OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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March 27, 2019 12:57 pm  #1

How do you deal with doubts?

He claims that he never acted on them and he’s just curios. But I kept finding more recent evidences. 

A friend who knows the whole story gave me an advice yesterday and said “well marriage is not all about sex. If you think you can have a good life with him why don’t you give him a chance? Build the trust.  You can satisfy yourself in other ways (open marriage).”

What do you guys think of that? I personally think trust can be rebuilt. But when you’re fighting against nature, you’re only going to delay the inevitable.

Last edited by Mimi (March 30, 2019 11:00 am)


March 27, 2019 2:21 pm  #2

Re: How do you deal with doubts?

Mimi wrote:

.......“well marriage is not all about sex. If you think you can have a good life with him why don’t you give him a chance? Build the trust. You can satisfy yourself in other ways (open marriage).”

What do you guys think of that? I personally think trust can be rebuilt. But when you’re fighting against nature, you’re only going to delay the inevitable. And IF he really never acts on his desires again, he still will never be able to fulfill my desires the way I expect from my partner. at best we can be great roommates. Again.


I think open marriages are okay when you're both loving it. But I know commitment to something agreed on often doesn't take into account the fluidity (yes I hate to use that term but it fits) of individual sexual changes as far as feeling safe and being respected. Trust being rebuilt is such an individual thing that relies on so much! Even if it is ever rebuilt.....there will always be something missing....and I'm over fighting this, trying to get back to what my life was....because it never will be

KIA KAHA                       

March 27, 2019 3:24 pm  #3

Re: How do you deal with doubts?

The question I asked myself when at this point in the process was:  Can I live with someone who made a choice to lie about who they really are?


March 28, 2019 11:54 am  #4

Re: How do you deal with doubts?

Thank you both very much. Yes I have to agree Baffeled. It’s come to the point where you think if he was capable of deceiving me about such an important thing in my life, can I ever trust him with anything else? That’s the trust part.

Regarding his sexuality, it’ll be a matter of time where he can’t not act on it. Why wouldn’t he? I’ll spend the rest of my life not feeling wanted.

     Thread Starter

March 28, 2019 1:05 pm  #5

Re: How do you deal with doubts?

Mimi wrote:

........Regarding his sexuality, it’ll be a matter of time where he can’t not act on it. Why wouldn’t he? I’ll spend the rest of my life not feeling wanted.


This is why we...the straightspouse....work on ourselves, and stop focusing on the people who have hurt us. Because if and when they do "act on it".....we will be ready. 
I think part of the 'glue' that keeps me in a r'ship that has changed so much it's unrecognisable is the strength I have to want to preserve something that was once perfect. 

KIA KAHA                       

April 1, 2019 10:27 am  #6

Re: How do you deal with doubts?

Hi Mimi, 

My best advice is to do what is best for YOU. You have to decide if it is something you can deal with and accept because even though you love this person, if you are unsure about staying it will continue to hurt you. No ones advice will ever be able to convince you of what you feel yourself. 

I am sorry you are going through this. 


April 1, 2019 2:23 pm  #7

Re: How do you deal with doubts?

What Kaylamarie said.

The tricky thing about the "open marriage" question is, how much free will do you actually have, once you're at the point of addressing this question.

If you are single, and contemplating marriage,. and you are asked "what's your preference, having an open marriage or a traditional monogamous marriage?"  Well, so some people would respond "I want an open marriage."  Nobody could fault you for making that choice free of coercion.  

But most of us aren't being given the choice between a monogamous marriage and an open marriage.  We're being asked to choose between an open marriage and a divorce, and divorce can impose extraordinary financial penalties on us.  

When I first came on this site, I thought I was going to try and make a go of it having an open marriage.  Over time, I learned more about my husband's activities.  I also gradually came to educate myself about the state of my finances.  I was never really in a position to look at my future realistically and understand what I was getting into, financially, but I also came to understand that I couldn't continue in a fake marriage.

I came to the decision that I wanted a divorce, but I would never dream of passing judgment on anyone who chose another path.  For me, this came down to a financial question: can I afford to divorce.  I'm going to lose my husband's employer-based health insurance; I'll have to pay over a thousand dollars a month of my spousal support just to keep healthy.  That's the kind of thing I started to look at, not "am I okay with an open marriage" because I knew perfectly well I wouldn't choose an open marriage over a monogamous one.  My husband wanted me to choose the open marriage at a point where any other choice would be financially devastating to me.

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

April 1, 2019 4:06 pm  #8

Re: How do you deal with doubts?

Yes, walkby, it was a choice constrained by fear, of losing your marriage and losing your health insurance.


April 2, 2019 8:35 am  #9

Re: How do you deal with doubts?

Hello Mimi, I love reading your posts because it is really similar to my own story.  It s been a while since I have not posted here as I needed some time to think and reflect.  I realized several things, once we found teh evidence related to the gay thing, we fell in fear.  We re afraid all our life was a lie and we start thinking and acting out of fear.  Nothing good can come out of fear.

Now you need to understand that there. not only one person afraid here.  Your husband is also scared he might loose you and everything you built together.

You have no business getting into an open marriage if this is not what you signed up for.  What you need to ask your man. is proof of his commitment to YOU and only YOU.

For example, If you re not comfortable with him watching gay porn (Ideally any kind of porn), he needs to demonstrate that he s trying to avoid that. etc...

You and you therapist can't fix your husband, but if he is really committed to your relationship, he will do whatever it takes and get teh help he needs.

I think that s the only ultimatum we need to give our gay spouses, go figure out if there are really committed to the relationship and take action to save it.  You should list what will make you feel comfortable but you need to wait for him to tell you first what he want to commit to and how he will demonstrate that.  Then you'll add whatever you need that s not on the list.

Based on that you ll have a base to determine of you re making progress or not.  It will require you to determine how much intimacy you can have at this point too.  But set your boundaries.

One thing my therapist made me realize is that I have been expecting my husband to tell me the entire truth but it was too hard for me.  I realized that he actually told me the truth in indirect ways.  So think again about the conversations you ve had with your husband.  If he s admitting he s doing something wrong and is willing to get help by himself because of his commitment to you this might work.  If not you ll have to decide what are your best options.  

The last thing I would advise is to take care of yourself, as much as you can. If you re in a bad shape you can t think straight and decide what s best for you.

Take care.  Wish you much love and light


April 3, 2019 9:05 am  #10

Re: How do you deal with doubts?

Mimi wrote:

 I personally think trust can be rebuilt. But when you’re fighting against nature, you’re only going to delay the inevitable.

This line sums it up for me. It doesn't matter how much a gay spouse wants to stay together and make a marriage work. A gay spouse and a straight spouse are simply incompatible. It has nothing to do with how much he may genuinely love his spouse because I do think a gay person can love (or at least feel a deep, abiding affection) a person of the opposite sex. He will never be able to desire her or make her feel desired because it just isn't how he is wired. 

On the topic of open marriages...... it isn't my cuppa. I cannot separate the physical and the emotional. I cannot have a physical relationship with one person and an emotional relationship with someone else. 


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