As many of you here I found gay porn and condoms in my husband s stuff so I realized that I don t need more proof that he s having another life on the side. I actually found this kind of porn 6 years ago the first time and also 2 other incidents of condoms so I need to stop lying to myself and stop believing his lies. The problem is that after being married for 9 years it s hard to move forward. I still have o admit that being 33 yo, I m in a better place than the one who found in their 50s or 60s after 30 years being in a MOM without knowing.
I read the first aid kit list and I started some things already : Got tested for STDs, seing a counselor, planning to talk with a close friend (Who actually tried to tell me about TGT a few weeks ago but I was to afraid to listen) etc...
The part I m still struggling with is the fact that since I confronted my husband he moved in that honeymoon phase. Today he s cooking me breakfast, something he never did in 9 years, want to give me a massage later etc....
I don t see how I can reject these offers without being harsh. I tell myself that there s nothing wrong in the breakfast, but I m concerned about te massage for example.
I'd like to tell him that I m not willing to have intimacy, but it s sound crazy because that s the main thing I ve been complaining about for years. In fact my body, hormones etc...are probably craving for it so bad. How did you manage that ?
I think I m very vulnerable to this trauma bonding thing.
Forewarned is forearmed so it is very good that you understand that what you are seeing is a maneuver to re-secure you to continue to serve as his cover (and perhaps to go on denying to himself his gayness).
As someone who did fall for this tactic, which let me in for two fat years of additional hurt and trauma bonding, and made leaving that much harder, I think you are right to be worried about the massage, and smart to understand that you are primed to respond because you are in fact starved for what it appears he is offering to you. Remember that he is using what he knows of you--that you are starved for intimacy, that you have told him this--against you. This is a tactic, and manipulation, and is predicated on a pattern of dynamics in your relationship. The task now is to be able to put into practice what you understand.
I understand that it feels wrong to refuse (precisely because of that pattern), but I think there is a way to demur--that is, to say no by saying why you're saying no: "I'm not comfortable being intimate with you in that way," is one of them (or some temporizing variation such as "I"m not yet comfortable..." or I'm not comfortable being intimate with you in that way right now"), or, if your mind is made up to end the marriage, "It's no longer appropriate for us to engage in that kind of physical relationship." I am sure you can think of others ("I'd like to see my counselor a few times to understand my feelings better."). What you are doing in speaking to him is to cease to let him define the parameters, to move from reacting to acting, and to start drawing some self-protective boundaries.
You might even want to get on the phone and arrange with a friend to go out, or get out of the house, to put physical distance between you--a coffee shop, a movie, the gym, window shopping.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (January 2, 2019 11:53 am)
I’m right there as well. Trauma bodinding and the Honeymoon phase. Think about it, wouldn’t you do the same if you were him? He loves you and doesn’t want to loose you. He also loves to keep you and himself in denial (aka closet). I’ve asksd my husband to sleep in another room. That helps me a lot. he has asked many times to come back but I told him “This is how I’m comfortable.” You don’t need to be harsh. Just set boundaries so you won’t get caught in this honeymoon phase either. It will help you process things better. Trust your gut.
Thanks Mimi & outofHisCloset. I actually went to visit my friend this afternoon and I told my story. I felt so light after while I always tought that I would be ashamed and that I had to protect my husband and his secrets. For the first time I m really questioning my life. Is it everything to have everything in the surface ? Don t get me wrong my husband has a big job with matching social status. We have enough to live comfortably, but I still feel empty inside. Seeing my counselor again last week helped me realize that my unhappiness is not linked to what I recently discovered but I was already unhappy long time ago. Unhappy to the point I convinced myself that I do not needed to be happy. What a fool I was. Anyways thanks for your kind word. I feel like I can now talk to him clearly about my boundaries and I will definitely do later. It s hard to know that I will certainly hurt him but recognizing how hurt I was I definitely the only way to go through this.
Hi Lolita,
So good that you recognise the trauma bonding thing. I didn't and resuming intimacy only lets them resume the charade. As OOHC says, it will only rob you of more time. You are so young. I was about your age when I found gay porn, but with three young children, I just didn't want to force the issue. I believed the crocodile tears and the pledges of love. Don't fall for it. You are vulnerable, so protect your heart and go be with your family or friends who can give you support. Spend time treating yourself well. And really try to detach detach detach.... I still struggle with this as it is so hard with someone you love and care for... But good luck to you. Hurting him is NOT your main concern. Protecting yourself is....!
I was so unhappy for so long and denied it. When I tried to work on the relationship that was making me unhappy, it was turned against me. Now I see that I was talking to the very person who had ZERO interest in changing the relationship as it suited him to have a depressed wife who was blaming herself for not being happy with a partner who was mostly critical and contemptuous at a time as a young mother I was isolated and needed validation for all the hard work that raising a family entailed...especially for a perfectionist!
Acknowledge your unhappiness and make YOUR happiness the priority!
Thanks again for your support. I actually fell in the trauma bonding trap yesterday. I initially said no but probably not firmly enough so he kept going back. We also had a long conversation 3 days ago where I asked more and more questions but his. answers are still the same. I guess I wanted to believe it. I ended up having a massage and some king of physical intimacy. I told him that I could not have sex because I had a vaginitis and that he will need to buy condoms if he feels like having sex. I realize that I still need to feel like it is MY fault. So I definitely need to go to see my therapist to get rid of that. I realize it s not an easy path especially if you both still have feelings for each other. So I think I need a better plan in term of how to protect myself from this.
Having this moment of intimacy made me realize something actually. I did not wanted emotional intimacy like kissing or hugging. Just physical relief. I guess self-care can definitely help. In my sexless life I considered many times having an affair. I also have at least 2 very interested potential mates. I m afraid it might lead me to more confusion and guilt. Has anyone experienced this or maybe I could make a separate post for that ?
Hi Lolita,
My sister says the best way to get over one man is to get under another. I think that is true. So many of us here are traumatised and worried so much over these spouses who are experimenting with their sexuality and bringing us such pain and yet we keep going back to them for comfort. That is the sad thing and it is so hard to break that habit as you separate or try to find what you need to feel comfortable. It is so confusing. I remember I just kept going to him to talk it through expecting that somehow he would be able to help me understand or comfort me, but he and most GID spouses only want you to ignore and carry on as you have in the past. I did find comfort elsewhere which was after I clearly had separated, he had moved out, but we were technically married and he had the gall to call me a slut while we were in mediation. Seriously after dozens of random was and is still unbelievable. I wish you well. Life is short. If these 'potential mates' offer a shoulder to cry on and some other comfort, then if you are clear with your spouse, who is to judge you. This is a difficult situation and the only way is OUT>>>> but it is just so hard when you really do love someone.... I'm so sorry Lolita. Just try to get out and see clearly what will help YOU!
Wise words, I think, from Leah--Thanks! I needed them now, too.
So happy to help. I felt so guilty about my new lover, but looking back I don't think I would have gotten out of the marriage so cleanly without him. So I am grateful that I did that even if it did give my GIDX ammunition in the divorce, and he was so self-righteous about it saying it was worse for him because he knew it was going on and was so hurt etc etc etc. Hilarious in hindsight. But it speeded up the process for both of us and fuelled his exit from my life and his anger. It was just more of the selfish, self-serving shit sandwich I had been eating up to that time. Having a good looking, intelligent man who really pursued me just as my ex was continuing to tell me how it was all my fault and how there was no way to fix our relationship was balm for my soul - I hadn't even slept with the lover, but he was texting me love songs and poetry while my ex was sending me digs and asking if I wanted to divorce... challenging me thinking I wouldn't want to... seeing the blue sky ahead I was better able to jump.
lolita17 wrote:
Thanks Mimi & outofHisCloset. I actually went to visit my friend this afternoon and I told my story. I felt so light after while I always tought that I would be ashamed and that I had to protect my husband and his secrets. For the first time I m really questioning my life. Is it everything to have everything in the surface ? Don t get me wrong my husband has a big job with matching social status. We have enough to live comfortably, but I still feel empty inside. Seeing my counselor again last week helped me realize that my unhappiness is not linked to what I recently discovered but I was already unhappy long time ago. Unhappy to the point I convinced myself that I do not needed to be happy. What a fool I was. Anyways thanks for your kind word. I feel like I can now talk to him clearly about my boundaries and I will definitely do later. It s hard to know that I will certainly hurt him but recognizing how hurt I was I definitely the only way to go through this.
Are you sure they aren't linked?
My spouse actually tried to blame his cross dressing and transition on me by saying that I had checked out of the marriage long ago. Now, I never fully accepted blame for the trans thing because it was something my spouse did for a couple of decades before we even met, so to blame me is just ridiculous. The other part I was, at first, willing to accept some blame. See, while I hadn't checked out, I certainly wasn't making a huge effort anymore because I really was unhappy. I was just trying to hold on until retirement and hoped then we would be able to reconnect.
Then it hit me.... My pulling back was actually a reaction to my spouse distancing himself from me. He was spending huge amounts of time on message boards and who knows what else. I knew he was distracted and asked what was up many times, and each time I was told that it was something to do with work. (That is why I was holding out hope for retirement.) One time something happened and I KNEW he was being untruthful with me, so I never asked what was up again, and simply started to detach.
So, even though I didn't know it at the time, that detachment (and unhappiness) really was because of the trans thing. My spouse was not yet out, but it was definitely taking a toll on our marriage. And now he is using that to blame me, but I am no longer accepting blame for ANY of it.
I don't know the details of your situation, and maybe your unhappiness truly isn't related to TGT. I just wanted to share because sometimes we don't connect things that happened before our discovery to what was still going on without our knowledge, but they can definitely still be related.