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September 5, 2020 8:06 am  #1

My Wife is Bi and She Wants a Relationship with a Woman

My wife and I have been married for 13 years with two girls 8 and 12. We've had some ups and downs in our marriage. For me it has been mostly fine but she has been unhappy over the years, around typical marriage stuff like household chores, but also emotional intimacy. On several occasions she has contemplated divorce or expressed a desire to get her own place, however we always worked it out. 
Four years ago she mentioned that she had an intense crush on a woman and wanted an open marriage. At the time I was shocked and hurt and pretty much told her no. I thought maybe it was something that she was going through, and we never really talked about it again. Before that I had no idea she was interested in women. When we were dating she mentioned developing a crush on a friend when she was in her 20's and kissing her once. I guess I figured it was youthful exploration.
Recently though she has had another crush on a friend. She also started therapy and decided to come out as Bi I'm supportive of that, and would support her in whatever way she wants. She's come out to a few close friends. However she also wants to explore the physical side of her sexuality and be with a woman. I'm not really wild about that, but as a man I figured if she wanted to have a wild night and try it, fine. However in talking what she really wants is relationship with a woman that leads to something physical. Basically an open marriage. 
She says she prioritizes me and I'm her number one. Since she's embraced her sexuality our communication has greatly improved and sex life has gone from a 5 to a 10. However I brought up the idea of a 6 month trial separation so she can go explore this without me having to be so close to and deal with jealousy etc. She didn't want this and wants to continue our marriage. I do too, we are best friends - but its basically agree to the open ended idea of her having a girlfriend or go our separate ways.
We are in couples counseling and it has been a whirlwind of emotions. I'm pushing for her to slow down, but she feels like she brought it up 4 years ago and I've had plenty of time to consider it. She's been sexting on a forum (no pixs just dirty talk) and is now in touch with a woman an hour away. This women is also married and bi. My wife is hoping this can develop into a once a month thing if they are a good match. I feel like I'm in an emotional whirlwind, I have no desire to divorce but I'm not sure this situation is good for me. She won't be discouraged about exploring the physical side of her identity
Can this work? Anyone tried it?


September 5, 2020 8:49 am  #2

Re: My Wife is Bi and She Wants a Relationship with a Woman

It sounds like she is making a lot of decisions without you.  There are elements of gaslighting in what you wrote in your post.  It is not fair to you to say that she mentioned it once four years ago and you should have known.  No--you shouldn't have.  Please don't take the blame for things she is not doing. I agree with your stance that she needs to slow down.  She is rapidly accelerating her behaviors without having your consent.  That is not open communication.  Communication doesn't mean I tell you, listen to your point of view, and then just do whatever I want.  

Open relationships can work, BUT there is a HUGE amount of framework and expectation building BEFORE any behaviors of seeking someone or something.  And there has to be continuous checking-in and honest/transparent communication about the expectations.  You have a right to change your mind, and she has to listen.  If not, then it is a breakdown of trust and she's just doing things to be selfish and also potentially emotionally abusing you.  My best friend is poly-amorous, so we have many discussions about what a poly-amorous relationship really is versus what people think it is.

By what you wrote, this situation is not good for you.  It doesn't sound like she actually prioritizes you, or she'd be listening to your needs. Please do not acquiesce just because you love her. It sounds like you know what you do and don't want, and she doesn't want to agree to your terms. And that leads to emotional damage.  Have you had this honest conversation with the counselor present?  Can you talk to the counselor before your next session about how to bring this topic up to have real dialogue?
I know that no one wants to be the one to make the hard choice of ending a relationship, but for your own sake, do not keep yourself in an emotionally abusive situation.


September 5, 2020 9:16 am  #3

Re: My Wife is Bi and She Wants a Relationship with a Woman

Thank you for your insight. I don't know why she wants to move so quickly on this. When I try to discuss the nuts and bolts of how this would work, she gets hesitant. I think in most poly arrangements partners can ask that the second relationship be ended. I asked her about that and she said it felt too controlling. I do think she is not prioritizing me. I guess I'm hoping she'll let the idea go but it doesn't seem like it. The idea of getting a divorce is terrifying. She also wants to control the narrative if we do get divorced. She's terrified at the idea that the story will be that she ended the marriage so she could date a woman. I know our marriage has problems but in my mind, if I'm willing to work on them but monogamy is non-negotiable then that is the reason the marriage ended. Its complicated because telling the truth would out her and I respect her desire to only come out on her own terms. 

     Thread Starter

September 5, 2020 9:42 am  #4

Re: My Wife is Bi and She Wants a Relationship with a Woman

I don't think a MOM is something to go for in your situation.
It maybe a good idea to take a look in the Support section of this forum. Learn from comparable stories and situations you'll find there.


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