Post your statistic here... but be prepared to defend, refute, justify, prove or disprove it. It can be fun or serious. It’s time we got scientific.
Three rules: 1. No politics. 2. No religion. 3. Be nice to each other (as in, disagree nicely)
Admin you have my permission to delete this thread if it gets nasty (not that you needed it)
Here’s an example to kick things off -
About 85% of men report that their partner had an orgasm at the most recent sexual event; this compares to the 64% of women who report having had an orgasm at their most recent sexual event.
My take: That means 21% of women are faking it.
Hi Steve,
I'll answer but can you tell me what your goal is with this post?
Thought it might be fun, educational, funny ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My guess is that about 30% of people will think it’s a bad idea.
Reason I asked was because most people have sensitivities around sex due to the experiences here...not sure you'll get many responses here due to that. Reddit is a good place if you really want many responses.
Nonetheless, I have had orgasms before but I've also faked them with the same person who has given them to me. I dont think that they could tell the difference honestly since women usually dont have any external signs that weve orgasmed.
Good luck with the researching.
I opened this thread thinking it was in answer to Ellexoh's remembering that she'd seen a reference here on the forum to a statistic that said a large percentage of marriages in which one party comes out as homosexual end in three years.
Personally I find the whole premise that it's of any use at all to quote random studies on various aspects of sexuality to be faulty and not likely to yield anything of use to any of us as we negotiate the difficulties into which we've been placed by our spouses. I second Hurt and Confused's suggestion that reddit is a better place for such questions, as well as her observation that because of our experiences many of us are likely to "have sensitivities around sex."
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (January 31, 2020 12:08 pm)
Steve, are you trying to figure out if your experiences with your wife were real? No shame in that as I think many of us have questioned that about our significant others due to the discovery of their true orientation. Forgive me if I'm offending you...but real honesty(with yourself no need to share if you dont feel comfortable) about what you may be feeling will help you through this... and I just want to make clear that I'm not judging you.
Last edited by HurtAndConfused (January 31, 2020 2:32 pm)
You are a lovely person Hurt and Confused. Thank you.
I’ve put this thread here because some people find data interesting and helpful. Maybe it’s a guy thing. Maybe it’s a Steve thing.
If this thread gains no traction, or indeed causes problems, I’ll delete it. I’ll give it an hour or two 😊
Didn't realize you can't delete posts here. Just let it die.
Does anyone know if Phoenix is ok? Is there an Admin here?
Last edited by Steve (January 31, 2020 5:08 pm)
When I first joined the Forum Steve I started a couple of threads I thought were friendly and polite (naive possibly)
The first was a question about where we all came from....what part of the world. I the straightspouse situation...not a lot of people are prepared to devulge where exactly they are and while the thread got a few posts I felt there was an amount of suspicion of new members.
The 2nd topic was asking how many straightspouses had shown the Forum website to their spouses. Man did the shit hit the fan
As for your topic....yeah it's a man thing that the first stat you posted had to do with
Well Elle.... I'm Australian so you and I are neighbours I assume thats what the 'nz' means.
Yes I was a regular on this forum a long time ago. I think I was first here in 2009... not sure. It was a Voyforum then (ie on another platform). We were all in the midst of our trauma so it was of course very sad but we also had a LOT of fun here. I still have friends from those days.
Yes I'm still trying to figure out what is happening here. Phoenix hasn't posted since October. Strange. Just hoping he's ok.
Last edited by Steve (January 31, 2020 5:23 pm)
Steve wrote:
Well Elle.... I'm Australian so you and I are neighbours I assume thats what the 'nz' means..
Yip I'm a Kiwi I wondered if you were from around these parts because you seemed to be online at the same times as me.