The day after my return from a 60th Birthday trip to Paris, I uncovered that my husband had a secret life, that included answering M4M CL ads, hook-up chat rooms, dressing in my clothing and photographing himself and I came to realize why there was a slow erosion for the past 3 years particularly in my 18 year marriage. The lack of intimacy, sleeping in seperate rooms, my GH overdrinking, lack of participation in our marriage, my lowered/non-existent self esteem...our marriage fell apart.
I wanted to bolt, but not in a financial position to do so. We remain together through what is a deep grieving process for me. So many thoughts, so many tears. Betrayal...but then again no blame. Who he is surfaced in the light of day and while he is firmly in the closet, he will not even admit to himself and explains it as something I wanted to try, vowing he never actually broke the marriage bond.
Now we head for getting loans, paying lawyers, arranging out of state move for me and move for him. The loss of my dog (child) (I have grown children from a previous marriage)
There is anger, blame, recrimination, non-coperation, understanding, back to sadness, anger. How did I get caught up in his sexual identity issues. Why is my life being interrupted, severed, broken. I know there are good things on the horizon and that I am not responsible for his transition (though so in closet, doubt will happen). It is a confusing time. And the secret. My sisters in law know - but will not tell his brothers. I have to keep it from our mutual community for cultural/religious reasons. Thank you for your support.
"vowing he never actually broke the marriage bond" - in his opinion or yours? Some might argue that thought is as serious as deed. If he's been hiding a secret life can you accept anything he declares with 100% certainty? Protecting the closet is often-times the most important thing to the in-denial spouse. It sounds like you have made some decisions and are moving forward. I wish you a speedy journey.
Last edited by Daryl (November 24, 2018 3:41 pm)
I'm so sorry you find yourself here. I got here only recently myself. How did you get here? You are here because your husband can't face what he is and thought he could either hide it by marrying you or he had enough of an attraction to you that he thought that would overcome it. Either way, he was wrong and so now your whole life is changing.
I wish I had words of wisdom for you. All I can say is that it is important to let yourself feel what you want to feel. You are entitled to every one of your feelings so go with them. Mine vacillate daily between anger and sadness.
Thanks for your words Daryl and jkc1214. When we were young he experimented with transexual sex through answering ads for prostitutes in the back of a tabloid, stating he found one by accident, even during our first year of marriage when I "caught him". He was as a "partier" and I chalked it up to youth and just that. Experimentation. There was so much right with our early marriage and partnership, that I think he, himself hid his own sexuality...even from himself; and still is, although he has been acting on it in private for at least 3 years that I know of. I knew later in our marriage (beginning year 10) that our intimate/sexual relationship lacked, that there was little or no PDA, hand holding, arm around the shoulders, he always walked ahead of me and had a repressed sexuality not expressive in bed, no real focus on mutual pleasure-it was more an act, which I did not subscribe to, didin't know how to change, so eventually I became withdrawn, unsatisfied. I even accused/suspecteddd/confronted him of being a GH - noting the difference between previous relations with HM. He did not want to build a social life for us of friends and entertaining. He drank to excess often passing out on the couch and began to become a workaholic, working long hours 6 days a week. Yet he was involved in our relationship, we travelled and made a beautiful home; he was generous and gave me a lavish lifestyle. I felt he threw money at me to make up for the lack of closeness and told me repeatedly what a good provider he was. My circumstance is unique in that there is an age difference of 15 years between us. So we entered different phases of life as well. He is very sad as well. We love each other and this is a difficult decision but I believe the right one for me. He would be willing/wants to stay married, however I no longer want to be without the affection, passion, intimacy and freedom to make a social life, friends etc....that I desire. I realize that I was a major caretaker in the relationship while he was too - he was not honest with me in any way. OMG I could go on and on. Betrayal is the main word here and frankly, shock...though hind sight is always 20/20.
Thanks for allowing me to write all of this in this forum. It is a relief to have a safe space to vocalize. I want to be brutally honest as I am struggling with this particular aspect of my discovery of my husbands in-denial low-down life. There is also something in me, while in this state of shock that is disgusted and feeling that my in-denial Trans, GH, possible Bi-sexual husband is disordered. I am not sure if this is Homophobia or conditioning? He even says that he is "F_cked up in the head". Is that normal for a Straight Spouse to feel? I accept clients and friends who are LGBT however have had some poor experiences dealing with LGBT persons in business and now in my own life, so I have resentment to begin with. I feel there is an element of mean and disconnect that is passed onto a straight spouse/co-worker/person, that the needs of LGBT person are more urgent, and cannot be controlled. When I think of his remaining ITC and in-denial I urge him to come out and remember that it will soon be none of my business. However when I think of the lifestyle he will live, the challenges he faces, I see it as disconnected, and without love and companionship and support, a little hostile and debase. I suppose it is opposite of what one may want from a hetero relationship. Very confusing. I don't want to think of him that way - but his CL responses completely shocked me. I didn't even know he had the language and sexual thoughts that he did. And I will never know the extent of it. Disbelief that I could have lived with this man for 18 years and never really knew him.
I'm so sorry you find yourself here. So much of what you've said, resonates with me. My husband used to joke that he hated public displays of affection, but his humor could be pretty weaponized. I don't think he ever understood how a small thing like "holding hands" or "walking down the street side by side" could be so meaningful to me. We'd go to Paris and he'd be walking ten paces ahead of me; I'd look at the other couples and I was so jealous of everybody else, who got to stroll down the street enjoying the atmosphere.
After 24 years of marriage, I figured out how to read his text messages, and I could see him using endearments and pet names for some of the guys he was cheating on me with, and it was just like a knife twisting in my back -- all that time he was just making excuses.
walkbymyself, I feel you. I became a super sleuth, my friends said I went "Columbo" on him. Which further freaked me out when I discovered how entrenched he was on his ITC, DL "online" lifestyle. I was encouraged by my tribe to stop the sleuthing (that he needs his privacy while he is figuring this out too) and understand that when we part, that is what he will continue to do, unobserved (at least for now), and that it is his journey to come to terms with or not and also his to reveal to others. The discovery is very painful. I understand. He is telling people, "We grew apart". I am also an attractive, sexy woman, which he acknowledges while ignoring that part of me. Someone said to me, "He wants to be you". That's an interesting theory, because he did dress in my clothing/photographing himself. It became a very lonely life. Did you leave your marriage? Am I allowed to ask that?