OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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September 21, 2016 7:00 pm  #81

Re: How do I survive this?

My ex and I are able to say happy birthday to each other, as well as any other holidays, too.  But that took years. And is only ever in text. As in "Merry Christmas".  Period.

For the first few years, neither of us did that. Honestly, I didn't want him contacting me unless he needed to. And need was based on the kids. If you haven't got a kid question or some info I need to know, then I don't want you telling me happy ANYthing.  Go fuck yourself.

If you're going to open yourself to pain by saying happy birthday, then you may as well NOT say it - you're going to get grief either way.  Stop trying to be nice as an incentive for her to be nice back. It doesn't work. I tried being nice, kind, giving and understanding. It got me nothing of the kind in return.  It's not mean to go no contact. It's self protection.  Stop worrying about how it makes you look to HER. Her opinion is not one that you value anymore.  Making a clean break is foreign, but necessary to your own health.

Don't bother answering her calls unless the kids are with her at the time. If it's not regarding the kids, delete and act as though it doesn't matter - because it doesn't. If it's about the kids, thank her necessary info she gives you.  Respond quickly only when needed/it's an emergency.  Otherwise stop giving her the gratification of an immediate response. Nothing bothers a narcissist more than not being the center of your universe.  And nothing shows them their lack of control over you more than your indifference toward them.


You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.

September 21, 2016 8:43 pm  #82

Re: How do I survive this?

Thanks for the help guys.   I'm only recently divorced so I'm learning.   Yes, I must maintain some contact for the kids.  Otherwise we don't speak or text and I am no contact.  Seriously.. I am no contact..but she can text me  ..if its about the kids and needs a reply.. she gets  one...on topic..no tangents.  But anything else my reply is always no reply. ...nothing ...crickets.    I was getting her adding hurtful comments to a conversation about the kids..she can't stop herself I realize..I ignore those.

But ...I've been getting the unexpected, random, not about the kids hurtful texts.   I was doing fine with no contact, looking forward..hopeful...trying to forget all the hurtful things shes said and did..   but then WHAM...  some texts designed  to make me shake..  Horrible mean things...she is still harboring intense anger and hatred of me.   My reply to these. ..nothing...no reply..NO CONTACT...but the damage is done..I read them..she won.   She knows just what to say from knowing me all these years for maximum hurt.  

So I'm doing ok..was doing.... So glad she is gone..trying to get on with my life .but then every once and while...her anger still being flung at me.   Healing is hard when they are still hurting you.  I keep reminding myself that I owe her nothing (but what is in the settlement).   She is not entitled to hurt me anymore...she gave up that right...  I'll have my lawyer reply if she keeps wanting a reply.

Locking my doors and turning off my phone..

Last edited by Rob (September 21, 2016 8:44 pm)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

September 21, 2016 9:04 pm  #83

Re: How do I survive this?

Kel wrote:

 Nothing bothers a narcissist more than not being the center of your universe. And nothing shows them their lack of control over you more than your indifference toward them. Kel


You have come so far on your journey since your first post. Co-parenting with a X with NPD can be like pushing a boulder up a mountain.  I agree with Kel.  Time for you to go serious No Contact.  Once she knows that you are drop dead serious about No Contact, no favors, no nothing...she will slink away.  It may take longer than we would all like for her to go away but she will.

After my divorce was final a friend told me that my NX still had a foot wedged in my front door; his narcism blowing in the front door with the wind.  This friend told me to imagine that every time I employed the rules of No Contact that I should imagine my X moving further from my front door.  Eventually his foot came loose and I shut the front door. Every time I held my ground he inched down the porch steps and down the front walk to the curb. Years ago he went down the storm drain at the end of the street.  

Close the front door, Rob. Only contact necessary to co-parent the kids.  She has lost the privilege of having you in her life. Let her new partner become the puppy she comes home and kicks every night.  

"No matter how hard the journey may be, remember to be kind to yourself..."

September 21, 2016 11:07 pm  #84

Re: How do I survive this?

Rob, she is seriously messed up. Take heed what others, those with brilliant experience here, have to offer. I particularly liked WendiT's last paragraph. She's someone else' problem now


September 27, 2016 8:48 am  #85

Re: How do I survive this?

Dear LostDad,

I can't give you much comforting words.  But I can relate.  I have been married 16 years, we have 3 kids 11 and under.  I found out my husband was sleeping with men.  The sad thing is he denies it, when I have the photos and comments.  With that being said.  May you find peace knowing the TRUE and GOD Strngthen you.


September 28, 2016 10:05 am  #86

Re: How do I survive this?

We had mediation yesterday for our divorce.  

Everything went very smoothly for us.  I have been very pro-active in negotiation terms ahead of time, so it wasn't a matter of making decisions with the mediators, but rather, it was just making sure that she would remain in agreement to those decisions. 

While nothing is truly final until the divorce decree is signed this was a big step forward.  I have 50/50 legal and physical custody of my sons.  We have a calendar drawn up that agrees with both of our schedules as well as possible.  I will pay some child support according to our state's formula, but it won't be too horrible because we are 50/50.  No alimony!  She is going to move to a new house and I get to keep the current home (but I have to split the equity in it and give her money).  I consider all of these things to be fair and reasonable. 

So far we haven't gotten into any major fights and we've only spend $500 on mediation and $230 on the divorce filing with the court.  This is considerably better than the many thousands that we would have each incurred with attorneys.  

While I'm still considerably hurt and grieving the lie that my life has been and her cheating on me, I am fortunate that we remain amicable and friendly and are both being very reasonable with negotiations.  We both have the boys as our primary concern and this has kept things favorable for both parties. 

My next goal is to try to get a waiver of the mandatory 6 month waiting period.  I'd like to get the divorce finalized by the holidays if possible.  The sooner it's final, the sooner I can move forward rebuilding my life and eventually finding a new relationship (if I'm fortunate). 

Just an update for the group.. 

Thanks again so very much for all the support and advice given to me thus far.   I'm far from done with this process, but I feel i'm making considerable progress and I'm forever indebted to this group of people for helping me get here. 

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

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September 28, 2016 3:43 pm  #87

Re: How do I survive this?

yes congrats lostdad, well done.  That's a really good outcome.  Well done.  I'm impressed by the way you've gone about it.


September 29, 2016 7:18 am  #88

Re: How do I survive this?

No alimony...if she does not make more money than you than I hereby call her a saint along with Steves ex.  My lezex was all about hurting me financially, physically, emotionally...all about hurt..she wanted alimony until I was in the grave..and even after.  Rage I got when the judge laughed and told her dead people do not pay alimony.
I thank God for the board here where folks told me to get off my arse and protect myself.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

September 29, 2016 7:27 am  #89

Re: How do I survive this?

That's all great Lostdad. So far so good Buddy. Really happy for you

You have a future. A good one. It begins as a flicker of hope. Nurture it until it becomes a dream and when you are strong enough you will make it a reality. NEVER give up. 

September 29, 2016 8:45 am  #90

Re: How do I survive this?

I am fortunate to have to go through this saga with someone who is at least reasonable and not greedy or cruel.  We are more or less splitting assets 50/50.  She has more value in her retirement accounts but is letting me keep some rental properties in trade.  She has an inheritance that has been comingled, but i'm letting her keep that without fight because she agreed to not ask for alimony.  It's a fair deal for both of us and that will allow us to maintain a reasonably good relationship and not fight through this divorce. 

Being on good terms will be best for both of us and especially for the kids.  I think we both know this and that has motivated us to remain civil and perhaps even generous to each other. 

Still a long way to go, but I am making progress. 

I still struggle with the idea of being alone.  I still struggle with the pain of her lies and betrayal.  I still struggle with my desire to find someone new and knowing that I have to wait a while to reach that point.  But I will get through this. 

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

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