirty, hard work all the time. I guess the closest I can think of is that he likes antiques and he picks up his clothes. But, I imagine many men do 😉.

I didn’t know anything until he wanted to ask me something about his iPad & when he showed it to me there was a nude picture of a man! It was a CL ad (the old men seeking men before they took it down). He acted astonished;” How did that get there?!?!? You know how people send you things!” I told him it wasn’t an email, but a web site/CL to be exact..... so, the lies started & went on for 1 1/4 yrs until I finally found enough info where he had go at least start telling me the truth...that he’d been having sex with men our entire relationship: in fact, since Boy Scouts, and had been doing so all along. 
But, as I mentioned earlier, he does like women, so he’s not gay, but bi. He hasn’t been with a man or looked at porn since May, 2019, which is the longest he’s gone..ever. He said once he found how much it hurt me (I really believe he didn’t know it would be THIS bad. He came from a single life, drugs & sex —with anyone/any time. He cleaned up in 2000 & has been clean & sober for almost 21 years. So, he’s treating this as an addiction; one day at a time. He said he never wants to hurt me like that again. I know there is no way to know ‘never’ will actually happen. Even in straight marriages, you never know. But, for now: One Day at a Time, and it IS getting better!
I’ll take it as it comes and realize there are no promises of riding off into the sunset together, but with each passing day/week/etc, I’m more hopeful.

Best to you.


Last edited by SusanneH (October 7, 2020 12:23 pm)


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