So glad I came across this post... I’m feel so much the same way! Every comment I’m like “yeah what he said”!!!...
I’m 5 weeks into finding out my husband has cheated on me... We have 3 kids (8 years 5year old twins) together 15 years ONLY MARRIED 1.5YEARS!!!!!! What a waste of time!!!
I just want him to want me so bad, but can’t work out why because I didn’t even feel loved in our relationship... and I’m not sure I even want to be with him anyway... what the fuck is wrong with me! I even think maybe I look like a man now and that’s why we made it 15years... or maybe he is bi and if I had if tried harder things mite have worked, thing is I tried so hard, he has drained me of everything I have to give... now I’m empty and he is throwing me away!
I just don’t know how they go through the whole process of cheating and not once stay stop!!! This is so wrong!!!
My emotions are like a roller coaster... the other week I was so happy! Like crazy crazy happy and free... and I shit myself because I knew I was going to crash hard! I did too!
Then I was good... then I cried for like a week... today has been good haha