phoenix wrote:
How are you doing now? What challenges are you facing? What questions might you have or advice you might need? How can we help?
I’m doing much better now that I’m in counseling and have signed on here. What I need most and have been receiving from this community is support and knowing I’m not alone. This isn’t something I can talk to friends about because it is so shameful and would make them uncomfortable. I have told some family members so they know what I’m going through, cause let’s face it, I have changed and I’m not my best self right now.
My GID husband denies being gay and he’s probably (technically) right. I think that he might be trans (he won’t admit and I didn’t ask) and is attracted to men, so technically he’s not gay and therefore doesn’t feel like he’s being dishonest. When I confronted him about the porn he was able to deny it on technicality because at the time I didn’t use the right lingo, like sorry dude, Im straight and never knew that I would need to use the right terms. Like WTF, I never wanted to know the lingo or all the perversion that goes on in the LGBT world. Not that I hate on LGBT, I feel that you should be able to love who you love and not be ashamed. What I hate is being a straight female dragged into his sick mind. If he suffers in his head and is full of shame that is not my fault and never will be. I signed on to love, honor and respect him as a straight husband.
I know eventually I will break free, this won’t always be my life. How long that will take? Lord only knows because I am completely and financially dependent on him. So until that day comes where I can stand on my own two feet again, I will continue to reach out here and read stories and find encouragement that their is life after TGT.
I can't remember all the specifics of your story, so sorry if this isn't relevant, but If you haven't visited a lawyer, you should. It could be that you are due maintenance/alimony, and, if so, then leaving this situation is not a matter of "until that day comes when," but could be much sooner.
I haven’t visited a lawyer yet, it is on my list as the next step. My health is the main focus at the moment. I have some tests scheduled and am very anxious about the results. If they are not favorable I believe he owes it to me to take care of me through it.