I'm new here. I caught my husband enjoying himself watching transvestite porn "Chicks with dicks" I got sick I cried and cried, His reason was he couldn't find his other porn as I moved it...I didn't.... then he said some one at work put it in his truck. I said that would piss me off! because they would think you were gay . We fought over it and he said he didn't watch the whole thing just looked and took it out. What he didn't know was I had my web cam on and he was recorded watching it and jerking off to it. I was afraid to tell him and didn't. I got very depressed and attempted suicide that would have been successful if he hadn't come home early. So I finally confronted him he said he wasn't gay that he is a man and was just curious, I then told him I had him recorded watching it and very much enjoying it. He said he was ashamed that he watched it. How ever prior to confronting him I went through his computer and found he was file sharing which I don't understand how that fully works. Anyway lots of nude photos of men and photos of men getting it on and more gay porn. He has denied that anything on the computer was him. I have my own and you would never find any of that on mine. By the way it had all been deleted and I brought all the history back and that's how I found it. Someone had to be helping him because he is computer illiterate . He seldom ever gets on computer now even changed servers and Wi-Fi system because of file sharing?
Now we have smartphones which I never thought we would have as he never wanted to spend the money. He is very kind and attentive to me and wants to be married and tells me 100 times a day I love you and your so beautiful. Sex is still an issue if I'm having to ask after 55 days I know he has a sexual appetite and the Dr told us he is healthy and its in his head...after 10 years I don't know what to do and I'm tired of being sad and scared.......thank you for listening....... i'll share more later
MrsPiper, this is sad to read but not much different from so many other stories here. First off - straight men do not want to watch trans porn and certainly will not self-pleasure over it. With the deleted files it sounds like he is covering his tracks after being caught. Is the smartphone on lock-down, never out of his possession? Happily married people should have nothing to hide. The constant attention you are getting also sounds familiar to many of us. Once you are back in the closet it may start all over again. If you haven't already done so you should see a therapist, suicidal thoughts are nothing to trifle with. Does he have opportunity to hook-up? I would suggest you get yourself tested if there's the slightest chance or suspicion that he is meeting others. Yes the unknown is scary but it seems your present situation is no better. Please share more later and read what others here report about their situations. It may sound all too familiar. People here care and know what this is like. You're not alone and you didn't make this happen.
Last edited by Daryl (August 29, 2016 8:02 pm)
Thank you for responding Daryl! I have read some of the post here and it sounds very familiar I so hoped it was me as my husband has been telling me that for so so long. My gut told me no. I'm still in shock and not sure what I'm going to do. I do know I have to make some very uncomfortable decisions
I still feel like I'm dreaming and I will wake up soon! As I read the stories here I cried for their pain because it is so familiar and I know how painful my story is. I'm so embarrassed to be so foolish. ttys
MrsPiper - I'm so sorry you're here. I seem to have missed your story (I've missed a lot lately). Sometimes the new posts don't get marked for me and I end up missing lots of new stuff.
First - I'm so glad he came home and found you! No one is worth you taking your own life. Are you doing ok now? Have you seen any counselors to help you through this?
Second - good for you that you have him on video! Kel's recent post on lying is exactly spot on with your situation. Well, with all of us.
Keep posting. You'll find a lot of support here.
, Yes I'm fine Ty but I 'am going to look for a therapist. Had I not had the video he would have kept lying. at the time I asked him do you want to see it? he said no. I don't know how a human being could try to convince the one they claim to love that everything they feel is going on is in their head. I cant wrap my head around it, I would feel so guilty I wouldn't be able to live with it. I even feel like I am betraying him writing this. How messed up is that?. I'm going to read the post you suggest. Thank you so very much for your kindness! when does the shock and the feeling that it isn't real go away?
Last edited by MrsPiper (August 31, 2016 9:54 pm)
Ms P-
I experienced that same confusion, shock and pain when my GIDX wife of 36 years gayly jumped at the opportunity to live her golden years with younger women teachers she was having great sex with. She moved out. I changed the locks. ‘No fool like an old fool.’ fits these immature narcs.
As years pass, SSA folk get practiced and comfortable doing gay while deceiving their spouse (maybe thinking ‘She / he’s too old to leave me now’). Spinning stories and defining the dialogue may even be fun for SSAs.
My gay xwife gas lighted therapists that the main issue we needed to work on to save our marriage was my 'distrust of women'. I now attribute my Str8 distrust to catching an STD in our bed and her having furtive sex with a room full of people 2x a week. An excellent liar, she gas lighted five (5) marriage counselors with 'He didn't catch me. I didn't do it. He's crazy!'
SSA folk know who they are and what they want - cake. Words are just something they use to keep useful spouses (beards).
Closing words from the one counselor who really got her was, “You’re dealing with Satanism and it will last as long as you let it.”
Laurie Hall’s YouTube videos helped me understand Post RELATIONSHIP Stress Disorder in folk like us.
Transition to alone was hard, but much improved over daily facing her deceit and selfishness.
Rejoice that you know enough about your GID husband to exit him. Much worse for you would be years more of his treachery, while home basing in the comfortable, warm closet that you (the unknowing Str8 spouse) support. The brilliance of your situation is that you have so much life ahead of you.
Advice: 1) Use your professional lawyer, therapist, doctor team, 2) Keep your sympathy and finances for yourself. And 3) Close the divorce quickly and on your terms.
You have a brilliant new life ahead just beyond your 1) understanding, 2) acceptance, and 3) hard work.
Pray, exercise, rejoice, get the best lawyer, divorce ASAP, build a wiser life.
Best wishes for a fabulous future.
- John
MP - Even to this day, almost four years after the divorce and probably 7 ish years after discovery, I still feel like the shock hasn't gone away. It isn't raw or painful anymore but the whole feeling that "wow, did this really happen" never really goes away. To me, it feels like a different life time now, or maybe even that it happened to someone else. It's hard to explain. The pain does stop but I'm not sure any of us will ever really get to a point where we understand "why" because none of us would ever play those mind games or do anything like this to anyone, let alone a spouse.
I felt the guilt too, just like you mentioned. At first it was guilt for writing my story on this forum, then it was guilt over filing for divorce, guilt guilt guilt, and yet I wasn't the one who did anything. At one point I blamed myself because I thought maybe I was using the gay thing as an excuse because the fun had worn off (i.e. the lust, honeymoon, head over heels phase of any relationship). That was the hardest part. I had to let that go and realize that it was very black and white. Lies, deception, dildos, gay porn, those didn't fit into my relationship and I had no reason to feel guilt over leaving.
Thanks for the link and post John. I see it kind of dithers out toward in the end in content.
Still Wondering... your word resonate...I want to throw in a me too.. we could never do what they did.
My future remains unknown..better than the recent past of abuse sure. My past remains all questionable now. I need to stop wondering if she ever loved me and just assume she had an affair and chose to become gay. I need to stop wondering if I caused any of it (the guilt guilt guilt)..did my not being home at 2:30pm each day to get the kids off the bus make me a horrible neglectful husband? But to this day she will tell people what a horrible husband I was. She wants me to feel guilt but I didn't do so bad ...I could not have treated her better...I could not have tried harder. To quote StillWondering .." Lies, deception, dildos, gay porn, those didn't fit into my relationship and I had no reason to feel guilt over leaving". No I/we need to look forward now.. But my future life is unknown... I'm so glad to be away but no idea where I'm going.. For now knowing I'm away from her is good enough.
" But my future life is unknown...I'm so glad to be away but no idea where I'm going.. For now knowing I'm away from her is good enough."
I feel exact the same way, well said Rob.