OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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December 27, 2018 12:03 pm  #1

Just found out my husband is gay

My husband of nearly a decade just came out to me on Christmas Eve and I'm broken. He's the last person on Earth that I thought would hurt me: he's always my protector and the one that takes care of me. We have 6 pets, a house, just bought land right by the beach that we were going to build our dream home on. A place to retire to. We were going to be the fun Aunt and Uncle who had the cool house by the beach. We were going to have parties and sleepovers with our nephews and their s/o's when they got older. Neither of us wanted children, so a few years back I got my tubes tied. Something I've been wanting to do for a long time. But now I'm looking back and wondering if that was a mistake...
I realize this pain he's caused is unintentional, he wasn't unfaithful. He is really suffering and had never been so scared in his entire life. I've never seen him so upset about anything in our 12 years together.
He has always been very dedicated to his work. His time spent working has always been the thorn in my side, and the thing that we would fight about most. Lately he's been acting strange: avoiding me, not talking to me, not coming to bed at night, not wanting to be intimate in any way. I thought he was seeing someone else, which I thought was my worst nightmare. God, if I only knew the truth... THIS is my worst nightmare. This we can't work out, fix or talk through. He was supposed to be my forever. We've had an amazing life together. We've traveled the world. We've made each other extremely happy and we're so committed to one another. I'm not mad at him at all. He's my best friend, and we are going to figure this out together, and get through this through our love for each other with dignity, respect and hope for our futures whatever that looks like. I'm trying to be supportive and have a positive outlook, but I'm completely heartbroken and neither of us can imagine a life without each other.
He's told his brother and sister in law (whom I'm extremely close to)- advice from my old therapist to help get me through Christmas day with his family: so someone else knew what I was going through and that I was suffering. That was an awful day. A family friend at his parents house announced they just got engaged. It killed me. Their life is just beginning and ours together is ending. Luckily it was pretty chaotic and no one seemed to notice the shift. He's going to tell his mom and dad soon. I'm terrified of his father's reaction. He has made it very clear to everyone he hates gay people. I'm really hoping it will be different since it's his own son. There is so much on my mind right now, so many things to consider. I'm numb and can't imagine a future without my husband by my side. He wants to know what I want and I honestly do not know what to do or where to go from here.

Last edited by Lonelyheartsclub (December 27, 2018 9:49 pm)


December 27, 2018 6:18 pm  #2

Re: Just found out my husband is gay


I’m sorry.  I found out a month and a half ago that my wife was gay, and I completely relate to the shock and the painful thought of losing that person you are so in love with and attached to in so many other ways. So much of our hopes and dreams as you described are intertwined with that person.  It’s almost indescribable how devastating it was for me in the first week.
  It’s so helpful that you have people to talk to, including your husband. Sounds like your love and respect for each other is intact, which I have found to be really important for my journey. 
  Again, I’m sorry you have had to join this “ lonely hearts club “.  I’m glad you found this forum. I think you will find it to be increadibly helpful. 
  Take your time with things.  There’s no schedule.  Just breathe...


December 27, 2018 6:28 pm  #3

Re: Just found out my husband is gay

Lonelyheartsclub wrote:

He wants to know what I want and I honestly do not know what to do or where to go from here.

He’s likely been thinking about all this for a while, whereas you have just found out. Don’t feel like you should know what you want or where to go from here.  You want what you had already planned. You want what you thought you had.  He’s changed the game. 

Clarity on what is the best thing to do from here will come later after you have a chance to come to terms with things.  Just take one thing at a time.


December 28, 2018 4:29 am  #4

Re: Just found out my husband is gay

Lonelyheartsclub, how dreadful for you! I'm sorry that Christmas is ruined for you for the forseeable future. But welcome to the club that noone wants to join.
I completely agree with Jaybird. Please think of yourself. Even if he hasn't cheated (why disclose at xmas?) he has still had a heads up with this and you need the time to process the information and start to concentrate on you. You are correct when you say that everything has changed. Please look back at former posts. " We were each others' best friends" is a common theme. Maybe you'll stay friends, but the most important thing now is to concentrate on you. You have joint property.....you need to start thinking about what works for you. Try to assemble a support team who are there for you. It is very hard to cut off your support and caring for someone who has been the most important person in your life but, you must. You are the only person who will focus on you. Please take care of yourself!
I've just had my fourth Christmas on my own. My children (in their 30's) are wonderful and this year has been the first with my wonderful granddaughter. But it is still a very hard time. It's hard to have her opening presents with him. To be alone while they're all with him (and to have the "significant other" there with them) . But time does help to get used to living with any situation. Not to accept, forgive or forget, but to get used to the  new normal. You need this time now.


December 28, 2018 8:16 am  #5

Re: Just found out my husband is gay


So sorry you have ended up here, but this is a very helpful forum. The stories and advice a e invaluable to helping you through this journey. I am only 4 weeks in to this terrible situation that none of us wanted or even imagined. My wife Told me she thinks she is gay, and just as you describe you see the whole future you had planned just disappears. Jaybird is absolutely correct about our spouses being way ahead of us. They have been thinking about this for a long time. My wife is very supportive of me and my needs in dealing with this emotional roller coaster. Your husband seems to be ready to help you With your journey. With his understanding and your support network including us. You will slowly make progress.


December 28, 2018 9:55 am  #6

Re: Just found out my husband is gay

    One of the more difficult stages of this journey we're all on is that we have to learn not to depend on our spouses for help in processing the hand they've dealt us, and to take the step to distance (and then sever) ourselves emotionally from them. 
   I know this sounds harsh, and not something many want to do, or even believe must be done, but the more and longer you depend on your spouse to help you through the ending of the love relationship and the dissolution of the marriage bond, the more damage you do to yourself.  (And I can already feel and hear the pushback and denial that this must happen....)


December 28, 2018 11:01 am  #7

Re: Just found out my husband is gay

That is what must happen, But it has to be the hardest part. How to reach that point  escapes me right now. The mere thought just tears at my heart. A lot of us might feel as though we are giving up at that point. That there is nothing else we can do.  I’m not sure, but That’s how I feel. It may be pushing back against what we know logically must be done,  but I’m not ready to distance myself. Perhaps it is how new many of are to this journey. With time we will get there, but damn this whole thing just royally sucks.


December 28, 2018 11:22 am  #8

Re: Just found out my husband is gay

   It really does just royally suck.  It's so hard and so painful.  Leaving my marriage was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.  
   It helps to focus on yourself (for a change).  To ask yourself what you need, and what you want, and to tell yourself it's ok to focus on yourself.   Get a therapist to help you; get some exercise to feel strong and help your mood; do something at which you're competent, to remind yourself you are; see a friend and let yourself remember that others love and value you, and will help you get through this.  
  Those of us who've gone through it can say, though, that although you don't just flick the switch at some point, after which everything is ok, forever and ever, it does get better.  For one thing, living without the pain that hope continually raises its head and is then dashed by reality is a huge relief.  And once you're well through it and away from the person who is causing you pain--maybe not overtly but just by the fact they are withdrawing from you and your marriage--you can begin to heal, which allows you to see and experience pleasures in life that you'd either no longer been able to appreciate or thought you'd never again appreciate.  


December 28, 2018 12:42 pm  #9

Re: Just found out my husband is gay

I think I was holding out hope that maybe he was bi and just needs to figure it out but it doesn't seem to be the case. He admitted to me that whenever we was with me intimately he always had a movie playing in his mind. He said he did it for me so I could get what I needed. But was it, really?! In our most private, vulnerable moments his mind was on someone else. I feel like that's cheating and my life is a lie. I love him but I'm questioning everything...

     Thread Starter

December 28, 2018 12:47 pm  #10

Re: Just found out my husband is gay

I'm so sorry you find yourself here.

I've never understood why people choose days like Christmas Eve to deliver devastating news like that.  My cousin's wife announced she was leaving him on Christmas one year, and it ruined the day for him and the children for decades.  

When I had to tell our daughter about my discovery about her father being gay, I intentionally waited until after her senior year of college, after graduation, and after the post-graduation vacation she took with her friends.  

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

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