OMG, I am sick to my stomach. My GIDXH has established an account on a dating web site stating he is "interested in women". WTF????? We were divorced in Jan 2019 after 44 years of marriage, and out of the kindness of my heart , I am letting him live here until the end of April until his apartment is ready. He is already looking for his new beard , his new cover, and he is still living in my house!!!
I think I am going to lose my mind.....What would you do?
Violated wrote:
OMG, I am sick to my stomach. My GIDXH has established an account on a dating web site stating he is "interested in women". WTF????? We were divorced in Jan 2019 after 44 years of marriage, and out of the kindness of my heart , I am letting him live here until the end of April until his apartment is ready. He is already looking for his new beard , his new cover, and he is still living in my house!!!
I think I am going to lose my mind.....What would you do?
I'd stop being kind.
In a perfect in which everybody was able to EXACTLY what they were thinking...I'd tell him unless he found somewhere else to live NOW that i was going to start telling people why I wanted him out.
Last edited by Ellexoh_nz (March 11, 2019 12:31 pm)
yeah really, that is so disrespectful it is traumatic. Your kindness trampled on all over again - on the plus side you sure aren't going to miss him!
I have no idea what I'd do, ignore it probably. Is it worth the effort of forcing him out before he wants to go? I'm a bit pathetic though, always wanting to be civil and I like Lynne's advice better - it's important to do the self-empowering thing, so I think probably you just need to do what suits you.
Perhaps you could notify the website? Anonymously for your own comfort and safety? They might require some proof of cheating or something that would make it easier to kick him off but it's a thought? Or maybe you could just tell him to take it down while he's in your home or he needs to leave? Just a few thoughts I had.
IThis is traumatizing but it happens often. My ex remarried (a woman) just months after our divorce was final. Another woman I know said her gay ex moved right in with a younger woman as soon as she filed for divorce. I think this is all part of the malignant narcissistic personality disorder that seems to be part of the homosexual profile. They just do not care about you; they ever did. You were brutally used on all fronts for their narcissistic energy supply. It is a tough moment when you can actually admit that you have been used so thoroughly. This whole journey has been enlightening for me. Narcissists and sociopaths only select a certain twofold person because they know that person is more apt to stick around, take the abuse and pity them too. It’s a long journey out of the role of abused spouse. Set some boundaries! I know it’s hard because you haven’t been allowed to tit before. Kicking him out will be a first step in learning it’s okay to have boundaries. When you want to know what people think of you, look at how they treat you. You are worth so much more!