I wish him a fulfilled life. I sincerely hope that at least this pain wasnt for nothing. It was with the expense of my life. But at least I hope he has the strength to live his true self.
As for me....I hope one day I can give all my love to someone who can reciprocate the same way.
Last edited by Mimi (April 29, 2019 4:11 pm)
I think you hit the nail on the head when you say you "sincerely hope that at least this pain wasn't for nothing." I can't say that I "wish [my ex] a fulfilled life," but I sure wish he would at least live his truth rather than staying in the closet. I feel as if he's getting away with something by staying in the closet, and offloading onto me all the consequences of his secret life.
I'm happy you were able to make this break Mimi. It won't be easy, but it's better than living a lie. Are you living separately now? I know how hard this has been for you.
As for detaching with love...I didn't even try. I don't love my ex anymore. How could I after what he's done? I try to have as little to do with him as possible. Unfortunately, we live in the same house, separate apartments but still too close for me. He still will text me if he's going to the grocery store or CVS to see if I want anything. Nope, I want nothing from you. Last night our daughter was performing in a show. He texted me 6 different times asking whether he should come home first or just go straight to the venue. I wanted to text back "I don't give two craps what you do" but I was polite and just said "up to you." Then he kept updating me about his commute. Again, I don't care. Tomorrow my other daughter is performing at college. I know he's assuming we're driving the 2 hours together. I might say yes to that for my kids' sake but it will be torture for me. Ugh.
So my advice is to spend as little time as possible with him. Speak to him only about business matters or the children. No friendly conversations, no chit chats, etc. Use texting or emails as a means of communication rather than phone calls. The longer you go without contact the easier it will get.
Good luck, and *hugs*
Good to hear from you. I was thinking about you the other day and was wondering how you're doing. I recall that our timelines of finally deciding to leave was around the same time. Happy to hear you are doing good and on track. I do live separately now. Away from him. and I have to say the separation helped a lot. The less I see him the less Im dragged in the rabbit hole. He is very mad at me for "leaving him and giving up too fast.". He is now the victim of all of this. But there are days that he constantly calls and cries where I break. Begs me to give it a chance. Remind me that marriage was for better and worst. Tells me Im gving up too fast. Still in complete denial with all the facts in front of him. I finally told him, what he does and doesn't act on is no longer my concern.
E hugs
Last edited by Mimi (April 29, 2019 4:11 pm)
Mimi wrote:
Good to hear from you. I was thinking about you the other day and was wondering how you're doing. I recall that our timelines of finally deciding to leave was around the same time. Happy to hear you are doing good and on track. I do live separately now. Away from him. and I have to say the separation helped a lot. The less I see him the less Im dragged in the rabbit hole. He is very mad at me for "leaving him and giving up too fast.". He is now the victim of all of this. But there are days that he constantly calls and cries where I break. Begs me to give it a chance. Remind me that marriage was for better and worst. Tells me Im gving up too fast. Still in complete denial with all the facts in front of him. I finally told him, what he does and doesn't act on is no longer my concern.
E hugs
Good for you!!! What he does or doesn't do is not your concern. I am still concerned enough about my ex in that I need him to be healthy for our children and as a fellow human being and that about covers it.
I have not filed for divorce yet. I think the entire process is SO overwhelming to me. And I don't have the money to spend on lawyers. So far my ex has done every single thing I've asked of him. I know he still feels tremendous guilt. I've said to him many times "you have no idea what you've done to me" and he can't even respond. I feel like I should file now while he's still feeling that way so I can get all that I want out of the divorce. I'm not out to fleece him or anything. I want 50/50 custody, no child support either way. I don't want to get or give alimony. We make almost the same amount of money with me topping him out by a couple thousand. But, I am a nurse and I only work 32 hours. He could say I have more earning potential than him if I added in those 8 hours a week. I want to add up our 401K's and then split it down the middle. We cashed in my 401k when we bought our first house. We were young and figured we had time to recoup and his 401k had a good amount and I figured we'd be together. I don't want to get stuck with a lot less money than him at retirement. Lastly, if possible, I want him to continue to cover me under his health insurance. My work offers it, but it's a crappy plan and my doctor is not a part of it so if Iose my current insurance I have to leave my doctor that I love.
All this is so overwhelming to me. I really don't even want to face it. But, I want my name back. I know that probably sounds silly, but I sign my name about 100 times a day at work and I'm tired of signing his name. So that is motivating me. At some point I might want to date again. So I want to be free for when/if that day ever arrives. I think I'm talking myself into calling a lawyer tomorrow. Thanks Mimi!!!
This is my first time to post. My husband of 30 years "came out" involuntarily in 2016 and we were divorced in 2018. As many of you know (if not all)... there is a VERY long and pain-filled story in between. I'm very happy to find a group to share with who understand the torment of it all. Almost three years post disclosure and I'm moving forward with starts and stops. My ex is living is a different state and we hardly speak. The last six months or so I've been feeling the need to know more about the true events of our 30 years as a married couple. He claims to not have cheated at all until 28 years in but I am doubting all that now. On the one hand I want to know the truth about his behavior throughout the marriage and on the other hand I don't want to know. I've written a long letter to him asking if he will honestly respond to questions about our past together but am afraid to send it. I fear it will open wounds that have started to heal and set me back to the dark places I have no desire to return to. Has any one demanded to know more details of the past and regretted it? Or has it helped with moving forward? I guess I'm wondering how important it is to healing to know the truth about the past. Thanks.
Hi Number9, that's an interesting question. In response I don't think there's any point in sending the letter, you are not going to get honest answers you can trust are you. When it comes to healing yes I think the better your picture of the past the better off you are but you are a more reliable source than he is. I suggest you take time for a siesta whenever you can and let your mind wander and pick up memories at random.
I don't think it's answers that will send you back into dark places but I do think asking your ex for answers might - that really is revisiting a dark place!
I still shudder at the yeah, torment is a good word for it, the torment of seeking answers from my ex and getting the runaround, even when I was really needing them.
all the best, Lily
Hi. I found out after 32 years of marriage about 7 months ago and am in the process of separation and divorce. I’ve always wanted the details and information from my past with him too. I knew something was off or not right throughout our years & tried to have him seek help, but he would never follow through. I had no clue what all it really was. When he admitted his same sex attraction (along with some inappropriate behavior), I knew I’d never have the full truth from him. After all that has transpired following disclosure, he has turned into a greedy, mean person. And I guess that’s who he’s always been under his mask he wears!
So I understand the need to know about our life. I just don’t feel like a person who is capable of intentionally doing this to spouse & children all these years will ever fully tell the truths. (And mine continues to say he never acted outside the marriage!). I just can’t believe anything he says! I had to get to a point where I stopped asking him anything about our life, or his life, because I now know it wouldn’t make any difference anyway. I think I’ll always just wonder about things.
Best wishes.
Number9, on one of the trauma recovery boards I am on, women will talk about therapeutic disclosure and polygraphs, etc. It is all done with trained therapists though, and is only done, I believe, for couples who wish to remain together. Otherwise it is not seen as beneficial.
I could have it backwards though, but it is something you could look into. Of course, the Ex would have to be onboard as well.
lily, thanks for your insightful and wise advice. I think you're 100% right that I will not be able to trust his answers anyway. And so why put myself back on that hamster wheel? Seeking answers from a liar gets us no where and is EXHAUSTING. Thanks for responding to my post, and peace to you on your healing journey.