OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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January 20, 2020 8:48 am  #1

RELIEF at long last thought i was only one

Where to start,,met my now ex,( or hindsight)never was female partner 26yrs ago,she had four young children,& devorsed,i stayed at her place,but was always kind of distant in many respects gut instinct told me something was a drift,& she never could hold a normal chat about things,like how i was,weather etc etc,she worked in a coffee shop,then,didnt make up ever,& actually had visible facial hair,& once said,,two lesbians kissing in the coffee shop today,,,hindsight ,,says now it was her after she closed shop in 2010 she started a new job as a carer,,became,,friendly with another one,(same one from coffee shop),
In 2017,she txt me something about myself,but was clearly meant for this STILL secret,,Friend,,i naturally was intreagued ( i was no longer living with her at this point)so like a dog with a bone,i investigated via following snopping etc( only way i was going to find out,, &  VERY IMPORTANT THIS,,,,in 2014 & i phone was stolen from her house, she called me i tears to tell me so,,,TWO days later i recieved a PIN notice from police she never wanted to see me again,I WAS ARRESTED ON suspicion of thieft,& breaking pin notice i was charged etc,too for something i didnt do) i have spoke to them both only on two ocassions when this,friend was clearly the jelious mouthy one,but denied any relationship,they are together every evening,,in 2014 i had 3 breakdowns & 4/5 suiside attempts thinking it was ALL MY FAULT,,,NO NO NO,i was subjected to HER OWN, reverse blame & guilt,jeliousy in hindsight,,i STILL LIVE in the aftermath of her control &minpulation she inflicted on me,,SO IVE BEEN THERE FOLKS & ITS still there,in many respect in back of my head i faced it all alone & with a father who was diagnosed with alziemers whos now in a care home,PEOPLE only keep secrets bcos of something to ,hide,worse is when they use your own love & affection( thats no crime) to control minipulate & abuse frankly that trust,& worse of all cant just say what they are,,my advice DONT LET HEART RULE YOUR HEAD & FOLLOW YOUR GUT INSTINCTS there rearly if ever wrong i remember times like being in a police cell in 2014 for 36 hrs,& this 12 hrs after being released from hospital all mentioned above,my lowest point in life while they searched for & i phone,,& 2017 seeing LGBT events ,,liked,, on her facebook,,,& STILL to this day says she isnt lesbian,,theres much much more that happened cannot see how one human being could treat another one that way,,for just loving them frankly,!!!!!!!But ITs GREAT TO BE ON HERE,,replies & views are welcome if,you have been through similar to me,,

Last edited by Dannyglosuk (January 21, 2020 6:38 am)


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