OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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February 3, 2019 10:50 am  #1

Husband told me he has "gay thoughts" 3 nights ago...

My husband told me 3 nights ago that he has "gay thoughts." He says they started 10 years ago when his grandmother started losing her mind to Alzheimer's, then got a little bit worse when she died 5 years ago. We have been together for 12 years and married for 6 of those years. We have 3 kids under 4 together and we are done having babies. He says his "gay thoughts" usually surround playing around with a guy or a threesome with me and another guy. He also has a fantasy where he is with an older "mom-like" woman where she is telling him that he's good and she's proud of him and then they have sex. He was physically abused and emotionally neglected by his mother as a child and she even beat him periodically when he disappointed her as an adult (most recent beating was Easter Sunday of 2016). He recently began treating his adult ADHD in May 2018 because his job was getting too difficult for him to focus and do it well. Over the course of the last 8-9 months, the medications have triggered manic episodes to where he will obsess over certain aspects of his identity - it has been several different aspects (artistic ability, singing, music, race, family lineage, and now his sexual orientation). I have gotten him in with a therapist who specializes with EMDR therapy to help him with his past traumas, but this was before he "came out" to me about his feelings. He says he hasn't acted on these feelings, but has looked at gay porn about every other day to "get by." He says the more stressed out he his, the less turned on my women he is. I definitely noticed that with our sex life - the more stressed out he is, the less sex he wants. Also, I noticed that when I "mothered" him more (like make him breakfast, showed physical affection, gave him verbal affirmations that he's doing a good job), he is more likely to initiate sex. He says he enjoys it when we have sex, but he has imagined that I'm a guy while we have sex before. He said he even imagined once that I was my mom because my mom has been very loving and accepting of him, whereas his mother is very cold, distant, and like I previously stated was physically abusive. OBVIOUSLY, he has some post trauma issues that are surfacing and we are getting him help for that. His therapy starts Tuesday. He says he wants to stay together and also says he can be monogamous, but I'm not so sure about his honestly with that. I know he truly loves me, but he's got so many issues to deal with that when he comes out on the other end of all this, he may feel differently. I'm just so scared because I don't want to lose him - he is the love of my life and my best friend. I also don't want him to be unhappy - which he obviously has been for a while.

Any advice is appreciated.


February 3, 2019 1:27 pm  #2

Re: Husband told me he has "gay thoughts" 3 nights ago...

MomOfThree wrote:

My husband told me 3 nights ago that he has "gay thoughts." ........ He says he wants to stay together and also says he can be monogamous, but I'm not so sure about his honestly with that. I know he truly loves me, but he's got so many issues to deal with that when he comes out on the other end of all this, he may feel differently. I'm just so scared because I don't want to lose him - he is the love of my life and my best friend. I also don't want him to be unhappy - which he obviously has been for a while.
Any advice is appreciated.


MomofThree.....Welcome to the forum. Sounds like, with his past history, your husband has a lot of burden he would prefer other people carry for him, and that it's always somebody else' fault and not his. And it seems like you are shouldering everything. 
It took me a while....but when I realised my life is in my hands, not his and that I had to start thinking in terms of *me* and not *us*...I suddenly found the strength to start talking to other people, and the mere fact that my family knew what I was going through made decisions easier to make. Do you have a confidante you can talk to....family, a good friend, a counselor..? 
This is not a broken leg that you can put in plaster to heal in a few months. This is a broken leg, torn ligaments, a knife in the back.....and no first aid. And...it may seem forever but it won't be....you will walk with a limp. There may be a sadness you wake up with every morning, yet he doesn't, and when you try to explain...he just doesn't get it? This is your life, not his. And you need to unburdan some of his crap and make him responsible for it. Begin thinking about the things you don't want in your life, and how they will never match up with the things he wants in his. 

Stop mothering him

I've just reread the last line of my reply and I apologize if  it sounds harsh...it's done with the best intention


Last edited by Ellexoh_nz (February 3, 2019 5:31 pm)

KIA KAHA                       

February 6, 2019 9:16 am  #3

Re: Husband told me he has "gay thoughts" 3 nights ago...

So since I made the original post, his mother got violent with him AGAIN (over something not even related to him coming out) and it sent him into an almost child like state. He eventually opened up to me that usually when his mother is violent or emotionally neglectful, he needs more female nurturing and affection, but this time, she has sent him past his breaking point and he cant even look at women or tolerate physical touch from anyone. Whenever anyone said anything to him, he was questioning their motives. He couldn't trust anyone. So I gave him some space for a few days. He decided he needed to stop taking his ADD medications (they make him hyperfocus and can cause him to get paranoid and even have delusions if he's in a bad mental place).

I went to counseling on Monday for myself to figure out how to cope with all this and how to take care of myself (I wasn't eating but like 200 calories a day because of severe depression and despair). Felt a little better afterwards, then came home. He was at work that day but didn't even come home - he went to go hang out with his best friend (whom I have been talking and texting with a lot recently because we are both very worried about him). I went over to my neighbor's and unloaded a little onto her (no details), then my friend (who is my husband's high school girlfriend) came over and let me unload onto her, and then I went to my husband's aunt's house and unloaded onto her and his cousin (he has been open with them about all this).

The next day, he went back and forth about whether he wants me to go to his counseling session or not, but ultimately decided that he wants me there, but wanted us to drive there separately. The session went okay... she helped him with some coping mechanisms for dealing with the ins and outs of his relationship with his mother and helped us with communication. I did not feel very reassured by things. At the end of the appt, he had to go pee, but I stayed in the room waiting for the receipt and I broke down as soon as he shut the door. She asked me what exactly was sparking this emotional reaction. I told her, "When he's like this, he usually needs a hug from me, and when I ask if he needs one, he says he cant tolerate it. I don't know how to help him." She told me I must keep respecting his space and boundaries and that he will let me in when/if he is ready. She told me to ask him, and if he says no, to just tell him that I'm hugging him from my heart. He walked up as I was walking out of her office and he asked me what happened. I told her what she said, and he said, "We'll hug it out eventually." I said okay. We didn't even make it off the elevator before he initiated a deep embrace and I broke down crying... lol it made the other people in the elevator a little uncomfortable.

When we got out into the parking lot, we talked and hugged for about 10-15 minutes and he seemed to snap out of the dark mental state he was in. I told him that I accept and love him for who he is and he told me he loves me way too much to throw it all away. He opened up to me about wanting to expand our sexuality and try some new things. This opened the door to us talking more about our fantasies and I was actually surprised to realize that I had many fantasies, too (a lot more tame than his, though). We vowed to have more open communication and acceptance of either other's interests and quirks. He also told me that he was currently going through a post-trauma hypersexuality phase (I know all about this because of an incident when our older daughter was 3 months old and i though we had lost her - went into full blown panic mode before we found her underneath the futon that she rolled off and scooted underneath, then about 12 hours later, I went through a phase of hypersexuality where i literally felt like a teenage boy going through puberty... basically, i could empathize with him).

So we went to a sex toy shop and got a couple things he wanted to try and had some fun when we got home. we even watched some gay porn and he showed me the kind of stuff he likes. we even talked about the types of penises he likes. when we watch tv, we even talk about which guys are cute and stuff. we even discussed who in our social group we thought might be bisexual. i surprised myself because i even expressed that i have a thing for a girl in our social group, not that i would want to do anything sexual with her, lol. He says he wants to make a few videos of us having sex so he can watch them when he wants to. basically, this whole thing has really expanded everything that i'm open to currently and i even may be open to even more things as time goes on. he doesn't want to plan anything, just wants us to enjoy each other. he says he wants to be monogamous because he's really sexually attracted to me and i'm cool with him imagining i'm a guy sometimes. he's also SUPER freaked out about STIs and communicable diseases so the thought of actually doing anything with anyone other than me is disgusting to him. he just likes to imagine it happening from time to time while doing stuff with me. He also wants to participate in a drag show eventually, and i told him that i'd like to support him in that and i want to go see him in it.

we're both going to keep going to counseling separately and together sometimes (open invitation). His counselor is a family therapist that does the EMDR therapy for PTSD and my counselor specializes in LGBTQ topics. I think between the two of them, we have a great chance at truly strengthening our marriage. I am OVERJOYED at our "new normal." He feel so much better now that he can be his true self around me... the love we have is soooooo much deeper. It feels like we're dating again and it's so much fun... wish i wasn't just 4 weeks postpartum. lol

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February 6, 2019 6:19 pm  #4

Re: Husband told me he has "gay thoughts" 3 nights ago...

MomOfThree wrote:

...So since I made the original post.....


There is more than one type of MOM. Mine is monogamous.

Yours sounds, to me, like a relationship I would get away from as soon as possible. If I'm honest....it sounds a bit like the open r'ship I was in years ago.....one in which I was led by a desire to please my man, and naively thought it was for 'us'. I realised down the track it wasn't, it was so he could follow his bisexual fantasies with men. And the more I acquiesced to the things he liked...the more I felt devalued. Which is why, now, I insist on our MOM being monogamous or our 34 year partnership is over

The only advice I have for you is to try to see yourself as having more value than being there for his every sexual whim, because he's going to be having his cake, eating it AND expecting you to be accepting of it. 


Last edited by Ellexoh_nz (February 6, 2019 6:21 pm)

KIA KAHA                       

February 8, 2019 2:53 pm  #5

Re: Husband told me he has "gay thoughts" 3 nights ago...

i dont know where you got the idea that we aren't wanting to be monogamous. We both do.

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February 8, 2019 4:25 pm  #6

Re: Husband told me he has "gay thoughts" 3 nights ago...

MomOfThree wrote:

i dont know where you got the idea that we aren't wanting to be monogamous. We both do.

I apologise if I misunderstood. From where I stand in this journey....I couldn't trust a man who admitted desiring men, while promising monogamy...yet wanting to video you having sex, watch gay porn with you, shop for toys, and talking about wanting to participate in a drag-show. 
Sounds to me like he's promising you what he knows you want....all the while cajoling you into accepting things that must surely only emphasise and keep-to-the-forefront of his mind that which titillate his bisexuality.

KIA KAHA                       

February 11, 2019 9:18 am  #7

Re: Husband told me he has "gay thoughts" 3 nights ago...

Well neither of us are inside his head, so I'm not going to assume I know what he's thinking or his intentions. I'm just going to continue living my life along side him, take care of our children, and I'll just post an update annually or something (for the purpose of informing other of the possibilities for MOMs). We are both happy where we're at for the time being. All we can do is go with the flow, right?

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February 11, 2019 2:13 pm  #8

Re: Husband told me he has "gay thoughts" 3 nights ago...

MomOfThree wrote:

......... All we can do is go with the flow, right?


At this point....yes, that is all you can do. And keep reading the Forum and letting us know how you are. The straightspouse experience is not something that stays quiet and motionless. There will be underlying currents for you both....but don't let this become something unspoken between your husband and you, because it should be a subject you both feel free to talk about. 
I can't remember whether you've said you have somebody you can talk to about this, and I mean a friend, family member....because I know for myself financial constraints meant seeing a counselor wasn't possible all the time, and often it's better to have a friend who knows what you're going through as a sounding board, and who will keep your confidence.
I now have 2 good friends and 1 family member I can bounce ideas, frustrations and emotions off and feel safe in their friendship and advice

We are here for you Mo3   

KIA KAHA                       

February 13, 2019 10:48 am  #9

Re: Husband told me he has "gay thoughts" 3 nights ago...


I think it is hard when you have kids because you want your family to work out Nd you get desperate to fix things and to hope your family stays together.

The things is as a child both of my parents had mental break downs and even now they both can be complete selfish assholes. Dads a alcoholic and the are both on medication.
As much as they can be abusive I have tried to make it so I’m a better persona fb it doesn’t affect my kids or my partner. I try not to blame my childhood on any reasons for me being a crap person.
I think as  adult you make choices and you know right and wrong.

Saying he imagined you as your mum I think crosses the lines of fantasies and communication.
Unforchatly my husband has said he has fantasied about men when we had sex to but that’s pretty crap.

I don’t think it’s ok for him to keep doing these things and saying it’s from my childhood abuse because you now have children that he needs to be a better person for so they don’t end up affected by him doing things because his upset. Maybe he should cut contact with his mother or stand up to her if she’s affecting him like this?

I did buy toys, Porn and talk about fantasies before to but it gets to a really weird place where you no longer feel sexy or wanted yourself. It’s becomes about their pleasure.

Your a person to so please look after your feelings to. I’m sure what you’ve been through would be so hard and it’s really early days. Things change all the time and over the years.
Do set your boundaries and he is very lucky to have a supportive helpful wife like you.

I wish you all the best. I’m really sorry to because I could t imagine how hard this time would of been for you. Things I’ve been through personally hurt enough but I know how hard it can be when your a mother and dealing with all of this to and trying to make sense of it all.


February 15, 2019 10:04 pm  #10

Re: Husband told me he has "gay thoughts" 3 nights ago...

Thanks for the support. Luckily, he is willing to be open about his sexual orientation to several people: his parents, my parents (my mom, my dad, and my step-mom, who is also bisexual), his sister, his aunt and cousin (who is also one of my good friends), his best friend and his friend's girlfriend (who is also one of my good friends), and his high school sweetheart (who is another one of my good friends). I have plenty of people to discuss things with. Of course, I choose carefully to whom which details I divulge.

After seeing his counselor and psychiatrist, he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I'm ashamed I didn't see the signs (I'm a nurse, but psych isn't my forte, lol). He says that when he's manic, the thoughts come more often, but when he's leveled out, he doesn't feel that much attraction towards men... not sure how that works. For the record, I'm not saying we can medicate TGT away, lol, but whatever we need to do to get his moods leveled out, I'm on board. It's obvious he's sexually and emotionally still attracted to me. I have no doubts. Our communication is better than it has ever been in the 12 years we've known each other. Even outside of our marriage, I love this man like a best friend or a brother... unconditionally. And we are tied together forever by the 3 beautiful souls we created together. I'm in it for the long haul, no matter what happens down the line. For now, we're just taking it day by day, and I've never been happier.

Thanks again yall... I'll update periodically.

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