OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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March 25, 2019 7:38 pm  #1


   March was the month, in 2015, that my then husband (now ex) dropped his trans bomb. 

   This March marks a year since I moved out and into my own apartment, leaving behind "our" home, where we had lived for a quarter of a century.   On the morning of the day I moved out I received the news that a cancer screening test I'd undergone was "positive."

   I moved into my new home thinking that I would be sick and die alone.  (It turns out I did not have cancer.) 

   Last March and April were horrific.  On Easter I roamed through the mostly empty rooms of my new apartment (I had yet to bring much furniture from our home) crying, propping myself up against the walls.  The pain from the grief and the loss, and the feeling of being discarded for my ex's desire to dress up in women's clothes for sexual pleasure and release was excruciating.  I remember returning to my apartment from a trip in June to visit my mother, feeling so alone, with no one to greet me or to care that I was home.  
  What a difference a year makes!  

   I am by no means recovered from 35 years married to a person who was hiding his sexuality and unable to commit to being a partner, or from the pain that accompanies the dissolution of a long marriage for the reasons our marriages are doomed to fail.  I have not yet recovered my sense of myself as a vital and desirable woman and mate. 

    BUT: I am no longer grieving, or tormented, or devastated by the discard.  Instead, I am not just managing, but learning to thrive.

   I no longer berate myself for failing to make a fatally flawed relationship work. I have become far more social, rather than living a socially isolated life with a person who is hiding his sexuality and self.  I no longer sit in the evenings with my husband, squeezed by the elephant in the room that he refused to acknowledge.  I am comfortable with myself and my solitude.  

I have become far more comfortable managing life on my own, despite the challenges, including financial ones. I am learning how to do the things that my ex did in the marriage, and that I never learned how to do, and finding that I am more than capable of doing them.  I no longer look to the future with dread.  

  I have been through a year of firsts, all the holidays and birthdays, re-worked to reflect my new solo reality.  Though it was tough at times, there was joy, too. My adult son and I have begun forging a new relationship, one that is solely between the two of us, and it is working well.  

  Those who've been where I've been (and gone beyond where I am) will no doubt recognize this stage. After thinking over this milestone of a year apart, I wanted to reassure those who wish to leave but are paralyzed by fear, or in others ways still struggling to leave, that life can and does get better.  You can and will survive and even thrive.  

Last edited by OutofHisCloset (March 25, 2019 7:50 pm)


March 25, 2019 8:57 pm  #2

Re: Milestones

Thanks for sharing this. I’m not yet at the point you are at, but I did feel I’d reached a milestone of my own.

I’m in the process of divorce, but we still share the house. I’m staying in a spare bedroom.

I’m in Southern California and after a very rainy winter, we are experiencing an amazing wildflower bloom. So last week I drove up to the desert with a bunch of friends to check out the flowers. We had a total blast. We got lost and ended up on a dirt road and saw a huge jackrabbit and took a million pictures. We saw a billion poppies blooming. We found the worlds most disgusting portapotty.

I know my husband is out getting laid but seriously, he is actually jealous of me because I have friends. I have the kind of friends who want to go check out the wildflowers and he doesn’t. I wouldn’t change places with him for anything.

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

March 25, 2019 11:37 pm  #3

Re: Milestones

Out, thanks for sharing and giving us an update. I am divorced now but my GIDXH doesn't move out until the end of April. Knowing that things will get better....gives me hope. I am scared, I am afraid, did I do the right thing?  I am holding onto that hope.....I just want to give myself a chance and I thought the only way to get that chance was to divorce, to part.....I didn't want to give up on me. I am so happy for you....Onward.


March 26, 2019 6:13 am  #4

Re: Milestones

I will be going to a friend's wedding this spring. I don't know the circumstances of her divorce or his but know that for her post-divorce her ex made her life difficult as their children were growing up. Now her children are on their own and she has rebuilt her life including spiritually. She bought a house a couple of years ago. She wasn't looking for anyone when she ran into someone she knew years ago and they fell in love.

When you are able to be at peace with who you are and the choices you have made you develop a confidence that makes you attractive.

Try Gardening. It'll keep you grounded.

March 26, 2019 9:58 am  #5

Re: Milestones


Big thumbs up on this thread.

Abby,  your sentence about roaming the empty rooms and crying  brought back a lot for me..   I no longer do that..

I have friends now that I do not have to wonder if they are plotting or scheming against me.    I would not go back to my GX if you put a gun to my head.

To those  in the mist of TGT and wondering how to make the hurt stop.   I think God is looking down and sees the difference between wrong and right..  He would not want us to stay with someone constantly
hurting us.    Know that there is a life away from TGT and in it safety and peace.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

March 26, 2019 1:28 pm  #6

Re: Milestones

I love it!  Great update!   Keep on moving forward to happiness

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 


March 26, 2019 5:45 pm  #7

Re: Milestones

You are amazing, and inspirational.

Doesn’t it fill you with horror to think back to the minimised, “pick me” life that it was. It does me, I am SO very grateful that I found the truth and got back to being ME.

I can’t wait for next years update, you’ll be flying!


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