I am wondering how many women in long term (30 year) relationships that get blind sighted that there spouse is gay and dating 20 year old men when you are 55 ever recover and find a normal life ? Its been 3 years now since my husband moved out. Nobody knows he left. Family , friends etc. I was allowed to confide in 1 friend. . I live a lie. I am so alone. Family members are dying so we attend funerals as a couple. Whatever requires a couples appearance, We are there. Otherwise I am so lonely and feel like a failure as a wife. My therapist relates this to my parents divorce. That I have such a stigma against divorce I'd rather have this relationship that she thinks works rather than divorce. I have lost both of my parents within 6 months. We own a business together so I see him at work. He dangles hope. Like maybe if I don't text him too much for 3 months he will decide if we go back to couples therapy. We haven't gone except for 6 sessions 3 years ago. My brain knows this is a lie. Seriously if the only conversation you can have with your spouse outside the work environment is via text and a 1 time per week dinner what kind of relationship is that?
Between the gay and the age difference I have no self esteem. or motivation to move forward in my life. I have no desire to date. I'm like a you mate once and you lose your mate you die species. I'm so tired. I don't even cry anymore. I feel guilty. My dad just died and I feel nothing .Didn't shed a tear. I think I ran out of them. I did try initially to make friends outside of our "couples friends" and try new hobbies. But I have nothing left to put forward. So my question is am I forever broken?
My husband was my best friend and the one person I trusted most in my life. He broke that trust and I think it broke me forever, Is it an American thing to keep telling people to hope when they have nothing left??? The Swiss seem to have better solutions. He gets permission to choose? What if I cant live with his choice.And yes like most posts I read everyone said we were the 'perfect couple)
So sorry. If I understand you correctly..its been 3 years, he's moved out, but you are not divorced? You pretend to be a couple sometimes ?
It does not sound like youve had a chance to move on or heal. The semi regular contact with him does not help. While we love/loved them know that these spouses are not our friends..
The word broken is a negative word.. Reframe it to .. we will never be the same.
Try to limit contact with him and keep busy with work, activities, routine. While you dont want date I urge you to at least talk to people you meet and come in contact social. Try a meetup group etc.
I found that talking to normal people made me realize I was not broken.
Seek more help ..don't isolate yourself or keep his secret.
I can feel how much pain you are in through your words, and my heart goes out to you. You sure have had more than your share of grief and shock lately.
I want to recommend a book: Shoukd I Stay or Should I Go? By Lundy Bancroft. I have been working through this book. It is very healing. It helps you see things differently, and is kind and nurturing. I have found that it has gradually helped me to gain clarity and hope and strength.
I think that many of us here on SSN finally come to realize that it is not so much the gay that is hurtful, but the lies and manipulation. Of course thengay is hurtful too, but the lies and destructive patterns seem to really end things, once we recognize the lies and manipulation for what they are.
Now, regarding your description of how he says, “maybe if you texted me less, for three whole months, then maybe we can go to counseling”—that is horrible! Just awful! I want to tell you that is totally utterly manipulative and abusive. Just no question. Utterly horrid. He is toying with you. Like a cat playing with a mouse and enjoying watching it suffer. It is at the level of sadistic actually. Please please please find a way to go no contact with this monster. He is NOT your friend. He is dangerous! Please find a friend who can help you. There is nothing about this man worthy of your trust or your hope. Please put your hope and work into healing—put no more hope and no more work toward him nor a relationship with him of any kind. He is not worthy of your time, let alone your friendship, and especially not your marriage.
Thank you for the book recommendation. I will read it. I feel as if I am stuck in limbo. When I read some posts I realize I am not married except on paper. I know this seems silly given my circumstances but hearing the word SINGLE feels terrifying.
I have thought about what I would do if were divorced. I don't think I would feel any better.
Maybe the book will help. I will buy it now. Thx.
Andrea (not yet found),
I'm sorry for the loss of your father.
I'm sorry you're in such pain. On My Own Two Feet's book recommendation is a good one; if you find it helpful, another of her book's "Why Does He Do That?" might also be useful to you.
It's important for you to understand that although you are living apart from your husband, you are still living in his closet, and that is an inherently abusive dynamic. You are so beaten down by this dynamic that it prevents you from even imagining a better life outside of it. You are lonely because he has isolated you from everyone, and isolation is high on the list of the abuser's methods. He is using a number of techniques desigend to secure your compliance with what he wants, and he doesn't care what this does to you. Please stop thinking of him as your "best friend"; he is not your best friend; he is your worst enemy.
Do I have this right that because you own a business together you feel that you must keep his secret? It sounds to me as if he uses this shared business as a weapon against you, to ensure your silence.
What I wonder is this: why isn't your therapist concerned not with exploring WHY you feel as you do, but HOW to extricate you from such an ongoing, damaging situation. If he were beating you with his fists, would she spend her time with you going over your parents' marriage and its effect on why you stay? Don't ask your therapist to explore with you why you STAY, ask her to help you LEAVE. Not, "figure out why you can't leave," but "figure out how to leave." (You may be living apart, but you have not "left," in the sense of cutting yourself free.)
One place to start would be for her to help you re-frame such self-defeating ideas as "He was my best friend," "He broke me forever," and "I'm like a 'you mate once and you lose your mate you die species'," because having such ideas is one reason you're stuck. A best friend does not abuse you. Lots of people lose their mates for all sorts of reasons and go on to live happy lives, either single or with a new partner. For some reason you seem to think you can't do this, either because you aren't allowed to do this, or there is something in you that means you won't be able to. If you think you're broken forever, you have no motivation to believe that things can better and that you can act to make them so.
Don't, however spend your time with your therapist exploring WHY you think these things: use your time with your therapist to CONTEST these ideas, to REFRAME them, because reframing them will help get you unstuck, and give you the motivation and hope to end this abusive situation you're in. It's also important to understand that you have these self-defeating ideas not because you're somehow a failure but because your husband's abusive behavior has conditioned you to believe that you have no worth or future--something he NEEDS you to believe so he can control you and continue on in a lifestyle that benefits him at your expense. He is willing to kill your spirit and damage your health in order to stay in his closet and live the life he wants to live.
What you are living in is a situation that is emotional and psychological battering, on a daily basis, and the first order of business is to get safe--and THEN, and only then, analyze the dynamic, your past, etc, because it's important to do that so you don't repeat this pattern in the future. But first you have to HAVE a future, and to believe you do have one.
Your Husband-on-Paper-Only does not have the right to dictate to you who are "allowed" to tell. You have a right to tell your own story, and to anyone you choose to tell. You do not have to keep enabling his lies by attending family events together. What you do have the right to is your own life, to be lived free of abuse and in an honest way.
Please, please visit a lawyer and find out what your rights are under the divorce laws. If you own the business together, it is surely marital property. You are not powerless in this situation, and you are not without recourse. You, your life, your health, are are worth fighting for.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (April 17, 2019 5:45 am)
Hi Andrea,
I was 57 when I discovered my ex really was gay and just denying it. I literally fell to the floor in shock. As I was lying there I promised myself that he could do what he wanted but I was not going to live his lie any more.
It's interesting how much it matters, I wasn't thinking oh I'm living a lie before that, but on the instant, there I am promising myself I won't let it happen any more. I needed that promise to get up off the floor.
We were no longer running a business together. I can't imagine what that's like, it wasn't long before I stopped cooking him dinner! but I can imagine it makes it difficult to work out your financial options. Sorry about the loss of your parents, nothing can prepare you for becoming an orphan, don't worry about the tears, they will come at some point. But do talk to a lawyer if there is any inheritance involved, it might be better to separate your finances sooner rather than later.
You are working together - inevitably you are looking for his approval and amicability as you are in a working relationship. He can manipulate you easily. It's not a good situation to be in.
So yes, things could be a lot better. three years is a long time to live like that. I understand what you mean about being a mate for life species. I am the same, I think it is like that for a lot of us. It's a sort of Achilles heel, what makes us a good mate also makes it hard to identify and get away from a fake one. He has always been the way he is. He has chosen to use you all along.
It hurts like hell. I likened it to waking up in the burns ward of life. One day at a time. If you can work towards telling more people and getting away from ex that's going in a good direction and if you feel like staying home under the duvet that's good too.
all the best, Lily
I would like to thank you all for your insightful replies. I will share some of your thought s with my therapist. I have started the first book and will buy the second. Thanks for taking the time to compose such thoughtful posts. They are much appreciated.
Here's something I read in a comment on today's column over at Chump Lady, and I think it's apropos to our situations.
Being cut free and then being able to redefine your life and assert your boundaries is the best thing that happened but I would’ve rather had a marriage where I felt whole.
Hi I took some photos of your response to take to therapy tomm morning. I will let you know how its goes.XOXO
Hi Andrea,
I'm so sorry you are suffering. I was 51 when I separated from my GIDX after 27 years of marriage. It hurt like hell, but like your abusive spouse, I allowed my GIDX to make the big decisions about our divorce. Ironically he actually filed for the divorce which I allowed, but now regret. Being in an abusive relationship like these we get beaten down because they spend so much energy telling us lies that make them look good or at least cover their bad behavior. I echo so much of what was said above, esp. getting distance by having the least contact possible and believing that it can and will get better. Wishing you well.