OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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June 30, 2020 5:12 am  #1

He came out-Now wants to go back in

My husband of 10 years after a near suicidal breakdown ( Has Bipolar Depression) admitted to being homosexual and asked if I would support his coming out to help with his depression and with the support of his psychologist. I did and now the world has exploded, he told EVERYONE -family /friends/co workers.Family were stunned but accepting, he got the usual ;you are so brave" speech from colleagues .It all makes sense to me now in retrospect, ED isues , intense grooming habits, he confessed intense porn use ongoing ( now stopped), and to numerous one night stands PRE meeting me. Swears nothing in the timeframe of being with me  He is a physically very masculine guy and over the years I NEVER thought it was a possibility although he did make a throw away remark when we met first about kissing a man- I was young and stupid ..and ignored it
We had discussed divorce  as a consequence of this disclosure but also because he is  chronically unhappy ,he went through what I think is a honeymoon period after disclosure BUT
Now that the  storm has eased and he can see how traumatised I am , I'm really in a grief cycle about thiis he has done a complete 360 and wants "to go back in " so to speak  to put it aside and concentrate on the marriage.He says he is completely committed to me and our child and would die rather than lose us and our home etc.Also says he cant bear the thought of me meeting someone else
He can sustain a weak erection if I talk about gay sex when we have sex ,he is very loving and affectionate but says he is now losing patience with my reluctance to "move on" with business as usual so to speak. He is accepting of himself being gay and is becoming more camp in appearance/mannerisms daily
I love him too but am frozen in shock
My question is this , has anyone had a similar experience and inevitably did the Gay spouse stay with their true orientation and break out inevitably or is there hope that he will actually be able to stay committed to a monogamous marriage to me?
Thank you                                


June 30, 2020 6:04 am  #2

Re: He came out-Now wants to go back in

Hello Virion, 

Sorry you are going through all of this.  

I had a similar experience.  Husband of 10 years revealed he had gender identity and other issues.  Was angry and depressed.  After much heartache, we decided to split.  Immediately thereafter, he said it was all a big mistake and he wanted me back.  

I've read through many posts since I joined this forum 6 months ago when my world was being torn apart.  It seems like the gay spouse's "buyer's remorse" is not an uncommon scenario.  

Not to be mean, but from what you wrote I am interpreting that your husband is selfish.  It sounds to me that he wants his cake and eat it too - being gay and in a "happy" marriage.  He is losing patience with your reluctance to "move on"?  Move on to what?  

If he says he's gay, he is.  So many of the spouses/partners here are in denial.  Do you want to be married to a gay husband?  Do you want to have a second-rate sex life for the rest of your life?   How are you going to feel 10, 20, 30 years down the road?  

You asked if there was hope that your husband would be able to stay committed to a monogamous marriage to you.  That's a question that only he can answer.  You didn't write anywhere in your post that he told you that.  

I feel for what you are going through.  It is a terrible situation and a long journey.  


June 30, 2020 7:24 am  #3

Re: He came out-Now wants to go back in

My now-ex husband exhibited a similar pattern of revealing, claiming he wanted to stay married to me, then exhibiting growing impatience and anger with my grief and doubts, ultimately wanting to put everything back in the closet and pretending he'd never opened that door.  He clammed up and refused to talk about it or check either of our emotional temperatures. It was like having an elephant in the room that he'd attempted to sweep under the rug: a huge mountainous presence that had to be walked around while pretending it wasn't there.  Because your husband has told "everyone," including "family, friends, co-workers," I don't understand how he thinks he's going to be able to "walk this back." 

Because coming out is only the first hard step in what is necessary to live a life in accordance to his sexual orientation, he now wants to get you to agree to living in an MOM.  Yet while your husband claims he's "completely committed" and "would rather die than lose [you] and [your] child" he is at the same time exhibiting impatience and anger at you because you aren't able to pretend what happened didn't happen and act as if it has no ongoing consequences for your marriage.  These two things are at odds with one another, and don't point to the kind of attitude on his part necessary for such a marriage to work.

Most importantly, though, you don't say whether YOU want to live in a marriage in which you know your husband is gay, and that you will have an unsatisfactory (or nonexistent) sex life with him; what's in it for you, exactly, this practice of your telling him gay scenarios in order to get him even semi-erect?  How "committed" is he to your sexual satisfaction?  What does he do for you?  Over time knowing he has no sexual desire for you will take a huge toll on your self-esteem.  Is the state of your sex life acceptable to you?  Because regardless of his desire to "walk it back," that's not going to change.  You married a man you believed to be heterosexual; would you have knowingly married into an MOM?  The question here isn't "CAN you now live in an MOM?" The question is "Do you WANT to live in an MOM?"  

Aside from the sex, you need to ask yourself not whether you CAN but whether you WANT to live with the uncertainty of not knowing whether he may down the road decide he can no longer repress his sexuality and decides to live in accordance with it. (There's a saying: "past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.")  Your husband has done the hard part of coming out.  He's been supported by others.  What's holding him back now?  Only his fear of living the life he's said he needs to live.  In response to the difficulty of carrying through on his declaration he's now retreating back to the familiar--you--as if you are his "Plan B" or "fallback position."  As Leslie said, your husband sounds selfish, and that's something to take into account as you consider your next moves.


Last edited by OutofHisCloset (June 30, 2020 7:31 am)


June 30, 2020 9:27 am  #4

Re: He came out-Now wants to go back in

Hi Virion,

I'm so, so sorry you're going through this.  The pain of it all comes through clearly in your writing.

I think the fact that your husband has bipolar disorder adds a layer of difficulty.  I know everything about how it feels to have a husband in the closet who thinks it's perfectly acceptable to have his wife live in the closet too, regardless of her own feelings.  But, my very limited experience with bipolar disorder (husband's best friend) leads me to believe that you are going to be way out of your element dealing with it all.  The very mechanism in your husband's personality that should constrain his behavior to "fair" and "unfair" standards, is twisted and broken.

In a recent heart-to-heart with my daughter, I'd confided to her that a recent incident in which my husband unleashed his pent-up rage at her, which we now understand could not ever have been her actual fault, was identical to an incident when he let loose on me ... when she was less than a year old (she's now 24).  She responded that if I'd left the marriage when she was that age ... maybe she'd be upset, in childhood, that her "family" had broken up, but in the long run it might have been better for her to see me married to a husband who was capable of being a complete husband to me -- not merely sexually, but emotionally and intellectually as well.  

You ended your post with a question that you would only ask if you already suspected you knew the answer.

Last edited by walkbymyself (June 30, 2020 9:30 am)

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

June 30, 2020 11:02 am  #5

Re: He came out-Now wants to go back in


That's a really important point about the husband's bipolar condition.  I was going to address that condition but ended up deleting that section of my response. 

My father was bipolar (he committed suicide at age 72).  He refused treatment, and my mother wouldn't leave him, so we lived with the fluctuations from high to low.  Highs led him to impulsive and uncontrollable behavior and a belief he was a superior being.  Lows led him to suicide attempts.  Life with him was a roller coaster of high drama, whether he was up or down.  He had delusions he was being persecuted and followed and spied on, and they took over his, and our, life.  One of the very damaging ideas I picked up from life with him was that suicide was just one of the range of options one has in life.  Suicide as a responst to life was normalized.   If you're unhappy or things aren't going well: kill yourself.  I'll never forget the day I realized, in therapy, that most people don't live this way.  

I don't know if your husband is on medication and in therapy, but it sounds as if he's definitely experienced lows--you mention a suicide attempt or suicidal ideation (also the threat of it: he said "he would rather die than lose us," which is emotional blackmail).  Highs your husband may experience will exert tremendous pressure on him to act on his homosexuality: porn use, etc.  

Your husband does not sound as if he is capable of being an equal and ethical partner, or of meeting the requirement that a good marriage should be characterized by reciprocity not volatility.  No one can carry a marriage alone.  Perhaps your husband's coming out is the permission you need to acknowledge and act on that.

Last edited by OutofHisCloset (June 30, 2020 11:12 am)


June 30, 2020 12:28 pm  #6

Re: He came out-Now wants to go back in

OOHC, your description of your father's situation is so identical to my husband's best friend, I could cut and paste it and the only thing I'd have to change might be the age he was when he committed suicide.  There was extreme impulsivity and compulsive risk-taking, including gambling, sex, and living way beyond his means.  

I also agree with you on Virion's husband's emotional blackmail -- that's a big warning flag, heartbreakingly common.  We're so acclimated to believe that suicidal iterations are "cries for help" that sometimes we forget they can also be subtle attempts at manipulation.  

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

June 30, 2020 3:27 pm  #7

Re: He came out-Now wants to go back in

Virion wrote:

.......My question is this , has anyone had a similar experience and inevitably did the Gay spouse stay with their true orientation and break out inevitably or is there hope that he will actually be able to stay committed to a monogamous marriage to me? 


Being trapped in a r'ship with a man who has admitted to being a homosexual (to everybody it reads like)...is better than being in a r'ship with a man who used to talk about it but ONLY with me, had fantasies about it, but because of my severe reaction to it has withdrawn back into his shell and doesn't say a word about it. I think I'd be over the moon if my partner brought this secret of his out into the open, with people he personally knows and respects because, to me, that would be another move towards an end to the tragedy of what he's done to our life together, because I'm sure the status quo of it must surely change when both of us are talking about it and not just me!

Virion...your husbands bipolar & depression must overlay your situation with a blanket of caution....because you don't want to be the bad guy (gal) and because of his mental fragility he accepts your caution and empathy?

Personally because the confidence and certainty of years of a great r'ship was shattered by months of secrecy and dishonesty I would find it very hard to fully trust anything my partner says. A man who kept things from me because he says he didn't want to hurt me....was clearly thinking only of himself and not aware of the woman he's been with for going on 36 years.

Any man or woman can say "yes I'll be monogamous" but if the groundwork of trust has been dug up and flung about you may always be walking a path of doubt. 


KIA KAHA                       

July 1, 2020 1:44 am  #8

Re: He came out-Now wants to go back in

Oh Virion, I read your post about being forced into speaking your husband’s gay fantasies out loud in order to get him just halfway aroused and I got furious. I know all too well what that’s like. It started 8 years ago, after I had a gross, horrifying nightmare of a man being with us for sex and told my husband about it... only to have him over-the-moon ecstatically passionately acting in love with me. We’d been married 12 years, and I was 39 weeks pregnant with our fourth child. I’d never seen that level of passion from him about ANYTHING before. He destroyed my heart, all day kissing me and jumping up and down like a little girl and calling me the “woman of his dreams.” Previous to that I’d been soooo freaking lonely and neglected and isolated, raising babies and farming while he was gone most of every week. I was so desperate for love.  I couldn’t leave, I had to go through with the home birth we’d planned and paid for, and I had no place I could go, anyways.

So that was the beginning of a horrible time. Once he had shown me the level of attention and “love” he was capable of, I kept trying to get him to “love me” again... but he wouldn’t get excited with the same fantasy for long. The out loud fantasies would always have to get a little dirtier, a little more disgusting for me.

First he had just used me as someone to “confess” his desires to (shame seems to turn him on) and then he would push for more more more until finally he got to the point where he couldn’t finish with me unless he was touching himself, eyes closed, and having me tell him about a circle of men around him.... to which he “generously” told me I “could be in the circle too.” Bleh gross, no thank you. He acted like I’m some sort of obligatory afterthought to include in his nasty fetishes. It’s gotten to the point that cleaning a toilet is more pleasant for me than struggling through some semblance of sex with him. I haven’t tried for half a year, and will never try again. It makes me feel horribly unwanted and gross.

He never cared (or never noticed?) that I always cried after sex. He kept pushing. He never gave love unless it was as a reward for me going further down the slippery slope towards his real goals. If I would keep using the same fantasy he withdrew his affection again. He totally compromised me. He used and abused my mind, heart, body, soul.... he got me to do despicable things. He destroyed our monogamy, he destroyed our marriage.
He would be furious with me when I would make a wrong move... if I did something I wanted (which was to make friends and have caring connections with people in my life) or if I didn’t do something he wanted (have sex with strangers without condoms or birth control😭😱) he would threaten me or my friends, curse at me, yell, cry, threaten to drive off the cliff where he proposed to me, or get drunk and block me in the bathroom for hours making me hold his head to prevent him from bashing it on the floor... he basically wanted to use me as a human sex prop and any time he couldn’t control me like a puppet he would severely emotionally abuse me.

This was ALL in the context of him being a “very nice guy.” Someone I had devoted my life to making happy. If you met him, you’d like him. If you had met me back then, my obvious devotion to him made him seem even more likable. I truly tried everything I could to make him happy, but in the end, it was all worthless to him and harmful for me.

He now has decided that the whole lifestyle was just something he wanted to try and no longer likes. After destroying our marriage completely, he wants to pretend that everything is fine and normal. But he already showed me what he cares about most. He can’t gaslight me and backtrack and say he wouldn’t lose me for the world, because he didn’t care about me all those hundreds of nights I cried myself to sleep. He already willingly gave me up, so I’m not going to betray myself anymore by sacrificing myself for him.

In the old days, pre-disclosure, he was depressed, anxious, and had started getting angry, breaking things etc. He said he hated his male parts and wished he could cut them off because they only caused him trouble... I didn’t understand back then. It was incredibly frustrating for him to live as a straight man, and incredibly damaging for me. My self esteem was so bad that when my friend told me I’m beautiful, I literally heard static instead of her voice. I was absolutely convinced I was nauseatingly gross, because I always got that vibe from my husband... I was convinced I wasn’t enough because he had to fantasize about other people to try to have sex with me.


July 1, 2020 7:34 am  #9

Re: He came out-Now wants to go back in

One Day At a Time:
   Your courage in telling your story is breathtaking.  I'm sorry you were manipulated into that hell.  What you have to say is so important, because many of us were similarly manipulated into sexual behavior that we never would have freely chosen.  (Many of my earliest posts told a story of the sexual contortions I bent myself into to accommodate my then-husband's desire to act out "woman.) I believe this is a more common facet of the straight spouse/partner experience, especially for women, than is known or acknowledged, because the shame we feel about it keeps us silent.  Thank you for breaking that silence. 


July 1, 2020 10:04 am  #10

Re: He came out-Now wants to go back in

OutofHisCloset wrote:

One Day At a Time:
   Your courage in telling your story is breathtaking.  I'm sorry you were manipulated into that hell.  What you have to say is so important, because many of us were similarly manipulated into sexual behavior that we never would have freely chosen.  (Many of my earliest posts told a story of the sexual contortions I bent myself into to accommodate my then-husband's desire to act out "woman.) I believe this is a more common facet of the straight spouse/partner experience, especially for women, than is known or acknowledged, because the shame we feel about it keeps us silent.  Thank you for breaking that silence. 

Thank you, Out Of His Closet,
I appreciate your encouragement. I can’t wait until I can speak up in the real world, but in the meantime I can share parts of my story on here. Hopefully mine is a “worst case” scenario and maybe others aren’t as bad, but I’m afraid you’re right, that it’s a common theme to be pushed into miserable sexual scenarios by gay or trans in denial spouses, or even just plain narcissistic spouses.


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