This forum is really helpful. However I did not find a lot of post about faith or similar values yet. How do you handle TGT as a christian wife. I know I can t change him but I want to believe that God can do anything he wants to. A part of me want toupee that this is just a phase that will end at some point.
I also know that disappointment can happen but how did your faith helped.
I think I gained so much faith through this. Trial by fire...hell on earth.
God would not want me/us to stay in an abusive marriage. I found comfort, strength, and solace in
my faith ..
I encourage all to read the psalms if they are in despair. This life is not our final place..
Yes, God can intervene, but will He? We have no way of knowing.
Your husband is an adult and is responsible for his own walk. That is the incredible thing about the God we serve, He doesn't need our help. If He wants to intervene and bring your husband back, He will. You need to concentrate more on you and what God wants for you and your children.
As Rob said, I don't think God wants His children to stay in abusive marriages - and especially use His name as justification for doing so. Remember Jesus came so that we can have life and have it abundantly. That won't always mean sunshine and roses, but it does mean joy and hope even in difficult times.
Just continue to seek Him. Be bold and ask Him to show you what it is He desires for you. Ask to see your husband with honest eyes - eyes not clouded by fond memories of the past. Release to your Heavenly Father the responsibility of caring for your husband.
In time, you will know what course of action to take and will feel peace about it.
I wish you peace and strength.
Beautiful posts so far!
You asked why we don't talk about it a lot here.. The reason is because matters of faith are highly personal and very different for everyone. In an online forum environment this topic frequently leads down a bad road where people get offended and have disagreements. When people post about their faith, others tend to jump to conclusions about the intent and feel that they are trying to push their beliefs on others.
Also, the SSN as an organization is NOT religiously affiliated. We recognize that faith is a very important component of people's walk, but we know that everyone has a different set of beliefs and we will leave the religious teaching to each person's church/mosque/synagogue/temple, etc..
So with these thoughts in mind, we typically don't talk much about religion. But that doesn't mean it's not allowed. You are welcome to share your feelings as long as you remember that others are welcome to different beliefs and respect everyone.
So the post above was me posting from the role of administrator of the forum.
Here are my personal feelings. Please remember that my personal feelings in no way represent the organization and I have no intent on speaking on behalf of the SSN on this topic.
I'm a very devout Christian. My faith and the support of my pastor and other strong Christian friends and family members were the biggest help in my journey.
I spent many years praying that God would somehow lead my ex to change so that she desired me and fulfilled me. I just refused to put a label on her and admit to myself that I thought she might not be straight. But the prayers were essentially the same.. "please change her into the straight wife that I thought she should be". After I found out she was lesbian and was having an affair with a married woman I still clung to prayers that God would change her and bring her back and restore my marriage. It didn't work. Here's the surprise: I'm so happy now that it didn't work.
I believe God has the power to create the universe, to move mountains, to bring the dead back to life. I believe in miracles. It would be silly then to think that God could not change a person, therefore I do believe that it's possible. But I don't think that it's likely to happen. Honestly I don't think there is value in "praying the gay away" because I think it winds up hurting most people in the long run.
My faith in God changed my perspective on my situation, which is what helped me survive it. Rather than seeing only the pain and loss it allowed me to find new beginnings, value in growing my faith, opportunities to use my experience to help others, and the chance to have a much happier and more fulfilling life. Only when we truly walk through the fire and are required to exercise our faith do we become strong and refined. Only the true experience of going through the pain qualifies us to help others through their own pain. Experiencing the worst sadness and severe loss allows us to experience true happiness without taking it for granted later.
I tried to be a good Christian husband and a spiritual leader for my family. I thought I failed when my ex left the faith and our marriage. The truth is that God had other plans to use me to be a good Christian husband and father for a different woman and her children.
Sometimes God wants us to let go of what we have today so that He can show us something better in the future and use us according to His plan.
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Last edited by Estella Oculus (May 30, 2019 7:18 am)
I too hoped that God would make everything better in our family. God hates divorce, I thought, so he will not let that happen to us.
But from a Christian perspective, there are 2 things that I think come into play in situations of TGT and adultery. One is that we live in a fallen world. Bad things happen. People can be disordered, selfish, narcissistic. The other thing that goes along with that is that everyone has free will. Has God tried to speak to my spouse and let her know she is on the wrong path? Perhaps He has, and perhaps things in life will unfold in a way to make that clear to her. But I don't believe He will force her to change. It is up to her to figure that out. And unfortunately for our marriage, I believe that by the time that happens, it will already be too late.
Estella I love Psalms. Lots of Prayer brought to mind these Biblical verses and songs. Psalms 26:4&5- "I do not associate with deceitful men and I avoid those that hide what they are.../ I hate the company of evil men and I refuse to associate with the wicked." The whole song is beautiful and for me a necessary read.
It reminds us that we don't have to allow ourselves to be with the ones bringing us down and shows whom we should be drawing closer to and relying on for support and help.
Tie that in with Romans 1:24-32, Lev 18:22, 1 Cor, 6:9... You'll get the picture. Those are just a few that keep me strong and determined to see the ones that cause the hurting are beneath us and have actions that are condemned by the one who knows all.
Hi Lolita ,
For ME, I believe my faith actually prolonged my suffering. I used to say that I wore out my knees in prayer and cried a river of tears for my still GIDXH. Of course I was deflected from the real problem with things like an ever growing drug addiction, etc.
I have not lost my faith. I put the onus on me, that I should have never married him in the first place. God certainly gave me clues that I shouldn’t have , but I went with what I wanted (free will you know). God didn’t make me stay and suffer, I choose to. Until, I finally saw the truth and found the strength to leave him. I haven’t lost my faith at all, just trying to learn to listen better.