OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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June 11, 2020 8:32 am  #1

Long Term Partner Came Out

Long Term Partner Came Out to Me

Hi Everyone:

This is my story.

My long term partner and I have been experiencing issues for awhile.  My understanding at the time was the biggest thing being our communication was not enough for her.  On top of that, I have been struggling with mental health issues surrounding depression and anxiety.  During the pandemic, she opened my eyes to how much I’ve been struggling and I began using some self help resources I found that were aligned with where my therapist and I were going.  I feel that I’ve made some headway in the depression area but I am still struggling with intense anxiety most if the time.  Through mindfulness, meditation and using an app based on CBT I am managing to cope and gain more control over my anxious feelings.

While this was going on I was very consumed with myself and realize I made her feel abandoned. As someone who has been abandoned in the past I know how this feels and I am experiencing intense feeling of guilt while I process her coming out.

So, about two weeks ago she told me the news.  She explained how her feelings about women have returned and she has been struggling with them for over a decade.  I didn’t react the greatest and ignored her feelings about what she was telling me.  I understand her perspective about my reaction but I’m not sure she truly realizes how I process things.  She was raised to be open and honest and to talk about her feelings.  I was placed in front of the TV to fend for myself and use introspection to cope.  So, when I left the space to be alone with my thoughts I was processing while trying not to shut down.  I know I should have told her this but I couldn’t face her.  I’m an emotional man and when confronted with certain uncomfortable situations I tend to break and get really emotional.  It takes me some time to calm, become clear and absorb the situation.  

Since the talk two weeks ago, our space has been tense at times.  We have both said we don’t want to give up our home together and the thought of leaving our animals tears me into pieces. On top of that, I love her family and it feels like I’m also losing them.  

Through trying to educate myself I’ve learned that none of this is about me.  It helps but it's not enough.  I realize that my initial reactions were full of ego and while I heard what she told me, I was ignoring the significance due to being consumed with my own issues.  

We are looking to move forward but I don’t know how.  Upon reflection of everything, I now accept that our romantic life is over.  What’s important to me is maintaining our home, even as friends/roommates.  I understand the torment she must have felt over these years is immense and I want to support her, if she’ll let me.  I’ve offers to be with her when/if she comes out to friends and family.  She is my best friend, I love her enormously and unconditionally.  We’ve briefly talked about non-traditional and open relationships.  This is all new territory for me, her also.  Thing thing with which I struggle is I can’t help but feel she would rather have me leave.  This is unfair to her as I cannot read her mind but I can’t help but feel that.  I’ve also lived with a woman as a roommate before and we would both bring new partners home.  I’m  not sure how I’d feel about the first time she would bring someone home but I don’t want her to feel if we are roommates that she can’t do that.  I want us both to have a life where we are happy but ideally, I would like to remain in our home.

Do any of you have advice?  With all of that being said above I am hurting immeasurably.  It’s debilitating.  I feel so alone right now.  It helps knowing that none of this had anything to do with me and because if that I’m at peace with myself, even though I have issues that need work, but I just don’t know how to carry on and it makes me feel so lost.  

Thank you for reading.

Last edited by StraightSpouseThrow (June 11, 2020 8:34 am)


June 11, 2020 9:04 am  #2

Re: Long Term Partner Came Out

Hi there,
 I am very new to all this myself.  I can't give you any advise.  But I can tell you that I am very sorry for your pain.  It is a familiar companion to many here.  The MOMs forum may be a good place for you to look if you two decide to stay together.  {{hugs}}


June 11, 2020 12:12 pm  #3

Re: Long Term Partner Came Out

Welcome SST to the board and group no one wants to be a part of but grateful that it exists. My husband of 10 years and we have been together 20 years and have a 6 year old daughter is going through hormones to become a female. Tells me not surgery but at this point I dont believe a thing he says. His ultimate goal would have been for me to live in the scenario you are describing as roomates to raise our daughter together. Even said he does not care if I date as long as I am happy and stay in our home together. That is not ever going to work. No man would want to come to my home I share with my transgender ex husband and daughter. I would surely not want him to bring home someone to the home either. We get along and all but I deserve to be happy and with someone who I want to be with romantically and intimately. While he would be ok with my being in this psudeo lesbian relationship with him, I am not attracted to women. I know your sitaution is different but is it fair to be in a home with someone you love and desire but be ignored all while she may be with women? While its hard to leave animals, you deserve to be happy and I cant see any senario in which staying where you are will make you happy. This pandemic has thrown me off track with finding a job that can support myself and daughter to be able to leave and divorce and even in this scenario where we get along has been emotionally trying. I am about a year and 7 months past discovery of his change in gender identity status and about a year and few months into our separation from one another even though phyisically living together. It is psychologically damaging to me and my daughter. 

You need to be happy and with a woman who wants to be with you as you do her. 



June 11, 2020 2:24 pm  #4

Re: Long Term Partner Came Out


What if she never come out to friends and family?  What if she accepts your " support" but hurts you more?

I have a lot of 20/20 hindsight now and I can say many of my bouts of "anxiety and depression" 
in my marriage were caused by my GX and her insecurities.     Her mood set the mood of the day..would it be walking on eggshells or would she be in a good mood.   

What I found is that I was not a God, omnipotent or possessing special inhuman powers. 
I could no longer "support" or deal with my GXs hurt and abuse..which knew no bounds.   
I would shake with anxiety, fear, worry.  I don't think someone that claims to love you should inflict those things on you.
My advice is you are in shock... take a step back and breath... start building a support system;   friends, family, therapist, pastor, psychiatrist  etc.   I do not think our spouses can help support support us  as they
are the ones causing the pain.     When I was going through this I honestly felt it was like asking a person that just robbed me for money.

You took a good first step posting here.   read the first aid thread and know that is this is not of your doing.


"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

June 11, 2020 3:16 pm  #5

Re: Long Term Partner Came Out

StraightSpouseThrow wrote:

........Through trying to educate myself I’ve learned that none of this is about me. ...............

This is wrong! Of course this includes you....is about you. You are half of the r'ship, and your partner is no less or more important than you. Don't allow yourself (or her) to minimise your role.


KIA KAHA                       

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