OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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April 28, 2019 1:32 pm  #1


Does anyone else have anxiety over their spouses decisions? I literally have to have talks with myself on a daily basis NOT to have a panic attack. I have to talk myself into not bailing on every commitment I have to charities or my political organizations daily because all I WANT to do is run and hide away. Being I am a small chested female as it is seeing him in his t shirts which I swear he bought on amazon that are female (and a shirt I found that said i survived testosterone poisoning) his chest from a profile is larger than me despite what he says. And now he is dying his hair blond so lets add more notice to him than he already had. So me of the guys in my veteran charity know about what I am going through so while i have anxiety bringing him to events with me because of his appearance its less anxiety. I  have a political (republican) fund raiser in June that i HAVE to tell him if he is going which i would want he needs to, wear a compression shirt or even a tight sports bra (which typing that makes me have anxiety) under a t shirt jeans (which are also women's flair jeans and that i hate too), no earrings in his ears and NO makeup what so ever! Am i being unreasonable? I already have NO ONE to go to the fancy events with, the casual ones he should go and sorry but dress "normal" for a few hours. 

I have even been contemplating changing my work scheduled (I only work four four hour days during the week) to work 2-6 so i have less time around my spouse but then other things suffer like time with my daughter because when I have meetings I will be going from work to meetings to home to bed which is fine as far as my husband but then my daughter suffers. I was even also contemplating having an every other weekend where it is me with her here all weekend and he can stay with his mom but when its his weekend I dont have anywhere to go because i have no family and I dont want to spend 500 a month in hotel costs. I guess I could do things all day and just come home to go to bed and do that again the next day but i dont have many friends to spend the days with either. 



April 28, 2019 4:06 pm  #2

Re: Anxiety

I used to be anxious as my ex got his ear pierced and started wearing less traditional male attire because I was still accepting that he was "bi" and felt that his signaling his gay side when married to me was not respectful to me and made me look a fool. He was not cross-dressing and finally he left me for the man he thought was the love of his life. This was several years ago and I have rebuilt my life and am on civil terms with him because 1) we have children together, 2) bitterness causes wrinkles and 3) I am going make up for lost time and enjoy the life I have left on this earth.
As a single woman I encourage you to get over feeling that you have to go with someone to events, fancy or otherwise: it isn't prom time anymore. You will have trouble making new friends as long as you bring him. Maybe its the Democrat in me but let him come as dolled up as he wants but make sure you sit at another table and ignore him. Without a biological female at his side he may feel so uncomfortable that he will never attend another of these events!  Never mind his bust size, dress so classy that he looks like a tart,

You aren't going to be able to cram this Jeannie back in the bottle and you eventually you may need to decide if you want to remain married or not. It might be better to cut back somewhat on social activities and work more hours if doing so will put you in a better position financially.

And for those reading this who are single political activities can be a good way to meet potential dates who share your values...

Try Gardening. It'll keep you grounded.

April 28, 2019 4:13 pm  #3

Re: Anxiety

Hi there.  My husband is not a cross dresser.  He currently identifies as bi, although I believe he is GID.  So I cannot say I feel anxiety about his daily choices.  But I DO feel a lot of anxiety about spending time with him.  Everything is so painful, and seeing him drives that home like a punch to the gut.  The other thing is that i have realized that all the conversations we have had since discovery--which are in theory to help our relationship--they are really repeats of all the destructive patterns from the marriage even before discovery.  I don't want to be pulled into any more mind-spinning conversations.  I am trying to figure out how to keep some distance because it is so incredibly upsetting.  So yes, I do understand this feeling.  I also understand how your relationship with your daughter--you do not want to sacrifice this.  It starts to become overwhelming, trying to find a place for yourself and the care you need to give to your daughter, while dealing with the onslaught of stuff that hurts from the one who is supposed to love you the most.  I find when I have a little time away, I get a little more clarity about what I need to do or what I can do to help myself.  Sometimes I even get a little energy to do some things.  But after a weekend together, or any conversation mid-week, it takes me hours and often DAYS to recover my sense of equilibrium. 

I have no solutions--just a "yes" to what you are describing. You are not alone, and it is super duper hard.

You also sound like a smart woman with a lot of interests and connections.  You seem resourceful and resilient.  I bet if you can find a little space from the mental and emotional onslaught, you will be able to start seeing a path to a healthy future.

Even though (if I remember correctly) money is a problem for you, why don't you start brainstorming what you can do.  Not what you should do, or what you can't do.  But what you can do.  Is there anyone you could confide in, where you could spend an evening a week at their house, and keep your daughter with you?  Could you go for a week or weekend away--with your daughter?  And stay at the home of an old friend or relative so hotel is not required?  with your idea of the alternating weekends, could you find somewhere to go with your daughter like a park, or a mall?  Is there even a place like IKEA where they have free childcare, and you could find a place to sit? 

I also wonder if there are free mental health services in your community--there is probably someone somewhere who can offer you some help figuring out your next steps.  It seems like you are on the right path, though--to find a way to have time away so you can clear your head.


April 28, 2019 4:36 pm  #4

Re: Anxiety

Is there a single good reason why you have to stay and put up with his shit? Seriously you have one life, do you want it to be this?


April 28, 2019 5:58 pm  #5

Re: Anxiety

By coincidence I came across this today and was about to post it on it's own. I think it's very apt for many of us and does include some coping strategies. https://www.healthy-holistic-living.com/narcissistic-abuse-anxiety/?utm_source=POEM&utm_content=47531-4G3I


“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer

April 28, 2019 6:22 pm  #6

Re: Anxiety

If these are your events, and he wants to be your husband and wants you to stay, then he needs to show up as your husband, period.  Its simple marital courtesy - honoring one's spouse's activities in a socially appropriate manner.  Its no different than  asking him to wear a tux to formal fundraiser.  What would he do for a black tie event, show up in a gown?  

You have accommodated him at home, but he's not accommodating you at all.  No reciprocity there.  And if there's one theme I see over and over in these posts is the absence of reciprocity.  He needs boundaries and ultimatums. 


April 29, 2019 3:41 pm  #7

Re: Anxiety

Thanks for all the comments.

I know I don't HAVE to attend events with someone BUT everyone knows that I am married. They have not seen him since he started this journey so that is where the issue is. No one knows we are having any issues and they surely don't know about this. So, at least I have the reason we cant get a sitter so he cant go or it just isn't feasible to spend the money for us both to go BUT the June event I need to get 10 people there SO I am hoping he will adhere to my wishes and be "normal" for the day.

As far as financially, yes we are in a very live month by month with my working part time so I cant really swing a hotel visit and I don't have family or friends that I can stay with, with my daughter so that is the issue. The every other weekend was just to try to get her in the habit of seeing us every other weekend as well as putting some distance between us.

As far as working more hours to get more money and time away from the husband then that infringes on my time with my daughter and I don't want to do that either.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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